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HomeCaffeineIs Caffeine Hard On Kidneys

Is Caffeine Hard On Kidneys

Importance Of Kidney Disease Screenings

Should KIDNEYS DISEASES Patients Drink Coffee? Is Coffee a SAFE/OK Beverage for KIDNEY DISEASES?

Kidney disease screening from Life Line Screening uses a simple finger-stick test to assess how well your kidneys are functioning. It uses an FDA-approved device adopted by more than 250 hospitals across the country.

Common risk factors for kidney disease include increased age, family history, race and ethnicity , diabetes, high blood pressure, hereditary factors, and abnormally elevated creatinine levels or decreasing glomerular filtration rates .

If you have any of the above risk factors, or if you’re over the age of 60, you should seriously consider a kidney disease screening. Learn more now or contact us with any questions you might have.

Life Line Screening 2021 update

Learn more or schedule a screening today at lifelinescreening.comâ or give us a call at . We’d love to help.

Is Yerba Mate Tea Good Or Bad For Kidneys

Yerba mate is an herbal tea native to South America with a smooth, woody flavor. Its high in antioxidants and nutrients. We bring it up here because it has a caffeine content comparable to coffee, making it a popular coffee alternative for waking you up in the morning.

Despite yerba mates benefits, there is little research on its relationship to kidney health. It does contain oxalic acid, an oxalate, so it should be avoided in excess when experiencing kidney conditions .;

I have come across information that yerba mate may have properties which can help dissolve kidney stones. However, I have yet to verify this information with any reliable sources . At this time, Id recommend speaking to your physician and moderating your consumption of yerba mate if kidney health is a concern for you.

What we do know is that the antioxidants in yerba mate really make an impact in how the body responds to the high caffeine – in a good way. A much healthier way to get your high caffeine kick. To learn more about yerba mate and its benefits, check out our spotlight post!

Coffee, Black Tea and the Kidneys: The Conclusion:

For those who like cups and cups a day of coffee or black tea, the caffeine and oxalates should make you pause for thought if you care about your kidneys. BUT all is not lost, read on for…

Studies That Found Positive Health Effects

Is coffee bad for your kidneys comes down to a number of individual factors, but for healthy people, the answer is almost certainly no. No study indicates a clear link, whereas the opposite is not true. Numerous studies identified coffee as a common denominator for increased life expectancy and improved health.

A meta-analysis regarding the association of coffee drinking with all-cause mortality found that people who drank 2-4 cups of coffee daily, cut their risk of dying by almost 15%. On average, that would add more than two years to someones life.

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Coffee And Genetic Kidney Disease

In the past, basic science studies have;indicated that caffeine could increase the risk of growth of kidney cysts in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease;.

However, in;more current clinical studies,;consumption of coffee was not noted to be a risk factor for PKD progression.

Coffee And Chronic Kidney Disease

Energy Drinks And Kidney Pain

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, healthy adults who habitually drink one or more cups of coffee daily may reduce their risk of chronic kidney disease .;The study which involved 8,717 participants with an estimated glomerular filtration rate above 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, 9.5% developed CKD over a mean of 11 years.;

In the study, who drank 1 cup of coffee or 2 or more cups daily had 24% and 20% lower risks of developing CKD, respectively.;The researchers adjusted for blood pressure and other major contributors to CKD, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.;They also took into consideration caffeine intake from chocolate and tea, though they did not include other caffeine-containing foods.;

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A Brief Overview Of The Kidneys Role In Preventing Bone Loss

As your kidneys filter out toxins and excess acid from the blood, they also put a buffer or acid neutralizer back into the bloodstream in the form of bicarbonate. This shows how crucial it is for your system to be alkaline, and its also why the kidneys get overworked when, for example, you take a lot of medications and/or eat an acid-forming diet.

And just as there are certain foods that help cleanse and alkalize the body and ease the load on the kidneys, there are also foods that are not only acidic, but actually damage these important organs.

