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Does Coffee Cause Breast Cancer

Does Coffee Tea And Caffeine Consumption Reduce The Risk Of Incident Breast Cancer A Systematic Review And Network Meta

Does Coffee Cause Cancer? Breast Cancer Nutritionist Rachel Beller on The Dr. Oz Show

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 July 2021

Shu Wang
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Xiang Li
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Yue Yang
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Jingping Xie
Affiliation:Office of Retirement, Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China
Mingyue Liu
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Ya Zhang
College of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China
Yingshi Zhang*
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Qingchun Zhao*
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China

What Does The Nhs Knowledge Service Make Of This Study

This is complex research, following on from studies investigating the relationship between the CYP1A2*1F genotypes, breast volume, and breast cancer. The research has been over-simplified by the media, and the study has few implications at the current time. The cross-sectional study design only demonstrates associations and does not prove that level of coffee consumption caused the breast volume taken at the time of the study, or caused the breasts to shrink. Additionally, there may be issues regarding both the accuracy of the breast measurement and that of coffee consumption . The observed relationship is based on an assessment of only 145 women, and further research will need to follow up the findings.

Many women will have consumed coffee for much of their lifetime. These women should not be concerned that their breast size will be affected if they continue to consume in moderation.

Practical Habits And Caffeine

There are a number of important issues to consider when it comes to caffeine. While safe for most people, it is not safe for some people who have heart disease, hypertension , or kidney disease.

Even if you don’t have such a contraindication, caffeine can disrupt your sleep, interfere with your concentration, and make you irritable or jumpy. Caffeine may also cause dehydration and worsen symptoms of some gastrointestinal issues.

The effect of caffeine on headaches and migraines can be intense, as caffeine dependence can lead to withdrawal symptomswhich is often associated with severe headaches.

The right amount or maximum amount of caffeine differs for everyone, but it can range from one to five servings of a caffeinated beverage or food per day.

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Are There Other Risks Of Drinking Coffee

Drinking very hot beverages such as coffee and tea may have other risks. Consuming scalding hot beverages may irritate body surfaces that the liquid comes in contact with, such as the lining of the mouth and throat. This persistent irritation may injure cells and promote tumor growth, and might be linked to cancers of the esophagus .3, 7, 8

Can Coffee Cause Cancer

Coffee can cancel out cancer

Imagine having to wake up extremely early in the morning after a long night at work and not being able to grab a cup of coffee the horror! Being one of the most popular forms of caffeinated drinks around the globe, coffee has become both a staple and a culture in countless economies. Whether one is a student trying to stay awake, a workaholic, or simply just a coffee aficionado, people simply cannot live without their daily dose of coffee. Therefore, the question has got to be asked- is there a link between drinking excessive amounts of coffee and a heightened risk of cancer? Can drinking coffee cause cancer? Let us find out!

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No two cancers are the same. Go beyond the common nutrition guidelines for everyone and make personalized decisions about food and supplements with confidence.

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Does Coffee Make Your Breasts Smaller

There have been many inaccurate statements and myths spread by articles online about coffee and breast size. The last thing I want is for females to be scared of drinking coffee in fear their breasts will be affected negatively.

All the information in this article are facts backed by research studies and I have linked the studies when referencing them.

Does Coffee Prevent Cancer

In independent reviews, both the IARC and the World Cancer Research Fund concluded that coffee probably has a protective effect against developing liver cancer and endometrial cancer.4, 8 The WCRF review also concluded there is evidence suggesting that coffee may decrease the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, and larynx, as well as some types of skin cancer .4

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The New Report Probably A Good Thing

Since 1991, a lot more evidence has emerged, leading IARC to reassess the links between coffee and cancer. Todays report is the result.

As far as bladder cancer goes, larger, more robust studies have since failed to provide any strong evidence that coffee increases bladder cancer risk.

And conversely, some studies have found that certain other cancer types are less common in coffee drinkers, in particular liver cancer. For example, in 2015, the World Cancer Research Fund a cancer prevention charity combined the results of 6 studies and found that liver cancer risk seemed to be lower in people who drank coffee.

But again, these studies werent always able to take into account known liver cancer risk factors , so its not impossible that the effect is due to something other than the coffee itself .

Theres also some evidence that coffee reduces womb cancer risk: in 2013, another meta-analysis showed that women who drank a cup of coffee each day had a decreased risk of womb cancer .

Its also worth noting that IARC didnt comment on any different types of coffee , or differences in how coffee is served i.e. adding milk and sugar.

All in all, this amounts to some emerging signs that people who regularly drink coffee might have a lower chance of developing some forms of cancer. But its far from clear whether there is a real effect. And, is the idea that coffee prevents cancer even biologically plausible?

