The Correct Coffee To Water Cold Brew Ratio
Since were making cold brew coffee concentrate, well be using 1 cup of ground coffee to 3 cups of cold water. Creating concentrate will make it possible to store cold brew in the fridge, which can then be added to fresh water when youre ready to drink it. In total, youll be able to get 5 to 6 cups of finished, delicious cold brew from 1 cup of ground coffee.
How Do You Serve Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate
We’re finally here. Now that we have our cold brew coffee concentrate made, what do you do with it?
You can enjoy cold brew coffee concentrate so many different ways. You can:
With a batch of cold brew coffee concentrate in your fridge, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hot summer day, a rushed morning, or a slow weekend – you will be ready for it all!
Whew, you made it! Consider yourself a pro at making cold brew coffee concentrate. Well done!
Pour Through Cloth Vs French Press Vs Cold Brew Machine
There are three methods to making cold brew, so choose whichever works best for you! The pour through cloth is my personal favorite.
Pour Through ClothFor the straining process, I prefer to use a pour through cloth because its simple and doesnt require any special gear. Simply place the cloth over a cup or bowl, and slowly pour the coffee concentrate through. Let it sit and strain through, refraining from making the cloth overflow. Additionally, dont squeeze the coffee grounds through let them slowly strain.
French PressIf you do have a French press, they are great to use for making cold brew coffee. Measure out your coffee grounds and water, then add them to the press. Stick the lid on top and let the coffee steep for about 12 to 24 hours in the fridge. Press the plunger down, decant the coffee, and serve!
Heres a great tutorial and description of the parts of a French press that may be helpful.
Cold Brew MachineFinally, for the die hard coffee lovers that may be extra prepared for this recipe, using an actual cold brew machine wont hurt!
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One More Way Ive Discovered To Cold Brew Coffee
After sharing my cold brew coffee in a French press method on Instagram, I received many DMs and picture shares . Everyone was making cold brew in their French Press, except ONE! My friend showed me her new DIY brewing, no waste system she found on Amazon. I was so impressed with her system I knew I had to share it as part of my DIY Cold Brew Coffee post.
Its a 1 or 2 quart mason jar with a fitted stainless steel infuser that sets inside the mason jar! My friend told me this has changed the way she drinks coffee!
Now, I dont plan on ordering since I already have a system that works for me. But if youre looking for one, this is the cold brew system on Amazon .
Bourbon In Coffee: How Does It Taste
Along with the cream and chocolate, the bourbon actually compliments the flavors. This drink is like a dessert or a crazy concoction from Starbucks. Trust me it is good. But like I said before, you may have to tweak to your liking.
I dont recommend straight hot black coffee and a shot of bourbon unless you are sick with a cold and have to get out of bed. Whiskey is medicine after all.
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Storing The Cold Brew
You can keep your cold brew in a pitcher with a lid in the fridge, or in anything you can seal.
Personally, I usually just rinse out my mason jars and refill them with strained cold brew concentrate.
Your cold brew will keep in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, though it tastes best within the first 7 days. Mine never lasts 2 weeks, but luckily its always easy to make more!
Why Should You Cold Brew Your Coffee
This coffee-making method has a few things going for it:
- The slow infusion pulls all the great coffee flavor from the beans .
- But it also leaves behind most of the compounds that can make coffee taste bitter and sour.
- This means that cold brewed coffee is incredibly smooth and almost sweet-tasting. Perfect for iced coffee.
You can also adjust the concentration of your cold brew coffee, making it stronger or less strong to suit your taste. Start with one cup of beans steeped in four cups of water. This will make a fairly concentrated coffee on its own, but it’s perfect for pouring over ice or mixing with milk – or both. If that ratio of beans to water isn’t quite to your taste, adjust it up or down until you hit the perfect balance for you.
I also really love that this method for making coffee actually saves me time in the morning. I make a big batch over the weekend, starting it on Saturday or Sunday night and straining it the next morning, and then stash it in the fridge for an easy coffee fix all week long.
- Ready to up your coffee game? Check out our list of The Best Coffee Makers.
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Best Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee Recipes And Variations You Should Know
You cannot deny cold brew drinks to brighten up your spirit in a hot humid summer. And, of course, you should have been familiar with Starbucks cold brew popularity as it is one of the most customized orders.
