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Is Coffee Bad For Liver

Studying The Link Between Tea Coffee And Liver Health

Is Coffee Good For Liver? Dr.Berg

Dr. Murad and team examined the data available on 2,424 participants from a large cohort study called the Rotterdam Study. The study participants were 45 years old and above, and they lived in Rotterdam.

As part of the study, each participant underwent a full physical checkup, which included anthropometric measurements such as body mass index , height, blood tests, and abdominal scans for examining the liver.

The liver imaging was used to look for liver stiffness, a measurement that is high when the liver is scarred. Liver scarring, also known as progressive fibrosis, can ultimately lead to cirrhosis if left untreated.

The participants food and drinking habits were assessed using a food frequency questionnaire comprising 389 questions, including detailed items about tea and coffee intake.

Participants were divided into three categories according to their coffee and tea drinking patterns: no consumption, moderate tea and coffee consumption , and frequent consumption . Tea was divided into green, black, and herbal.

Dr. Murad and colleagues applied regression analysis to study the link between coffee and tea consumption and liver fibrosis. They also accounted for a variety of possible confounding factors, including age, gender, BMI, smoking, and alcohol consumption, as well as physical activity and healthy eating patterns.

More studies are needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for this association, the authors caution.

Side Effects Of Black Coffee

We have discussed the advantages of black coffee and how it helps in weight loss, but is all that good? Does it not have any side effects? Like everything, excessive intake of black coffee does result in side effects, which are discussed below:

  • Too much black coffee releases high levels of stress hormones in your body, which only leads to anxiety and stress. Its easy to feel jittery when you consume too much caffeine.
  • Excessive coffee intake can seriously mess up your sleeping routine. It is recommended that you avoid coffee a few hours before bedtime if you want to get a good nights sleep.
  • Black coffee is rich in caffeine and acid, so excess consumption can lead to acidity in your stomach. You are likely to have cramps and abdominal spasms.
  • Too much coffee in your system makes it difficult for your body to absorb minerals from your daily diet, such as iron, calcium, and zinc.

Coffee Consumption And Liver Function

2 Jan 2013

Coffee and Health includes current scientific information on a wide range of coffee-related topics. One such topic addresses coffee consumption and liver function. This post provides an overview of this topic.

Liver disease is estimated to affect 6% of the EUs population. There are several different types of liver disease including hepatitis, alcohol-related diseases, fatty liver disease and cancer. Of these, liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths globally and is the leading cause of death amongst patients with liver cirrhosis. Throughout Europe, alcohol remains the most important cause of liver disease, responsible for over 70% of all deaths.

Many liver diseases cause scar tissue, known as fibrosis, to develop. In the early stages of fibrosis, the liver functions relatively well and few people experience symptoms. But as the inflammation and liver injury continue, scar tissue builds up. This can eventually disrupt the metabolic functions of the liver and lead to cirrhosis in which the liver is severely scarred, its blood flow restricted and its ability to function severely impaired.

Overall, an increase in coffee consumption of two cups per day, in individuals who typically consume anything from one to over five cups a day, is associated with a 43% lower risk of developing liver cancer.

For more information on coffee and liver function, and to view information sources, click here.

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Can Coffee Cure Liver Diseases Related To Hepatitis C

No, it is not true that coffee drinking can cure liver diseases related to hepatitis C. Cure of hepatitis C is only possible with antiviral medications. However, coffee drinking does benefit patients who have hepatitis C.

Studies have shown that levels of hepatitis C virus and liver fibrosis can be lowered among patients who drink coffee compared to those who do not drink coffee.

A study demonstrated that drinking 3 or more cups of coffee per day can lower the risk of liver disease progression.

Other Effects Of Coffee Are:

What 2 Cups of Coffee per Day Can Do for Your Liver

Can damage arteries, when coffee is digested. Caffeine causes the body to have to spend more energy to digest it, slowing down metabolism.

When metabolism slows down, more calories are stored as fat. This can increase the chances of developing heart disease, which can lead to death.

High blood pressure caused by family hypercoleoleemia can cause permanent damage to the walls of the arteries, which can even lead to heart attacks and strokes.

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Black Coffee For Weight Loss

Many people, even those who drink black coffee regularly, are unaware that the beverage is a great catalyst for losing weight. If you want to lose weight because of aesthetic or health reasons, or you just dont feel good in your own body, it is no secret that diet is an important part of any weight loss journey. You must consume foods and beverages that will help you achieve your goal, and black coffee is one of them.

Consume Coffee To Reduce The Risk Of Liver Cancer

Coffee drinking appears to have protective effects on liver cancer, probably due to its rich antioxidant content. Multiple research studies have indicated the association between coffee consumption and a lower risk of liver cancer.

This could be related to the protective effects of coffee in patients with known risk factors of liver cancer such as viral hepatitis B and hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis related to any cause.

