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Can Caffeine Cause Back Pain

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much

COACH DANA CAVALEA: Could to much caffeine be causing your back pain?

Before we get into the murky waters of discussing caffeines interaction with pain, we need to address the issue of how much caffeine is considered normal vs. excessive.

Due to the rapid and demanding pace of modern life, caffeine consumption is increasing around the world. People of all ages are studying or working more and sleeping less, and caffeine presents an effective alternative to combat the effects of fatigue and exhaustion. Many individuals are actually unaware of the amount of caffeine they consume on a daily basis and often fall into overconsumption.

Given that the Wold Health Organization recognizes caffeine dependence as a clinical disorder, its an important question to ask, how much is too much?

For the most part, caffeines characteristics make it a substance whose use has a high safety margin. Caffeine absorption after oral administration is rapid and thorough. It is distributed in most body tissues and crosses the blood-brain barrier very easily, which explains its potent stimulant effects.

Most of the worlds health agencies recognize that low to moderate doses of caffeine present with no complications on health.

It is important to note that if consumption of caffeine is done in a self-administered manner , it is recommended to not exceed a daily dose of 400 mg. To put that into perspective, consider that a 16 oz. cup of Starbucks Blonde roast packs about 360 mg!

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How To Determine If Chronic Back Pain Is From Adrenal Burnout

If you suspect that adrenal burnout is causing your chronic back pain, here are some simple at-home tests to determine if you are on the right track as described by Dr. L. Wilson MD:

  • First, take a fork and run it gently across the inside of your forearm. Within about 10 seconds, the lines should turn red. If the lines dont turn red very readily, this can be a sign of adrenal fatigue. This article contains other little known adrenal fatigue symptoms for you to check such as wrinkles on the underside of your fingertips.
  • Another way to test your adrenals is to lay down on the floor for a few minutes and then get up very quickly. Does your blood pressure drop and do you feel lightheaded like you might even pass out? This is another sign that your adrenals are struggling.
  • The final test is to take a flashlight and look in the mirror. Shine the flashlight into one eye and notice if the pupil very quickly contracts as it should. If not, adrenal weakness is a likely cause.

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What Does Caffeine Do

Caffeine can help you feel alert and focused. But it also can cause anxiety, stomach upset, headaches, and the jitters. Caffeine can make it hard to sleep. How someone reacts to caffeine depends on a persons age, weight, gender, and caffeine sensitivity.

Caffeine sensitivity is the amount of caffeine that will cause symptoms. This varies from person to person. But people who regularly have a lot of caffeine become less sensitive to it. This means they need more caffeine to get the same effects.

Caffeine increases heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones. People with some medical conditions should avoid caffeine. Talk to you doctor about your caffeine consumption if you have high blood pressure or heart problems, are taking medicines or over-the-counter supplements, or are dealing with stress or anxiety.

Caffeine Sleep And Chronic Pain

Is Caffeine Causing Your Back Pain?

The majority of studies agree that not having enough sleep or having poor quality of sleep predisposes people to chronic pain, increases the severity of the symptoms, and the recurrence of the attacks because it is associated with hyperalgesic changes. In other words, when you dont sleep properly, your body starts feeling pain differently.

Its well known that excess caffeine intake, or consuming it too late in the day can negatively impact ones ability to get to sleep. This reduces total sleep time, thus increasing the likelihood of creating more problems with pain sensitivity.

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Avoid Caffeine Withdrawal By Tapering Off Properly

Gradually reducing your caffeine intake over a period of days or weeks reduces the likelihood you will experience any caffeine withdrawal symptoms at all. Research shows that tapering off 25 percent every two days will work best for avoiding symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

But even just 15 to 25 mg twice per day, upon awakening and the early afternoon, can help with some of the symptoms, according to Dr. Ali Canton, MD, of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, whose research team presented a review of the scientific literature looking at caffeine withdrawal at the American Psychiatric Associations annual 2013 meeting.

Dr. Canton is referring to the fact that doses of caffeine significantly less than ones usual dose may be sufficient to prevent and treat caffeine withdrawal symptoms .


How Long Should Indigestion Last

The uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn can last for two hours or longer, depending on the cause. Mild heartburn that occurs after eating spicy or acidic food typically lasts until the food has been digested. Heartburn symptoms may also return several hours after they first appeared if you bend over or lie down.

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Caffeine May Increase Pain Tolerance

A plant-based diet may also help you withstand pain.

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Consuming caffeine regularly may increase the ability to withstand pain, a small study suggests.

Researchers recruited 62 men and women, ages 19 to 77, and had them record their daily caffeine intake from coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks and chocolate. They averaged 170 milligrams of caffeine a day, about the amount in two cups of coffee, although 15 percent of the group consumed more than 400 milligrams a day. The study is in Psychopharmacology.

After seven days, they took the volunteers into a laboratory to test their pain tolerance using calibrated devices that gradually increased heat or pressure on a volunteers forearm or back. The people pressed a button on a hand-held device first when the sensation became painful, and then again when it became intolerable.