Coffee For Kidney Disease: The Pros And Cons

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If you enjoy your morning cup of joe, the thought of the pros and cons with coffee for kidney disease may weigh on your mind. And trying to determine whether or not coffee is bad for kidneys may not feel like an end-of-the-world problem if youre not a coffee drinker. But if you look forward to your morning cup of coffee to start off your day, finding out whether or not coffee can fit into your renal diet can make all the difference in how much you can actually enjoy it!

Here we will review the nutritional components, benefits, and risks of including coffee for kidney disease.

  • Coffee in a Kidney-Friendly Diet
  • Recommended Reading: Does Diet Root Beer Have Caffeine

    Which Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease

    In order to cleanse your kidneys and keep them working fine, all you need to do is to drink a lot of water. Staying well-hydrated is usually enough to help them function right.

    While drinking green tea is beneficial for the health of your kidneys, those with existing kidney disease should avoid it.

    Annique Health and Beauty mention that Most teas, like green or black, contain a compound called oxalic acid. Its also found in chocolate, certain fruits, vegetables, and raw leafy greens.

    Normally, oxalic acid is naturally eliminated through your urine. But when you dont drink enough water, consume too much sugar, and have a diet high in oxalic acid, oxalate crystals can form.

    This is one of the most common causes of kidney stones.

    But Rooibos Tea doesnt contain oxalates.;Thats why its a great alternative to green or black tea for those who are prone to kidney stones.

    However, as said earlier, it is always better to consult with the kidney specialist and follow his or her advice.

    Potatoes And Sweet Potatoes

    Creatine Hack – Save Your Kidneys For Guys Over 40

    Potatoes and sweet potatoes are potassium-rich vegetables.

    Just one medium-sized baked potato contains 610 mg of potassium, whereas one average-sized baked sweet potato contains 541 mg of potassium .

    Fortunately, some high potassium foods, including potatoes and sweet potatoes, can be soaked or leached to reduce their potassium contents.

    Cutting potatoes into small, thin pieces and boiling them for at least 10 minutes can reduce the potassium content by about 50% .

    Potatoes that are soaked in water for at least 4 hours before cooking are proven to have an even lower potassium content than those not soaked before cooking .

    This method is known as potassium leaching or the double-cook method.

    Although double cooking potatoes lowers the potassium content, its important to remember that their potassium content isnt eliminated by this method.

    Considerable amounts of potassium can still be present in double-cooked potatoes, so its best to practice portion control to keep potassium levels in check.


    Potatoes and sweet potatoes are high potassium vegetables. Boiling or double cooking potatoes can decrease their potassium content by about 50%.

    Tomatoes are another high potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renal diet.

    They can be served raw or stewed and are often used to make sauces.

    Just 1 cup of tomato sauce can contain upwards of 900 mg of potassium .

    Unfortunately for those on a renal diet, tomatoes are commonly used in many dishes.


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    Coffee Consumption And Kidney Disease: What Research Says

    For a while, coffee was considered potentially dangerous to the kidneys; however, the relationship may be more complex than originally thought.;There have been numerous studies on the correlation between coffee consumption and kidney disease. Population-based epidemiological studies tend to show a link between coffee consumption and possibly a protective effect on kidney function.;

    For instance, a study from Korea involving over 2,600 women revealed that coffee consumption was associated with a decreased risk of kidney disease, including in diabetic women. However, population-based surveys arent enough to make hard conclusions.;So, given the possibly controversial and pertinent nature of the topic, a meta-analysis published in 2016 attempted to answer this same question.;

    This meta-analysis revealed that theres no link between coffee consumption and increased risk of kidney disease in male patients.;Interestingly, however, the study noted the possibility of a reduced risk of kidney disease in women who drink coffee. Based on these data, the conclusion regarding coffee could be harmless on male kidneys, and possibly beneficial for womens kidneys.

    Chamomile Tea And Kidneys

    Like rooibos, chamomile tea is caffeine free and low in tannins and oxalates .;

    However, chamomile may have more than just a neutral effect on kidneys. In an animal study, animals with nephrotoxicity were administered chamomile and it was found to improve kidney function .

