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Does Coffee Make You Depressed

What Is Samhsas National Helpline

Caffeine and Anxiety | Here’s What You Need to Know

SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Also visit the online treatment locators.

Lifestyle Changes That Help With Depression

Drinking coffee in moderation can provide some help with symptoms of depression. Try putting off your first cup of coffee until youve been awake for at least an hour. That gives your body time to produce more of a natural energy booster called cortisol. Its better to put your coffee breaks off until you need them, like the middle of the morning or afternoon when your cortisol levels drop.

If youre not a regular coffee drinker, try to reserve your coffee drinking for when your symptoms threaten to overwhelm you. Avoid drinking caffeine close to your bedtime so youre able to get a good nights sleep.

Eliminating sweet beverages from your diet can help with depression. You can still incorporate coffee into your diet by not adding sugar. People who drink unsweetened coffee have been shown to feel less depressed than those who dont drink coffee.

Another non-medical remedy you might want to try to help with depression is regular exercise. It helps elevate your mood and reduce the severity of your depression symptoms. You may find that youre able to wean yourself off relying on coffee because of the serotonin and endorphin boost you get from increased physical activity.

As always, your best bet is to speak with a doctor about your depression and talk with them about different treatment options.

What Organizations Can Do About It

As we mentioned earlier, this problem of being overwhelmed with work anxiety is not one-dimensional. Much of the onus falls on the system itself. Not ready to make the full commitment necessary, many organizations encourage their employees to take care of themselves or prioritize work-life balance while, at the same time, covertly/overtly making unrealistic demands in workload and time.

The positive side is that there are companies who have truly taken the task of supporting their employees as people with personal and professional lives to heart. These organizations stand at the forefront with fair wages, employing enough staff, and setting realistic work expectations, boundaries, and goals. Some top organizations employ life coaches, psychologists, and other support staff, offer employee wellness programs, encourage good nutrition through free healthy meals at work, provide access to fitness and game rooms, and provide unlimited paid time off, flexible schedules, the ability to work remotely, as well as resources to assist with daycare, legal issues, and in-home care to name a few.

Lastly, solid training for managers and HR in addressing employees as whole people and taking some of the onus off of the employee to find their own solutions to problems that stem from the workplace is another critical component to successfully supporting employees.

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Refined Grains And Refined Bread

All refined bread is an item I advise avoiding if you have anxiety. If you choose to buy bread, be sure to buy 100% whole grain or even better, sprouted grain bread, which isn’t refined at all, nor does it contain flour of any kind. Also stick to varieties without preservatives, sugar, or unhealthy fats. Even breads that boasts health properties can be lying to you, so turn over the product and read the label. Stick with varieties that are 100% natural, don’t contain high fructose corn syrup, enriched flours, hydrogenated fats, sugar, and that are overall less processed. Remember, unless it says 100% whole grain, it isnât, so be sure youâre smart about the label. By all means, avoid white bread, which is merely nothing more than sugars and starches that will send your blood sugar soaring, creating a crash later, which will leave you shaky, cranky and full of anxiety. An even better option is to only eat grains in their whole form, such as cooked oats, quinoa, and barley, which are the grain in its most natural form, free of any added ingredients. Root veggies are another great substitute for bread that will give your body the carbohydrates it desires without the blood sugar crash of white bread and other refined grains.

Caffeine And Caffeine Addiction

Coffee and Women

Caffeine is the most widely used drug worldwide. In the United States, coffee and soda are the top caffeine sources, whereas African and Asian countries tend to consume it in soda and tea. Caffeine is also present in many common foods , making it easy to over-consume.

When caffeine turns problematic is when it disrupts your life in a negative way, yet you’re unable to stop consuming it. Or you consume it in amounts that are potentially dangerous to your health despite knowing that it may be harming you mentally or physically.

Although caffeine addiction is not a formally recognized condition in the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ,” a manual used by clinicians to classify and diagnose mental health concerns, the publication does mention a few caffeine-related issues, such as intoxication and withdrawal.