Study Suggests Coffee May Improve Survival After Breast Cancer

Does Caffeine Cause Breast Cancer?
Mya Nelson

Mya R. Nelson is a science writer for American Institute for Cancer Research.

New research suggests that drinking coffee after breast cancer treatment may improve survival. The study, funded by AICR, adds to a growing body of research on how diet affects breast cancer survivors health.

The study was published in the British Journal of Cancer.

When it comes to cancer research, coffee lovers have had plenty of good news in recent years. AICRs evaluation of the global research found strong evidence that coffee protects against both liver and endometrial cancers. Other research has suggested coffee may lengthen survival.

But few studies have focused on how this popular beverage may affect breast cancer survival. These studies have been relatively small and given inconsistent findings.

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Does Drinking Coffee Make Breasts Denser

If you are wondering or have heard that drinking coffee makes your breasts denser this is not 100% true. There have been studies done that show little to no association with breast density in premenopausal women.

The connection between the dense breast tissue and caffeine or coffee is not yet fully understood. There are many genes in the body that will be involved in the estrogen metabolism and inflammation resulting from caffeine consumption.

According to the American College of Radiology, there are 4 different types of breasts.

  • Breasts consisting of almost entirely fatty breast tissue
  • Breasts containing scattered amounts of dense breast tissue
  • Breasts with varying dense breast tissue
  • Breasts with extremely dense breast tissue
  • Study Population And Design

    Details of the study design and subject characteristics have been described elsewhere. We conducted a hospital-based case-control study in three Hong Kong public hospitals from November 2011 to January 2018. Trained interviewers conducted a face-to-face interviews with a standardized questionnaire and obtained a written informed consent form. Eligible cases were Chinese women aged 2484 years-old who were newly diagnosed as having primary breast cancer within three months prior to the interview. We matched each case with one control by 5-year age group who did not have any conditions pertaining to breast cancer, and interviewed them within 6 month after the cases were recruited. We recruited our controls with a broad spectrum of diagnoses from the Department of Medicine or Surgery from the same hospital of the cases came from. We excluded cases and controls with prior history of physician-diagnosed cancer in any site. This study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committees and the Kowloon West Cluster, and was strictly compliance with local law and the Declaration of Helsinki.

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    Ascertainment Of Breast Cancer Cases

    The outcome of interest was first incident of primary invasive breast cancer . As data on menopausal status at diagnosis was lacking, breast cancers occurring before the median menopausal age of 50 years were considered premenopausal, whereas those diagnosed at 50 years or older were considered postmenopausal. Information on hormone receptor status was provided by each center based on pathology reports. This information was routinely available for tumors diagnosed after 1997 to 2006, depending on the center.

    What Is Dense Breast Tissue

    Coffee And Cancer: A Disaster  Gaia Cantelli

    Dense breasts are more common in younger women with smaller breasts. You cannot feel breast density and you cant tell just by firmness. You have to go to a doctor and get a mammogram.

    It has been established by many studies that people with dense breasts are at a higher risk for breast cancer. However, the research done on caffeine and breast cancer found that drinking coffee does not increase any risk in breast cancer.

    Because of these results, women should not be concerned about breast size reduction and breast cancer caused by drinking coffee.

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    How Might Coffee Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

    The exact mechanism behind how coffee may reduce the risk of cancer is unclear, and there are several different theories.

    Theres some evidence that chemicals in coffee may be able to improve insulin sensitivity and prevent long-term inflammation both things thought to be involved in the development of cancer.

    Other researchers have proposed that coffee could protect against DNA damage, slow the growth of tumours or cause damaged cells to die before they develop into cancer.

    But at the moment these are just theories well need more research to understand whether and how coffee could affect cancer growth and development.

    Does Coffee Cause Cancer

    Research has demonstrated both beneficial and deleterious health effects of coffee. First, the good news: Moderate coffee consumptionhas been linked to many health benefits. Brewed coffee can be a rich source of natural antioxidants, which may play a significant role in slowing the aging process and in inhibiting life- threatening diseases such heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and cancer. According to the Harvard Health Publications, studies have shown that coffee drinkers are 50% less likely to suffer from cancer than non-coffee drinkers. Several studies have suggested that the chlorogenic acid found in coffee may help prevent Type 2 Diabetes. In other research, coffee has been shown to help protect against asthma , gall stones, cirrhosis of the liver, and Parkinsons Disease. Because coffee helps boost body metabolism, it can also be effective in a weight loss program.

    On the other hand, there is also bad news: Coffee can really lower your body pH especially if you drink several cups per day and disease, especially cancer, thrives in an acid environment. Caffeine consumption has been linked to breast cancer, and breast lumps have often regressed in women who adopt the caffeine-restricted Minton Diet. When coffee is roasted, the carcinogen 3,4 benzopyrene is formed. There have also been identified two other possible carcinogens found in coffee.