However, research studies also support that coffee drinking can reduce the risk of liver cancer in general. This is demonstrated by a study published in 2017 that included over 215,000 men and women.

Results showed that the people who drank 23 cups of coffee per day had a 38% reduction in the risk of liver cancer compared to those who didnt drink coffee.

Additionally, drinking 4 cups per day resulted in a 41% reduction in the risk of liver cancer compared to no coffee consumption. This result indicated that there is more benefit with a higher amount of coffee consumption.

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Other Causes Of Liver Disease

Just because youre a coffee drinker doesnt mean youre immune to liver disease. There are many health problems and risk factors that can potentially lead to this life-threatening illness.

For example, the Liver Foundation reports that excessive alcohol consumption is the second most common cause of liver cirrhosis. This accounts for about a quarter of liver cirrhosis cases in the U.S. You can prevent alcohol-related liver disease by limiting alcohol or abstaining from it completely.

Coffee: An Elixir For Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Study finds link between coffee and less liver damage

Interestingly, research shows across the board, coffee intake seems to be associated with improved liver status, regardless of disease pathology. Among studies focusing mainly on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome, coffee consumption generally seemed to exhibit some protective effects against the progression of disease.

However, its important to note that simply drinking coffee is not a surefire way to prevent or reverse nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Drinking coffee on top of a high-fat, high-sodium diet thats full of refined carbohydrates will likely have a blunted effect.

On the other hand, following a diet and lifestyle designed to reverse fatty liver will bolster coffees hepatoprotective effects.

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How Coffee Can Support Reversal Of Fatty Liver Disease

Ok, so maybe coffee isnt a magic fix for fatty liver disease on its own. However, it is an excellent addition to a liver-friendly diet to help lower inflammation and protect against fatty liver disease progression. To get the most out of your coffee, it is imperative to pair it with a diet that is high in fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, and high-quality protein, and low in refined carbs, added sugars, and saturated fat.

Aside from the anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, and protective effects on the liver, the caffeine in coffee delivers an extra energy jolt that gets your day going. Caffeine can even provide extra energy to motivate workouts while also curbing your appetite.

But with such a variety of coffee products and beverages out there, how can you make sure that your coffee is the healthiest it can possibly be? Lets go through the types of coffee and coffee drinks that pair the best with a diet for reversing fatty liver disease.

Coffee And Evidence Of Decreased Risk Of Other Gi Tract Malignancies

As though the already stated benefits of coffee consumption were not enough there has been emerging data of other malignancies that may also be affected by coffee consumption. In a hospital based case-control study conducted in Italy and Switzerland, it was noted that with greater than three cups of coffee consumed daily was associated with an odds ratio of 0.6 when compared to drinkers of one or less cups of coffee daily in relation to pharyngeal cancer. The same study also noted an odds ratio of 0.6 for esophageal cancer; indicating a decreased risk of pharyngeal and esophageal cancer with greater than three cups of coffee. One case-control study performed earlier indicated an inverse relationship with coffee consumption and colon cancer along with rectal cancer. However, the same study was unable to find a significant association with cancers of the mouth, stomach, or pancreas. Ultimately; coffee consumption appears to have an association with decreased risk of colon, rectal, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer.

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The Positive Role Of Coffee In Fighting Non

Yes, it is true that drinking 23 cups of coffee can decrease the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease is often the result of drinking excessive alcohol, but the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is found in patients who dont drink alcohol but have increased fat in their liver due to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

Any form of fatty liver disease can make you more prone to liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis , liver failure, and liver cancer.

Fatty liver disease is currently the number one reason for liver transplantation in the United States. Coffee drinking decreases the risk of liver inflammation, liver scarring, and liver cancer among patients with fatty liver disease.

Lowers Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Is Coffee Bad For Your Liver Or Kidney

This 2014 study showed that participants who increased their coffee consumption by more than 1 cup per day over a 4 year period had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes in the subsequent 4 years compared with those who made no changes in their coffee consumption.

On the flip side, participants who decreased their coffee intake by more than 1 cup per day had a 17% higher risk for type 2 diabetes.;

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Is Coffee Bad Or Good For Your Liver

Love it or hate it, coffee is undeniably the most popular drink around the world. More than 450 million cups of coffee are consumed every day in the U.S. and more than 400 billion cups are consumed each year worldwide.

There has been tons of research looking into the effects caffeine has on human health, but something that has not been explored much is how it affects the liver. Could you be putting your livers health at risk with your daily Starbucks or Keurig cup? Researchers have finally looked into it and they have some answers. Heres a rundown on how coffee affects the liver.

Is Coffee Bad For Your Liver Or Kidney

Is Coffee Bad For Your Liver Or Kidney is widely known as a healthy drink, but does this simple stimulant have harmful side effects on the human body?