Caffeine intoxication, caffeine withdrawal, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, and caffeine-induced sleep disorder are all recognized in the “DSM-5,” and caffeine use disorder has been identified as requiring further study.

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Can Caffeine Worsen Depression And Anxiety

Caffeinated drinkssuch as coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinkspep you up temporarily, but they may have a more insidious effect. They may worsen depression, insomnia, and anxiety.

Several studies have looked at caffeine intake and depression. For example, one study found that, among healthy college students, moderate and high coffee drinkers scored higher on a depression scale than did low users. Interestingly, the moderate and high coffee drinkers also tended to have significantly lower academic performance. There is a reason for this effect and it relates to the chronic effects of caffeine on the brain.

Several other studies have shown that depressed patients tend to consume fairly high amounts of caffeine . In addition, caffeine intake has been positively correlated with the degree of mental illness in psychiatric patients, especially related to panic disorders and depression. The link is strong, but largely ignored by conventional mental health practitioners and facilities.

After baseline psychological testing, the subjects were placed on a caffeine- and sugar-free diet for one week. The subjects who reported substantial improvement were then given either a capsule containing caffeine and a Kool-Aid drink sweetened with sugar, or a placebo capsule containing cellulose and a Kool-Aid drink sweetened with an artificial sweetener, for up to six days.


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Take Time To Fill Your Tank

Meditation, yoga, quiet time, exercise, breaks, breathing, quality sleep, good nutrition, and hydrationjust to name a feware all scientifically proven ways to reduce our internal stress and better manage our energy. On top of good self-care habits, taking the time to do whatever it is that fills your individual tank is crucial to feeling less overwhelmed with work anxiety. I frequently ask my clients which car will make it on a cross-country trip: the car you stop and put gas in, checking the oil and tires intermittently, or the car that you just keep driving?

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Coffee And Caffeine Are Anti

Theres a promising theory that depression is not caused by neurotransmitter imbalances, but is a result of chronic brain inflammation.

A little-known fact about the brain is that it has its own immune system.

Immune system messengers called cytokines can activate inflammation in the brain, destroying tissue and altering brain function.

The release of pro-inflammatory cytokines can contribute to:

  • depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • increased risk of suicide

Coffee contains a slew of anti-inflammatory compounds chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, nicotinic acid, trigonelline, quinolinic acid, tannic acid, and pyrogallic acid that can reduce the brain inflammation associated with depression.

How Does Coffee Affect Your Mood

Does Coffee Help You Sober Up? | Alcoholism

When it comes to your overall mood, the thing you should think about is how your body responds to caffeine as this is the primary issue for most peopledepression or anxiety asideand our bodies have different sensitivities to caffeine.

Some people can drink espresso right before bed and have no trouble sleeping but for others, it could guarantee a night of restlessness with lots of tossing and turning! And poor sleep contributes to irritability, less resistance to dealing with life stressors as well as other poor health indicators, and hence, lowered mood.

Getting a good nights sleep is essential especially when dealing with chronic anxiety. So, if you fall into this camp, then it might be good for you to moderate your coffee consumption or even just evaluate and assess for yourself to see what the impact might be on a period of time with no caffeine.

Its important that you get to know your body and how it reacts to different substances and environments. Running a little experiment on yourself can be a fun way to get to know and understand your body and how you metabolize caffeine.

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Foods And Drinks To Avoid

There are some foods and beverages that people with depression should try to avoid when looking to counter the effects of the condition.

One of the main foods to avoid is refined sugar. Whether a person stirs it into their hot drink or eats it in the form of a candy bar, refined sugar provides an immediate rush.

After the rush passes, however, people may feel depleted and lower in mood than they were before they consumed the sugar.

Other foods that people with a high risk of depression should minimize or avoid include:

  • Artificial sweeteners: A

Its Easier Than Ever To Overdo Caffeine Consumption

There are more sources of caffeine than ever before.