The experiment controlled for sex and race, current tobacco use and alcohol consumption, among other variables that could affect pain sensation. Still, they found that the more caffeine consumed, the greater the tolerance for pain.

Diet can actually be a useful intervention for decreasing pain sensitivity, said the lead author, Burel R. Goodin, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Its not just caffeine. A study has shown, for example, that a plant-based diet can actually help increase pain tolerance.

The Effects Caffeine Has On Your Heart

Why food may be behind your back pain

Why do so many of us drink a cup of joe on the regular? The most common answer is because it wakes us up and serves as a pick-me-up. The more technical answer, however, is that it stimulates the central nervous system and the acid in our stomachs. This increases blood pressure and, in some cases, makes the heart beat faster.

Typically, those that experience chest pain from caffeine are those who are sensitive to caffeinated drinks. How? If the heart is beating faster than usual and blood pressure is high enough to decrease blood flow to the heart, the effect is likely to be chest pain.

However, these effects arent likely for most people. Most times, chest pain after drinking coffee or tea results from acid indigestion. If youre someone with caffeine sensitivity and are trying to cut back on coffee, you dont need to quit Starbucks altogether. Instead, opt for less caffeinated beverages. Here is a list of their most caffeinated beverages.

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Caffeine Caused Me Back And Shoulder Pain

I drank more and more caffeine throughout my teens and adult life. I got to the point to where I would drink four to six cups of coffee in the morning. Id then drink coke and tea all day long. At times Id rather have drank a big glass of tea than eat. I did this for 20 years and thought nothing of it.

At the same time, I also started having pains. My back hurt. My shoulders hurt. I would get up in the morning and I would have to walk around bent over for a while before I could straighten. It would take me 30 minutes in the morning to loosen my body. I felt arthritic, although my x-rays were normal. Working while in pain was a big strain. I couldnt wait to get home so that I could take a nap. I was frustrated, because nobody knew why I was hurting so badly. My doctors wanted to treat me for depression, because I otherwise looked fine they thought the pain was in my head.

One day I woke up and my left shoulder was very swollen. It hurt tremendously, but I could not feel my fingers. I could lift my arm only a couple of inches. My shoulder was useless, and I could not do anything with my hand due to the numbness.


My suggestion is to drink a lot of water. And I mean a lot. It flushes all of the toxins out of your system, toxins that could cause swelling and pain. Think about what you are eating and drinking. You may not realize that what you eat and drink are causing problems, but they may be doing just that.

Posted at 11:41 AM in Columns|Permalink

Coffee Can Create Joint Pain And Body Stiffness

Most Neck, Back and Joint Stiffness and Pain are Caused by Unhealthy Lifestyles and Underlying Thyroid Dysfunction

I have found in my holistic practice that the number one most common cause of most body stiffness from neck, back and joint stiffness and pain, also including arm, elbow, hand, leg, knee and foot problems and also including exacerbation of chronic fibromyalgia pain, is slouching during waking hours and sleeping on the abdomen, sleeping with the arms and hands above the shoulders, sleeping on the same side or painful side most of the time, and sleeping in a twisted position that interferes with the blood and nerve circulation to the muscles and joints that cause stiffness and pain. This type of stress cannot be relieved by simply booking a beach house and relaxing in one of St George Island rentals.

The number two cause is diet and lifestyle related toxicity caused by unhealthy foods, milk, cheese, ice cream, chocolate, MSG, coffee, wine, beer, alcohol, cigarettes, street drugs, medications and anything that poisons the body that stresses, irritates and spasms skeletal muscles that pull the neck, back and joints out of alignment and fixate them causing joint stiffness and pain. Recent Finnish studies also directly link coffee and joint pain. The number three cause is low thyroid function indicated by a basal resting temperature below 98.2 F that does not allow the needed warming effect of muscles and connective tissue that leads to joint stiffness and pain.

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Spasms Caused By The Abdominal Muscles

Muscle spasms felt within the rib cage may also be caused by the abdominal muscles.

The major abdominal muscles include the transverse abdominals, the rectus abdominis, and the external and internal oblique muscles.

The rectus abdominis runs between the ribs and the pubic bone and supports movements between the rib cage and the pelvis.

Similar to other muscles in the body the abdominal muscles can have spasms that can occur from muscle strain, over-use, fatigue, and dehydration.

According to Health Grades, abdominal spasms that are abnormal can occur as the result of acute disorders of the intestines such as bowel obstruction, perforation, or diverticulitis.

Gallstones, hernias, and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm may also cause muscle spasms.

If abdominal muscle spasms are caused by strenuous exercise, the problem is not serious and can be treated easily at home through massage or stretching.

However, if the need to stretch or massage muscles regularly due to cramps and spasms, consider the possibility that there might be a serious underlying cause that may need treatment by a medical professional.

Spasms that are not exercise related but are persistent or severe require immediate medical attention.

If the spasms are accompanied by green or bloody vomit, blood in the stool or urine, chest pain, confusion, or a high fever, you should seek immediate health care.

