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HomeCaffeineCan Caffeine Cause Hot Flashes

Can Caffeine Cause Hot Flashes

Learn More With Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

Is Caffeine a Hidden Cause of Hot Flashes?

The body has an amazing ability to heal. We just need to give it the right resources.

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, my goal is to empower and give you the tools to take control of your hormones and health.

More than 70% of women experience estrogen dominance. The symptoms range from lumpy and fibrocystic breasts to thyroid nodules, hot flashes, fibroids, uterine polyps, painful, heavy or irregular periods to infertility and miscarriages, from mood swings to insomnia, weight gain to fatigue.

So many women have experienced the pain and frustration that comes when they feel their symptoms and complaints are dismissed or minimized. This is particularly true for women who are experiencing the symptoms of hormone imbalance. Even when doctors do offer treatment, its typically in the form of prescription medication or invasive surgical procedures.

In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, I hope to show that those extreme interventions are often unnecessary, and to give women a roadmap to reverse estrogen dominance using food, herbs, supplements and natural protocols to rebalance hormones.

To get your copy of Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, go here.

Can Hot Flashes Cause Fainting

Feeling light-headed and dizzy is common when enduring an episode of a hot flash, sometimes causing unconsciousness and low blood pressure is the likely culprit for it. During a hot flash, your blood vessels dilate very quickly, which can cause a sudden drop in your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as drain the blood from your brain. And because your brain doesnt have enough blood flow to remain conscious, it stops sending signals to your muscles, causing you to lose consciousness and collapse.

You may also experience some or all of the following symptoms right before you faint:

  • Nausea

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What You Will Learn In This Article

  • Symptoms of Hot Flashes
  • Why Some Women Suffer More
  • Solutions for Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are the bane of many a peri- or post-menopausal womans existenceespecially since they are linked to insomnia and depression. While the mechanism of this irritating symptom isnt fully understood, there are things that can be done to lessen both the frequency and the severity of hot flashes.

Prescription And Nonprescription Remedies

Caffeine &  Hot Flashes

A number of non-hormonal remedies are available for the treatment of hot flashes. Some of these remedies are available over-the-counter but are not FDA-approved. Some prescription medications are used off label to help reduce hot flashes. Using a product “off label” means that it is not FDA-approved for the treatment of hot flashes, but is often used because it can be safe and effective for hot flash treatment.

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What Is A Hot Flash

Intense warmth. A hot flash is a sudden feeling of warmth around your body. It is typically most intense on your chest, face, and neck. Many people find that their skin becomes pink or red, almost like they’re blushing.

Because of the intense warmth, your hot flash may also cause you to sweat. If you sweat a lot, this could cause you to lose too much body heat. You might experience chills after the hot flash is over.

Other medical conditions can cause hot flashes but they are most commonly due to menopause. You may continue to experience them even after menopause has ended.

Hot Drinks And Hot Flashes

The main sources of caffeine for most people are coffee and tea. While caffeine already has a negative impact of its own on hot flashes, hot drinks can also raise body temperature. Even plain hot water can instantly make you flush and set off an episode. For this reason, coffee and tea are common culprits for setting off an outburst of heat at some point of the morning. If you do have coffee, opt for iced, but it would be preferable to choose a caffeine-free energizer, like a whole grain breakfast.

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Is Coffee Aggravating Your Hot Flashes

Researchers suggest women skip caffeine if they’re bothered by menopausal symptoms

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, July 24, 2014 — Drinking caffeine may worsen the hot flashes and night sweats that affect roughly two-thirds of women as they go through menopause, new survey data suggests.

“While these findings are preliminary, our study suggests that limiting caffeine intake may be useful for those postmenopausal women who have bothersome hot flashes and night sweats,” said researcher Dr. Stephanie Faubion, director of the Women’s Health Clinic at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

But caffeine — a stimulant found in coffee and colas — appears to have a different effect on women beginning the transition into menopause . In their case, caffeine might boost their mood, memory and concentration, the survey suggested.

The findings, published online July 23 in the journal Menopause, stem from a Mayo Clinic poll of more than 1,800 menopausal women conducted between 2005 and 2011. Symptoms were compared between caffeine users and nonusers.

Menopause symptoms can be challenging, but there are many management strategies to try,” Faubion said. One way to gain some control over bothersome symptoms is to be careful about what one eats, she added.

That means generally forgoing spicy food and hot beverages, as well as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, she said in a Mayo news release.

A woman generally reaches menopause — the time when her periods stop — after age 45.

Hot Flashes Are Often Accompanied By Their Own Set Of Side

Can Caffeine Worsen Your Menopause Symptoms?

Most women will experience occasional or frequent bouts of hot flashes as they enter the menopause. The feeling is often described as an intense heat that appears as if out of nowhere, gushing through the face, neck and chest and causing uncomfortable symptoms like sweating, flushing, palpitations, and anxiety.