You expect to find it in coffee, tea, chocolate, and cola soda, but its also hidden in prescription drugs, over-the-counter painkillers, non-cola drinks, vitamin waters, brain tonics, and even in vitamins and herbal supplements.

Caffeine is commonly added to so-called brain supplements, often as part of a proprietary blend which means that the label doesnt tell you how much caffeine the supplement contains.

The amount of caffeine in energy drinks can be deceiving since some of the serving sizes of these drinks are so small.

5-Hour Energy Shot contains a jaw-dropping 100 mg of caffeine per ounce.

Another problem is that labels arent always accurate.

Sunkist orange soda lists 41 mg of caffeine on its label, but in fact, was found to have almost six times as much caffeine at 240 mg per bottle.

Caffeines effects are consistently underestimated.

According to the book Caffeinated, heres what escalating amounts of caffeine can do to you:

  • 1/64 teaspoon will give you a subtle boost
  • 1/16 teaspoon can lead to addiction
  • 1/4 teaspoon causes acute anxiety
  • 1 tablespoon is enough to kill an adult

Its thought to be virtually impossible to drink yourself to death with naturally occurring caffeine.

But now, pure caffeine pills and powder can easily and inexpensively be purchased online, making caffeine overdose a reality.

Sadly, there have been numerous deaths caused by caffeine powder overdose.

Also Check: Is Caffeine Good For Gout

How To Reduce Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal should only last between two and nine days, with peak intensity of symptoms occurring 2451 hours after caffeine is cut out (

While these symptoms are usually short-lived, they can be uncomfortable and make life difficult.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the chances of experiencing these unpleasant side effects.

Try the following tips to reduce or completely avoid symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

  • Cut back slowly: Quitting cold turkey can shock the body and make withdrawal symptoms worse. Gradually weaning off caffeine can reduce the chances of experiencing unpleasant side effects.
  • Reduce caffeinated beverages: If youre used to drinking full-strength coffee, start drinking half-decaf, half-regular coffee to slowly reduce your dependence. Even better, swap one of your coffees for a decaf herbal tea. Shop for herbal tea online.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial when cutting out caffeine. Dehydration can worsen symptoms of withdrawal, such as headache and fatigue (
  • 21 ).
  • Boost energy naturally: If your energy levels have taken a hit after giving up caffeine, try incorporating natural sources of energy like exercise, nutrient-dense foods and stress reduction techniques into your routine.

Summary Slowly cutting back on caffeine, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep and finding alternative sources of energy are ways to decrease caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

The Worst And Best Caffeinated Drinks If You Have Anxiety

Can Coffee Make You Less Depressed?

Not all sources of caffeine are equally beneficial or detrimental.

Soft drinks contain synthetic caffeine, loads of sugar, and have no nutritive value.

Energy drinks are no better even though they may contain some added herbs or vitamins.

The International Society of Sports Nutrition has concluded that any performance enhancement from energy drinks comes from caffeine and sugar, NOT from these added nutrients.

Traditional caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and yerba mate contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients that offer major health benefits and actually build a better, healthier brain.

If youd like to continue to drink some caffeine to stay alert and productive, theres no better drink than green tea.

Green tea will help you stay simultaneously calm and focused due to two unique compounds, EGCG and l-theanine.

EGCG is a potent antioxidant that can improve your mood and make you more resilient to stress by moderating brainwave activity and increasing the calming neurotransmitter GABA.

One study found EGCG to be as effective at relieving anxiety as the anti-anxiety medication benzodiazepine.

L-theanine is a relaxing amino acid that causes an increase in alpha brainwave activity, putting you in a state similar to that experienced during meditation.