Chances are you have always aspired to make it at home, especially the ones served in coffee shops. But are you unsure how to do it?
Lets learn the basis of Starbucks cold brew coffee and the secrets to making various refreshing recipes.
What Is Cold Brew Coffee
Thats an important question. Because cold brew coffee is not the same as drip coffee or regularly brewed hot coffee thats been cooled or served over ice. Nope.
Cold brew coffee never gets hot. Instead of brewing in just a few minutes, its slow-brewed and steeped over 12-15 hours. This translates to coffee thats slightly less acidic and bitter. Instead, its sweeter, more full-bodied in flavor, and truly the best when it comes to iced coffee.
But heres why youre really gonna love cold brew coffee. You can make a batch on Sunday and have fresh, homemade cold brew for the entire week. Yes, you can meal prep coffee. Awesome, right?
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What Does Hot Cold Brew Coffee Taste Like
Hot Cold Brew has that smooth sweet cold brew taste with a warm feeling to it.
Hot cold brew coffee tastes similar to normal coffee -, except its not as strong or has that intense acidic taste.
Now when you compare hot cold brew to regular cold brew, the hot-cold brew has more kick to it meaning that it has a stronger distinct and less smooth taste over normal cold brew coffee.
So to conclude hot cold brew coffee is smoother and sweeter than regular coffee but not as smooth or as tasty in my opinion as regular cold brew coffee but it is definitely worth trying especially during the winter months.
How Fine Should The Coffee Beans Be Ground
In a word, coarse. I use the commercial coffee grinder at the store where I buy my beans. I find this to be the most effecient way to grind the coffee beans to make cold brew concentrate. My little mini grinder at home just doesnt cut it! I purchase the beans in bulk , then grind them using the coarse setting on the commercial grinder. Dont forget to reuse your coffee bag!
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Brewing Coffee With Cold Water Really
Yes, really.
Hot water may be a more efficient way of brewing, but cold water will get the job done if left long enough to brew.
The modern version of this low-tech process was first made popular in USA when a man named Todd Simpson invented the creatively named Toddy brewer back in 1964. As far as inventions go, it wasnt exactly the iPhone its essentially a plastic bucket with a filter. Nonetheless, it sparked a coffee drinking phenomenon that keeps on growing to this day.
In terms of taste, brewing with cold water has a pronounced effect on the flavour of the coffee, reducing the perceived acidity and producing a distinct chocolatey flavour profile. Another benefit, compared to chilling hot coffee, is that cold brew remains stable for longer in the fridge. While chilled espresso will start to turn funky in a matter of minutes, cold-brew can still be tasty well over a week after brewing.
How To Make Hot Cold Brew Coffee
- The first thing you are gonna need to do is to make your cold brew coffee.
- Now if you are gonna make cold brew coffee specifically to heat it up I would advise making it with a 1:4 ratiomeaning 1 part coffee and 4 parts of water
- To make five cups of hot cold brew
- Mix 4 cups of water and 1 cup of your preferred grounded coffee
- And leave it to steep at room temperature for 12-14 hours.
- Once your cold brew is made you can proceed to add 1 cup of boiling hot water to your four cups of cold brew.
- This is the way I preferring making my hot cold brew
- Why because it is fast and
- doesnt give the compounds in the cold brew more time to oxidize which would alter the taste even more yet you still get the warm cup of joe.
- But there are other ways to make hot cold brew s uch as:
2-Heating your cold brew in a pot, this is the second best method to heat up your cold brew .
I dont like this method because your cold brew has to slowly heat up which gives the compound more time to bond with the oxygen in the air and oxidize faster which makes the cold brew more acidic.
Also if you heat it too long you can actually burn your cold brew which would make it taste terrible.
The third method is microwaving which for me is the worst method.
You see Microwaves hot stuff up by using radiation which excites the particles inside the compounds in the cold brew which stimulates more oxidation.
Added to this Microwaving takes a while so it allows the compounds more time to oxidize with the oxygen.