Treating Chronic Back Pain And Depression Comprehensively

Back pain diet: Prevent lower backache symptoms with ...

There is a treatment for back pain and depression at the same time. Be that as it may, its vital that the medical professional you are working with knows both depression and lower back pain are present so that they can come up with the appropriate plan.

If you only tell them that you are depressed, they may provide prescription medication to alter your mood and suggest counseling, not knowing that your back is keeping you from living your life. Then, when things arent getting any better due to a lack of both a prescription medication for back pain and depression, it can be highly confusing for everyone.

Instead, there need to be several different treatments included in the plan to ensure the best results. Some appropriate treatments for depression include:

  • exercise
  • antidepressant medications
  • surgery

When comparing depression and back pain treatment, you can quickly see similar treatment options for both problems. For example, regular exercise and a proper diet. Moreover, depression, back pain, and sleep are also related, as sleep is used to treat both conditions.

These mutual treatment options should be implemented first, and then if additional help is needed, the others can be added in. Its always recommended to start with the least invasive method to reduce the risk of side effects and other issues.

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Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms And Daily Life

As noted above, these symptoms are known to impair our ability to function in normal daily activities. A person is considered to be suffering from caffeine withdrawal syndrome if symptoms cause significant distress in their interactions with others, work, or other important areas of functioning.

Because of their caffeine withdrawal symptoms, people may be unable to work, study, exercise, or care for children. They may fall asleep at work, end a vacation early, miss a religious service, or cancel a social gathering. About 10 to 55 percent of caffeine users who stop will experience this type of significant functional impairment.

Soft Drinks And Caffeine Can Hurt Your Kidneys

You may have heard people say that caffeine, soft drinks, or those energy drinks can be bad for your kidneys and even cause renal failure. Well guess what? They werent joking when they said that!

I have always enjoyed the occasional soft drink, especially with a really big meal. There is nothing quite like the taste of a coke with a good pizza or steak dinnerahh.

But unfortunately, my occasional enjoyment of the soft drinks progressed from a couple of soft drinks per week, to 1 soft drink per day, to a couple of soft drinks per day, to sometimes as many as 3. This all occurred over a 8 month period slowly, and I have regularly consumed 2 soft drinks per day for the last 2-4 months at least.

I knew it probably wasnt good for my body , but I kept chugging them down with every meal anyway, not really realizing that I was over-doing it big time. Well, that was until about 2 weeks ago, when my kidneys started to KILL me!

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What Foods And Drinks Contain Caffeine

The most commonly caffeinated beverages are coffee, tea, energy shots, and soda. They all contain different levels of caffeine, but nonetheless, its there. Some foods contain caffeine like chocolate and some drugs . When in doubt, check the list of ingredients before taking medication, as they may contain high amounts of caffeine.

To give you an idea, here is the caffeine intake you can expect from the following drinks and foods:

  • Coffee: Anywhere from 102 to 200 mg
  • Espresso: Anywhere from 240 to 720 mg
  • Energy drinks: Anywhere from 50 to 160 mg
  • Soft drinks: Anywhere up to 40 mg
  • Chocolate: Anywhere from 15 to 35 mg

Could Coffee Be Contributing To Your Back Pain

2 Most Important Supplements to Break Your Caffeine Habit (Withdrawal) – Dr Mandell

When it comes to coffee, were used to reading articles around its perceived health benefits or stressors. Or, if like me, you dwell around the northern parts of Melbourne you can recognise roast lingo when someone drops cold-drip, magic or piccolo latte. But something which you may not be as familiar with is the connection between coffee and back pain.

Many of us reach for that morning cup of joe to get the energy hit to get our day rolling or simply enjoy the ritual of it.

And whilst many of us have a job which requires us to either sit all day or require more physical exertion, the effects of this, combined with caffeine intake, may be the culprit behind chronic back pain.

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Excessive Caffeine Intake And Chronic Pain

The relationship between caffeine and pain lies a bit on the complicated side and deserves more scrutiny.

Case in point, habitual excessive caffeine consumption has been repeatedly associated with the appearance of headaches. It may also interfere with the analgesic action of some pain-blocking agents, according to recent studies.

Excessive caffeine intake can have the following effects:

  • It may decrease the pain threshold and increase susceptibility to pain by activating the stress response.
  • It may cause muscle spasms, muscle twitching, and muscle tension, all of which are clinically significant components in individuals with chronic pain.
  • It can generate physical dependence, which can manifest as a withdrawal syndrome if intake is abruptly stopped.
  • Additionally, there is a psychological component that needs to be addressed. Caffeine in excess can increase anxiety in even healthy individuals. Since people dealing with chronic pain are often already experiencing increased levels of anxiety, stress, and anger, caffeine may very well increase pain by increasing the persons susceptibility and awareness of it.

The chronic effects of caffeine intake are based on an up-regulation of certain types of receptors as well as their hypersensitivity. Thus, caffeine has the ability to make chronic pain worse. For some individuals, too much caffeine may be a recipe for disaster.


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