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    What Were The Results Of The Study

    The CYP1A21F A/A genotype occurred in 51% of the women. There was no difference in coffee consumption, or any other personal, social or lifestyle characteristic between the women who had the CYP1A21F A/A genotype and those who did not. Coffee consumption was significantly associated with smoking. Total breast volume was significantly associated with weight, but not with age, use of hormonal contraception, having no children, smoking or the CYP1A2*1F genotype.

    In further analyses, the researchers only looked at those women who did not use hormonal contraception . Among the 145 non-users, they found that the association between drinking at least three cups of coffee per day and breast volume was significantly modified by CYP1A2*1F genotype. Women who did not have the A/A genotype and who consumed three cups per day or more had smaller breast volume than those who consumed less coffee. Women with the A/A genotype who consumed three cups per day or more had a slightly larger breast volume than those with the same genotype who drank less coffee.

    How Does Drinking Coffee Reduce The Risk Of Some Cancers

    Does coffee cause cancer?

    The potential mechanisms by which drinking coffee may prevent some cancers are not fully understood. In general, coffee contains a range of biologically active compounds, including caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and diterpenes, which may have beneficial effects because of their antioxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.

    More specifically:

    • Coffee drinking may lower the risk of endometrial cancer by reducing estrogen levels and/or through an insulin-mediated mechanism.
    • The protective effect against liver cancer may also be partly because of coffee-related increases in insulin sensitivity.
    • The influence of coffee on digestive tract motility and liver metabolism may contribute to a lower risk for some digestive cancers.

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    Are There Other Potential Health Benefits To Drinking Coffee

    Strong evidence exists that coffee is a significant source of antioxidant molecules.4, 8 Antioxidants work by slowing, or in some cases preventing, the damaging effects of free electrons within our body cells . However, it is important to keep in mind that our richest sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables.

    Coffee drinking has also been consistently associated with positive effects on insulin levels and glucose metabolism, and with reduced risks of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.4, 8 Beneficial effects of coffee drinking on liver cirrhosis and fibrosis have additionally been observed.

    Can You Keep Enjoying Your Morning Cup Of Joe

    So is it still OK to partake in your morning cup of coffee? So far, drinking coffee doesnt appear to increase your risk of developing cancer. In some cases, coffee consumption may help lower the risk of some cancers and conditions.

    Although research is ongoing, it appears that dietary consumption of acrylamide doesnt increase your cancer risk.

    Additionally, the

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    Coffee And Cancer: What The Research Really Shows

    Researchers have been investigating the links between coffee and cancer for decades. But there is still a lot they dont know. In 2016, an expert panel convened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer the arm of the World Health Organization that is responsible for assessing whether certain substances cause cancer could not conclude that drinking coffee is carcinogenic based on the current evidence available.

    And now the coffee-cancer connection is in the news again. A California court ruling last week about a coffee warning related to a chemical formed during the roasting process has raised questions among consumers.

    So, what do coffee drinkers need to know? In this interview, American Cancer Society researchers, Susan Gapstur, PhD, and , ScD, provide insights into what studies to date really show when it comes to coffee and cancer, and discuss what other research is still needed.

    Q. What does the research show about the link between coffee and cancer?

    A. Numerous studies have shown that coffee drinking is associated with a lower risk of dying from all causes of death. However, associations with cancer overall or with specific types of cancer are unclear. In 2016, an expert working group convened for the International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs Programme reviewed the worlds body of human and laboratory research on coffee drinking and cancer risk, and they found the evidence of carcinogenicity of coffee drinking to be unclassifiable.

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    More specificallycould alcohol increase your risk for breast cancer risk? What’s not talked about a lot, though, according to experts, is alcohol’s connection to breast cancer. “We know from a lot of observational-type studies that there is a link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk,


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    What Kind Of Scientific Study Was This

    This was a cross-sectional study in which the authors aimed to investigate whether coffee intake was associated with breast volume and how this was modified by a particular variant of gene CYP1A2*1F . The gene codes for the CYP1A2 enzyme, which plays a role in both coffee and oestrogen metabolism. Women with the A/A genotype who have a high caffeine intake have previously been shown to have a higher ratio of certain types of oestrogens, which is thought to be protective against breast cancer.

    The researchers recruited 269 Swedish volunteers who completed a questionnaire on reproductive issues, use of contraception, smoking, coffee consumption , and other information . Body measurements were taken at set times during the menstrual cycle. The womens breast volume was assessed by asking them to take a kneeling position with the breasts hanging down. The approximate volume was then worked out by a simple calculation . Laboratory methods were used to analyse the CYP1A21F gene, and levels of oestrogen and other hormonal factors. In their statistical analyses, the researchers looked for any associations between the CYP1A21F genotype and drinking three or more cups of coffee per day.


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