    Chamomile also reduces kidney dysfunction as a result of high fat diets. Long story short, theres pretty good evidence that chamomile is good for kidneys ! That is a cup of good news.;

    To learn more about chamomile and its benefits, read our chamomile spotlight post!

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    How Does Caffeine Affect The Urinary Tract

    Caffeine is a popular stimulant that is consumed on an everyday basis by people all over the world. It may be the only thing that helps you up in the morning, but did you ever consider what happens to the rest of your body after overconsumption and repeated digestion? Caffeine doesnt exclusively offer the beneficial results that its commonly known for. This stimulant may just be the unknown cause to your bladder and urinary tract complications.

    Energy Drink Manufacturers’ Stand


    Currently, most manufacturers participate in;voluntary and mandatory reporting on the adverse effects of their respective energy drinks.

    The current official line from the manufacturers seems to be that;insufficient data exist;with regards to most ingredients found in major energy drinks and therefore a cause and effect relationship between any energy drink and death/illness cannot be conclusively established.

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    Myth #: Ketones Overwork Your Kidneys Due To Increased Urine Acidity

    Theres a common misconception that nutritional ketosis can change the pH of your urine from neutral to acidic and therefore overwork your kidneys.

    However, this only happens during ketoacidosis, not ketosis.

    Ketoacidosis is a complication that results from dangerously high levels of ketonesand blood sugar, most commonly in people with type I and II diabetes. This combination makes blood too acidic and negatively affects the liver and kidneys.

    Ketoacidosis is most likely to occur in people with type 1 diabetes, who cant produce any insulin.

    Nutritional ketosis, on the other hand, is different because the level of ketones is in a normal range. When youre in ketosis, you have more ketones in your blood than usual, but not enough to cause ketoacidosis.

    The ketogenic diet is all about being in ketosis, not ketoacidosis.

    Now that weve debunked those two myths, lets look at why the ketogenic is actually beneficial for your kidneys.

    Pro Tip: Test Before Supplementing

    While creatine is unlikely to hurt your kidneys, its ability to raise creatinine levels may mask underlying issues. Consider having your creatinine levels tested before you start taking creatine, so as to get a baseline and check up on your kidney function. If you are already taking creatine yet plan to have your creatinine tested, cease supplementation 3 weeks prior to testing so as to prevent a false positive.

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    Is Tea Coffee Or Caffeine Good For Your Kidneys What Teas Are Best

    Kidney health is a big concern for a lot of people, and there are many rumors flying around about whether tea and coffee are safe for this part of the body. Will your morning cup of tea give you kidney stones? Can coffee cause kidney failure? Should you give up caffeine to protect your body?

    Many err on the side of caution and think they should avoid all tea and coffee to be safe, but there are many teas that are perfectly fine for kidneys, and you shouldnt have to miss out!

    In this post, Ill be answering the questions:

    • What is the connection between caffeine and kidneys?
    • Is black tea bad for your kidneys?
    • Is coffee bad for your kidneys?
    • Is yerba mate tea good or bad for kidneys?
    • Which tea is best for kidneys?

    We chose to research and write this article in particular because so many tea drinkers we meet in person and talk with online have told us they used to be coffee drinkers, and due to kidney issues their doctors told them to switch to tea. That said, kidney infections, kidney stones, and kidney disease are different conditions which come with their own recommendations so always talk with your physician before any dietary changes.Read on to get the facts!

    Choose Your Milk Or Creamer Carefully

    Dr. Sandy Bhasin Video #1 Caffeine (

    Many coffee creamers come with added phosphates. This can be especially true in powdered creamers.

    Kidney-Friendly Coffee Creamers

    Check the refrigerated section to have your best pick of additive-free coffee creamers, including CoffeeMate Natural Bliss line. Even the plant-based options like Sweet Oat Milk are kidney-friendly!

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    How Much Black Tea Is Safe

    Of course, having a cup of black tea every so often is perfectly safe for most people. Even though black tea contains higher oxalate levels than most teas, its generally not enough to worry about.