As awkward and embarrassing as hot flashes can be during the day, they can be downright debilitating at night suddenly waking from your slumber to find yourself sprawled in a pool of sweat can make it near-enough impossible to get a good nights rest. Unfortunately, this exasperating experience is common for as many as 75% of women in the United States.

And as if dealing with this pesky side-effect of the menopause wasnt enough, hot flashes are often accompanied by their own set of side-effects, making it all the more difficult for some women to catch a much-needed break during this burdensome time.

You may or may not be aware that some of these issues are linked to hot flashes. So if youre having a hard time trying to figure out why youre experiencing certain problems, were here to help you connect the dots and offer some advice on how to deal with this unfortunate chain of events.

Order safe treatment for hot flashes

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Sugary And Fatty Foods

Studies show that overweight and obese people have a higher chance of suffering from hot flashes. This is, of course, compared to people in the normal weight range. Not only do excess kilograms worsen hot flashes, but it’s also harder to lose that weight as you age. Have in mind that it does take time to get rid of these symptoms altogether. Women felt their symptoms go down by 89%, upon losing 10 pounds. When they lost 20 pounds? Their symptoms went away completely. This is why it’s important to maintain a normal and healthy diet.

What Are The Risks Of Using Hormones For Hot Flashes

In 2002, a study that was part of the Women’s Health Initiative , funded by the National Institutes of Health, was stopped early because participants who received a certain kind of estrogen with progesterone were found to have a significantly higher risk of stroke, heart attacks, breast cancer, dementia, urinary incontinence, and gallbladder disease.

This study raised significant concerns at the time and left many women wary of using hormones.

However, research reported since then found that younger women may be at less risk and have more potential benefits than was suggested by the WHI study. The negative effects of the WHI hormone treatments mostly affected women who were over age 60 and post-menopausal. Newer versions of treatments developed since 2002 may reduce the risks of using hormones for women experiencing the menopausal transition, but studies are needed to evaluate the long-term safety of these newer treatments.

If you use hormone therapy, it should be at the lowest dose, for the shortest period of time it remains effective, and in consultation with a doctor. Talk with your doctor about your medical and family history and any concerns or questions about taking hormones.

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Tobacco Alcohol Caffeine And Other Drugs

Tobacco. Menopause is an excellent time to stop smoking. Studies show that success rates are higher when smokers quit while going through a life transition. On average, smokers experience menopause two years sooner than non-smokers and are at greater risk of heart disease, lung disease, bone loss, hip fractures, loss of teeth and premature skin aging. Women who smoke through and after menopause limit their treatment options. If you smoke and want to stop, your health care provider can give you options.

Alcohol. Research suggests that alcohol consumption can make certain menopause symptoms worse, including hot flashes, sleep disruption and depression. Drinking more than 2 drinks per day, or 10 total per week is of concern. Heavy drinking can contribute to an increased risk of osteoporosis, as it may cause calcium loss and other nutritional deficiencies. It also presents a greater risk of falls and bone fractures associated with unsteady footing.

Caffeine. Too much caffeine can provoke hot flashes and disrupt sleep. By limiting your intake of coffee and tea, you may be able minimize these symptoms.

  • Am I in menopause?

Questions Your Doctor May Ask About Hot Flashes

Caffeine &  Hot Flashes
  • How often do you experience hot flashes?
  • Have you noticed anything that seems to trigger your hot flashes?
  • Have you always experienced hot flashes or are they a recent development?
  • What other symptoms are you experiencing in addition to hot flashes?
  • Do you drink alcohol regularly?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes or live with someone who smokes?
  • Have you recently been injured?
  • Are you interested in hormone replacement therapy for menopause?

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The Two Factors To Consider Are The Intensity Of Any Menopause Symptoms And How Quickly You Metabolize Caffeine

For healthy women without adrenal fatigue, low energy levels, insomnia, hot flashes, osteopenia, or anxiety, moderate amounts of caffeine – especially in the form of tea can have health benefits without negative side effects.

However – if you’ve got out of control hot flashes, are having trouble sleeping, or are struggling with fatigue, low hormone levels, osteoporosis, or adrenal fatigue, you’ll make more progress in correcting these by avoiding caffeine until they’re all under good control.

Also take into account your caffeine metabolism. If you’re a fast metabolizer of caffeine you’re much more likely to tolerate it well. If you’re a slow metabolizer its best to avoid it while any of those struggles are occurring and to always use it in very small amounts nine or more hours before bedtime.