Read Also: Does Snapple Tea Have Caffeine

Recommended Reading: Is There Caffeine In Snapple

Top 15 Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

  • HeadachesA caffeine headache usually starts behind the eyes and then moves up the front of the head.
  • SleepinessThis just isnt your normal tiredness, this is sitting up straight but still cant keep your eyes open tiredness.
  • IrritabilityEveryone and everything gets on your last nerve. Its best just to lock yourself in your room during this stage.
  • LethargyForget about productivity at this stage because youll be unmotivated to do anything from the sudden drop in your dopamine levels.
  • Constipation
  • Caffeine withdrawal can cause some people to lose their sense of equilibrium and experience vertigo.
  • Heart Rhythm AbnormalitiesSince caffeine also stimulates the heart muscle, some people experience changes in their heart rhythm during withdrawal. Both low blood pressure and even palpitations have been reported.
  • Need help reducing caffeine ?

  • – it’ll help you understand what caffeine is doing for you.
  • Consider trying the Wean Caffeine supplement . It helps avoid the painful withdrawal symptoms that occur when quitting caffeine.
  • Benefits Of Quitting Coffee

    1. Saves Money

    It may seem like a minor expense, but keeping coffee in your routine can start to slowly stack up over time. This is especially true if youre swinging by coffee shops every day on your way to work.

    According to research from the NPD Group, the average consumer spends about $3 on a single cup of coffee, which adds up to $90 a month, or $1095 a year and thats if youre only drinking one cup per day.

    2. Improves Mood

    Many people dont realize just how much of an effect coffee can have on your mood. It can cause stress, anxiety, nervousness and caffeine jitters, which can make it difficult to concentrate and focus during the day. It can also contribute to lack of sleep, which can make you even more irritable and grouchy the next morning.

    A coffee detox is a simple strategy to improve your mood, fight anxiety and keep you feeling your best all day long.

    3. Whitens Teeth

    Drinking coffee can stain your teeth, erode your enamel and contribute to bad breath. Swapping coffee for a cup of water or herbal tea is a simple way to improve oral health, whiten your smile and freshen your breath.

    4. Supports Better Sleep

    Its no secret that caffeine is a stimulant, meaning it increases energy levels and alertness. While this may be great during the workday, its not so stellar when it comes to your sleep schedule.

    5. Reduces Your Environmental Impact

    6. Boosts Productivity

    7. Increases Weight Loss

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    Caffeine Dosage For Depression

    Lets look at what research has found about the ideal caffeine dosage for depression.

    To Lower Your Risk

    If your goal is to lower your risk of depression, the Nurses Health Study, which followed over 50,000 women for 10 years, can provide some guidelines.

    Drinking 2 to 3 cups per day reduced the risk of depression by 15% over the course of the study.

    Drinking 4 cups of more lowered the risk by 20%.

    To Improve Your Mood

    But if your goal is to use caffeine to improve your mood now, the answer is not at all clear-cut.

    There are many variables that impact how efficiently your body metabolizes caffeine:

    • your general health
    • your genes

    So, you will have to determine your ideal caffeine dosage by trial and error.

    Start low, around 100 mg per day, and gradually work your way up to larger amounts.

    Notice how you respond.

    The US Food and Drug Administration has set the upper safe limit of caffeine intake at 400 mg per day.

    At higher doses, caffeine becomes counterproductive by increasing anxiety and insomnia.

    This is not a good trade-off, especially for people who have both depression and anxiety, which is very common.

    This chart provides a general idea of the amount of caffeine in popular caffeinated beverages.

    Brewing Coffee Is Much Easier Than Making Tea

    Are You Sensitive to Caffeine? Caffeine Addiction, Anxiety, Depression & Your Genetics & Symptoms

    Yes, the process of tea making is quite more challenging than coffee brewing. The right amount of milk, sugar, tea will let you prepare a cup of tasty tea. If the amount is wrong, the taste will be dull for sure.

    While using an affordable coffee maker, preparing coffee is much easier. Coffee makers help you to measure the right amount of the ingredients precisely. This way, a novice can also make a cup of delightful coffee.

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