    One study looked at the amount of oxalates in black tea and found quite low levels. They concluded that drinking 4 cups of black tea would not pose a risk to kidney stones, and for kidney stone patients they recommended not to consume anything with more than 10 mg of oxalate, which is just over two 8oz mugs according to this study .;

    Whether you can consume black tea with a kidney condition depends on how severe your condition is, how much youre consuming, and your doctors instructions.;While most people can drink reasonable amounts of black tea with no problem, be sure to check with your healthcare professional first if you have issues with kidney health.

    Saturated Fat Is Beneficial Not Harmful

    For several years, the official dietary recommendations have blamed saturated fat for increased risk of heart disease and mortality.

    Thats why many people think the heavy meat consumption on the ketogenic diet is bad for your heart and kidneys. We have been led to believe that red meat and other fatty meat products would damage our organs.

    Research now proves this is false.

    Studies have shown unprocessed meat doesnt significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease only processed meat is harmful.

    Processed meats which we dont recommend on keto lead to a 70% increase in the risk of heart disease. So as long as you stick to grass fed meat, your heart will be healthy.

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    Can Drinking Too Much Caffeine Affect Your Kidneys

    Caffeine may be the most common drug in the human food supply. That mug of breakfast coffee, the cup of tea in the afternoon and the energy drink or cola on a hot day all contain caffeine. You may think of caffeine as a mild stimulant and use it for that purpose, but caffeine affects the whole body, including your kidneys.

    Caffeine May Prolong Life For Kidney Disease Patients

    10 Drinks to Clean Your Kidneys Naturally

    Chronic kidney disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. But a new study suggests a simple strategy that may help patients with the condition to improve their survival: drink more coffee.

    Researchers found that patients with chronic kidney disease who consumed the highest amounts of caffeine saw their mortality risk cut by almost a quarter, compared with those who consumed the lowest amounts.

    Study co-author Dr. Bigotte Vieira, of the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte in Portugal, and colleagues recently presented their findings at Kidney Week 2017 the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, held in New Orleans, LA.

    CKD is a progressive condition wherein the kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter water and waste products from the blood. Over time, CKD may progress to kidney failure, or end-stage renal disease, making kidney transplantation or dialysis the only treatment options.

    It is estimated that more than in the U.S. have CKD, and around 661,000 U.S. individuals have kidney failure.

    In 2014, more than

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    Coffee Blood Pressure And Kidney Function

    High blood pressure is a big factor in developing kidney disease; in fact, its only second to diabetes in risk factor.;There is some evidence indicating that consuming caffeinated coffee could cause a momentary blood pressure spike, with effects seemingly exaggerated in older patients and people who are not regular coffee drinkers.;The increase in blood pressure is also seen more frequently in people who already have a history of blood pressure.;

    Due to this correlation, some people believe that excess coffee consumption may be detrimental to kidney health. However, there is also evidence contrary to the above study.;For instance, one study shows that as long as daily coffee consumption does not exceed 3 to 4 cups there is no increase in the risk of kidney disease in healthy, young subjects.;

    Keto Improves Cholesterol Profiles

    All cholesterol is not created equal.

    High-density lipoprotein also known as good cholesterol is a health marker that many physicians look at to determine the health of their patients, especially those who have chronic kidney disease. An elevation in this type of cholesterol isnt bad for your heart.

    However, LDL aka bad cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease.

    Researchers are now finding that HDL cholesterol and saturated fat shouldnt be to blame for heart disease.

    On the other hand, LDL particle size is a more important biomarker to monitor.

    One study found that lipid profiles did not predict mortality whereas smaller, LDL particles were linked to a 55% increase in the risk of mortality.

    LDL particle size is affected by carbohydrate intake. Abundant carbohydrate consumption triggers the release of LDL.

    Meanwhile, a low carb keto diet reduces LDL cholesterol which improves kidney function.

    Studies have proven that a low carb, high protein diet can decrease the rate of mortality in people with chronic kidney disease by decreasing LDL, HDL and insulin levels.

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