Q: How Long Will I Get Hot Flashes

A: On average, you may be looking at 10-15 years of living with hot flashes. Though they are sporadic, their unpredictability is very frustrating. Lets look at what you can expect:

  • 40s: This is when most women start perimenopause. Some hot flashes and night sweats begin.
  • 46-53: In the U.S., this is the average age for menopause, which is defined as 12 straight months with no period. Hot flashes tend to be most frequent in the two years after menopause.
  • Late 50s: Most women continue to have hot flashes anywhere from 4-10 years after menopause. But most of these will decrease in frequency and severity.

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Can Menopause Affect My Sex Drive

Yes, menopause can affect your sex drive but it doesnt mean your sex life is over.

Dealing with the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can make you feel less sexual desire. The symptoms can also affect your sleep and lower your energy which might make you not so into sex. Vaginal dryness and decreased sensation can also feel like a turn-off. Its also normal to feel a range of emotions, including anxiety, sadness, or loss while going through menopause.

If you lose interest in sex during this time, itll probably come back when your symptoms stop.

A pretty common symptom that can affect your sexual desire is vaginal dryness, which can make sex uncomfortable or even painful.

For symptoms that affect your sex life, trying one or more of these things can help:

  • Use water- or silicone-based lube when you have sex. You can buy lube at most drugstores or online.

  • Give your yourself more time to feel aroused. Moisture from being aroused protects sensitive tissues.

  • Have sex and/or masturbate more often. This increases blood flow to your vagina, which helps keep your vaginal tissue healthy.

Some people may actually find that they want to have sex MORE after menopause, because they dont have to worry about getting pregnant. This may give you a sense of freedom to enjoy a renewed and exciting sex life.

Menopause is a natural biological process. And while it marks the end of your ability to get pregnant, it definitely doesnt have to be the end of your sexuality.

How To Treat Athletes Foot

Can Candida Cause Hot Flashes

Due to the fact that Athletes foot is so common, even when practicing prevention procedures, people often develop the condition at some point in their lives. In most cases, Athletes foot can be treated with over-the-counter remedies that are available at local pharmacies. These treatments come in the form of creams, gels, or sprays that contain an active ingredient that stops fungal growth of kills off fungus completely. In rare cases, tablets can be prescribed for people who havent had success with over-the-counter treatment options. There are also natural remedies that people use, which include tea tree oil some herbal foot bath solutions, although there is not scientific evidence that they are effective.

Once you have treated Athletes foot it is important that you continue to use preventative care practices so that you dont develop it again. If you do also happen to suffer from hyperhidrosis, then getting treatment for it should keep your feet more comfortable and prevent you from developing Athletes foot as easily. There are many effective treatment options and it is important to make sure that you are taking proper care of the skin on your feet.

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What Causes A Hot Flash

Hot flashes occur when estrogen levels in the body drop. Estrogen is a hormone that is responsible for the regulation of the reproductive system in people with a uterus.

Falling estrogen levels affect the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls appetite, body temperature, hormones, and sleep patterns. The hypothalamus is sometimes called the bodys thermostat because of the role it plays in regulating body temperature.

A drop in estrogen levels can cause the hypothalamus to get mixed signals. If it senses that the body is too warm, it prompts a chain of events to cool the body down: The blood vessels dilate, blood flow is increased to the surface of the skin, and heart rate may increase as the body tries to cool off. Some people experience a chilled feeling after a hot flash.

Most hot flashes are caused by hormonal changes, but they can also be related to other health conditions, substances, and even certain treatments or medications.

Other things that can cause hot flashes include:

  • Alcohol

Common Hot Flash Triggers

There are four primary categories of hot flash triggers – food and beverages, environment, lifestyle, and emotions. Some factors are well-known and studied by researchers, while others are not as well understood. In your diary, write down the triggers that apply to you. When you have a hot flash, review the list and make a note of any of the triggers you think may have sparked the hot flash.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause

Women may have different signs or symptoms at menopause. Thats because estrogen is used by many parts of your body. As you have less estrogen, you could have various symptoms. Many women experience very mild symptoms that are easily treated by lifestyle changes, like avoiding caffeine or carrying a portable fan to use when a hot flash strikes. Some women dont require any treatment at all. Other symptoms can be more problematic.

Here are the most common changes you might notice at midlife. Some may be part of aging rather than directly related to menopause.

Change in your period. This might be what you notice first. Your periods may no longer be regular. They may be shorter or last longer. You might bleed more or less than usual. These are all normal changes, but to make sure there isnt a problem, see your doctor if:

  • Your periods come very close together
  • You have heavy bleeding
  • Your periods last more than a week
  • Your periods resume after no bleeding for more than a year

Vaginal health and bladder control. Your vagina may get drier. This could make sexual intercourse uncomfortable. Or, you could have other health problems, such as vaginal or bladder infections. Some women also find it hard to hold their urine long enough to get to the bathroom. This loss of bladder control is called incontinence. You may have a sudden urge to urinate, or urine may leak during exercise, sneezing, or laughing.

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