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How To Diy Cold Brew Coffee Using A Coffee Filter And Gravity System
This is a quick how-to summary. For more detail, see recipe card below:
How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a French Press
My preferred brewing system is to make cold brew coffee in a French press. This is my self proclaimed cold press coffee maker! It does have limitations because a French press only holds three cups of water, but I find it to be the tidiest and no waste way for me to make cold brew at home. I can get about five servings out of this recipe when cut with milk or water. And I didnt have to buy anything new to make it. In summary, heres how to use a French press to DIY cold brew :
Do I Need A Specific Cold Brew Coffee Maker
This is a tricky question because while you can make cold brew coffee without a specific cold brew coffee maker, it won’t be as easy to make it, or as tasty of a coffee.
I don’t like unnecessary kitchen equipment but if you are serious about making cold brew, a dedicated cold brew coffee maker will give you much better coffee.
It’s like brushing your teeth with a free hotel toothbrush, instead of a Sonicare. But the good news is that a dedicated cold brew coffee maker cost less than a Sonicare! And in all seriousness, you’ll quickly be saving money on coffee after just a few brews with a cold brew coffee maker.
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Take Cold Brew To The Next Level
Now that its strained and ready, its time to enjoy. Fill a glass with ice and pour in the cold brew, topping off with creamer, milk, or sugar however you take your coffee.
If youre looking to elevate your cold brew and add in more flavor, here are a few of my favorite ways:
- Add a cinnamon stick to the grounds as you brew the coffee. The flavor is incredible, leaving a hint of warm cinnamon in each sip of the finsihed cold brew. You can reuse the cinnamon stick several times, too, to save on cost and get the most out of each stick. Want even more cinnamon flavor? Rinse the stick off after you strain out the grounds and add it to the final cold brew, too.
- Make vanilla cold brew by adding 1 tablespoon of vanilla bean paste to the grounds when you brew them. Of course you could be super extra and use an actual vanilla bean , but given the sheer cost of vanilla beans, Ill stick with the paste. Make sure you do stir the grounds before steeping to make sure the vanilla is incorporated.
- Add maple syrup when preparing your cold brew cup. This is a great way to add a hint of flavor and sweetness. Just pour a little in your glass, add the cold brew, and stir to combine!
- Use coffee ice cubes if you dont want any dilution from regular ice cubes. Simply pour leftover cold brew or coffee into an ice cube tray and once frozen theyre ready to use.
Not Just Iced Coffee: 5 Ways You Can Use Cold Brew Concentrate
Garrett Oden
Cold brew is unlike any other type of coffee. Its smooth, its approachable, and its extremely versatile.
Since its made in the form of a concentrate, you actually have a lot of flexibility when it comes to making drinks with it, since the flavors can be tasted even when you mix the concentrate with other liquids.
I want to help you make the most out of your cold brewing experience, so Im going to show you the five primary ways you can use your concentrate to make a variety of fun, refreshing, and creative coffee drinks.
Lets see them!
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Watch How Fast Your Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate Drains Through Your Filter To Help You Determine If You Have The Right Grind Size
It takes a bit of experience to be able to easily recognize the perfect grind size, so if it’s your first time making cold brew coffee, try to aim for a French press coffee grind size if you are familiar with that.
If you use this OXO cold brew coffee concentrate maker, it should take about 10-12 minutes for the coffee full drain through. If it takes longer than that, then the coffee grind size is probably too fine. If it takes quicker than that, then the coffee grind size is probably too coarse.
Ratio For Cold Brew Concentrate
More often than not, you’ll find that store-bought cold brew is actually a concentrate. This means that you’ll need to dilute it with water before drinking or you’ll have a very strong, highly caffeinated cup of coffee. We recommend this method when you’re using a smaller container, like a mason jar or French press . For a concentrate, you’ll use a 2:1 ratio of water to coffee for example 2 cups of cold water to 1 cup of coffee.
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Coarsely Grind The Coffee Beans
Using freshly ground coffee beans for any type of coffee absolutely ups your game. It delivers the best flavor regardless of how youre brewing it.
You do not want to buy preground coffee from the grocery store to make cold brew. Preground coffee is finely ground and ideal for coffee machines.
For cold brew, you need coarsely ground coffee. If you have a coffee grinder at home, set it on the coarsest setting usually the one designated for French Press coffee.
I have this coffee grinder and absolutely love it because I can choose the specific grind for any type of coffee Im brewing.
If you dont have a coffee grinder at home, buy the beans at a local coffee shop or roaster and ask them to grind the beans for you. There are certain grocery stores where you can purchase beans and grind them yourself, too. Again, be sure to grind them on the coarsest setting.