Easily we consume food or drink without seeing the side effects and benefits. Well, from now on we have to be good at reading to know the risks that will be obtained.

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Is Coffee Good For Your Liver

Whats the first thing that comes in your mind when you fall in love with a specific food or drink? If youre really more into having a healthy life, then youll indeed think of the benefits that it can cause to your health.

But, coffee is a drink that people often take without giving it much of a thought. Probably its because of the instant charge up that they get from it. Still, you never thought of having an answer on the question is coffee good for your liver or not?

As youre here, I guess you do. Otherwise, why would have come here anyway? Let me take you to the answer as youre looking for it.

It Improves Cardiovascular Health

Drinking Decaf Coffee Maybe Good for the Liver

Regular intake of black coffee may lead to an increase in your blood pressure, but this effect diminishes with time. Studies have shown that drinking one to two cups of black coffee every day can reduce your risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases, including stroke. This means that over time, black coffee gives you a stronger heart. Besides, reducing inflammation in the body.

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How Much Coffee Should You Drink

Now that you know coffee can do good things for your liver, you can feel comfortable drinking it every day. The Cleveland Clinic recommends drinking at least 3-cups each day to prevent liver problems. Those with hepatitis or fatty liver disease, consider upping that number anywhere from four to six.

The key is to drink it without cream and sugar for healthier consumption. Black coffee prevents you from consuming extra fats that put diabetics and obese individuals at risk of health problems.

Positive Habits For Your Liver

The liver is responsible for 500 bodily functions alone. It never hurts to be more mindful of your lifestyle choices that can benefit your liver health.

Aside from drinking coffee, you should consume a balanced diet that consists of fiber and low saturated fats. The American Liver Foundation says to incorporate whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates. Limit your red meat intake and opt for lean meats instead. Be sure to stay hydrated and drink lots of water throughout the day.

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Liver Benefits Of Coffee

Over the past few years, several well-constructed studies have concluded that coffee helps support liver health.

  • Back in 2005, research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found a relationship between drinking coffee and a reduced risk of liver cancer. This study of over 90,000 Japanese people found that people who drank coffee daily or nearly every day had half the liver cancer risk of those who never drank coffee. The researchers found that the protective effect occurred in people who drank one to two cups of coffee a day and increased at three to four cups. Because decaf coffee is rare in Japan, the effect of regular and decaffeinated coffee was not compared.
  • As published in a February 2012 edition of the journal Hepatology, researchers investigated the effect of caffeinated coffee consumption on the liver in those with a fatty liver. Their findings were encouraging for the estimated quarter of Americans with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; coffee consumption demonstrated an ability to prevent against liver fibrosis progression.
  • As published in a June 2013 edition of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, caffeine was singled out to determine what component of coffee may help prevent the progression of liver fibrosis. The researchers found a positive link between caffeine and liver damage inhibition.

Causes Of Liver Damage


Some common causes of liver damage include chronic, heavy alcohol consumption, hepatitis viral infections and long-term use of medications or herbs that are toxic to the liver. High rates of obesity and diabetes contribute to the increased occurrence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD, a condition characterized by fat buildup in the liver. Prolonged exposure to carcinogens, including those found in cigarettes and chemical fumes, can also cause extensive liver damage. Cholestasis and other diseases that damage or destroy the liver’s bile ducts cause liver degeneration through bile buildup. Various types of hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, occur through blood infection, while autoimmune hepatitis occurs when the body’s immune system attacks liver cells, causing tissue-damaging inflammation. Genetic diseases that interfere with liver function, including Wilson’s disease, cystic fibrosis and galactosemia, are other degenerative conditions that cause chronic liver damage.

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Coffee Is Good For You In More Ways Than One

Most coffee-drinkers gravitate to coffee for its awakening effects. Coffee also shows promise as a liver protector, when combined with a liver-friendly diet. There are also numerous options for substitutions to turn your favorite coffee beverages into healthy versions for fatty liver disease. So, if youre a coffee lover- drink up!


Further Research Is Needed To Confirm Findings On Coffee And Liver Health

Its important to note that the study didn’t show that coffee caused the reduced risk of liver disease, says Kennedy. There may be other attributes of coffee drinkers that explain the protective effect against liver disease, although we did adjust for the main known risk factors. Ideally, we would need a randomized controlled trial in order to make specific recommendations, he says.

Massoud says that the gold standard would be a study in which some people would be randomly assigned to drink coffee or not drink coffee and they would be observed and evaluated over an extensive period of time. Ideally, this would also be double-blinded, which would mean that neither the participants nor the researchers would know who was drinking coffee and who was not, which would be difficult to achieve, he says.

It might be more feasible to test a capsule that contained the compounds found in coffee against a placebo, says Massoud.

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