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HomeCaffeineHow Much Caffeine In Kombucha

How Much Caffeine In Kombucha

Can I Make Decaffeinated Kombucha

Does Kombucha Have Caffeine Or Is There Caffeine In Kombucha?

Perhaps you are sensitive to caffeine?

For most healthy people, the small amounts of caffeine in Kombucha are no problem and may provide benefits. If you fall into the category of those most sensitive to caffeine, there are simple ways to control, reduce and even eliminate the caffeine in your Kombucha.

However, you should NEVER USE most store bought decaffeinated teas as they have been treated with a chemical process which leaves them damaged and covered in toxic residues.

Instead, try the tips below.

Does Kombucha Give You Energy

Yes. Kombucha does give you energy.

The energy comes from a combination of caffeine, sugar, and other healthy nutrients.

Interestingly, the caffeine found in tea provides a completely different type of energy when compared to coffee. Becuase tea also provides a unique type of amino acid called L-theanine, the stimulant effect is much more controlled.

L-theanine increases the formation of brain waves called alpha waves, which are associated with alert relaxation. This is why people who drink tea tend to feel relaxed and focused for extended periods of time while avoiding the crash that accompanies coffee.

When you combine this with all of the bio-available nutrients from the yeast and bacteria you will get a nice boost of energy. However, kombucha is by no means a meal replacement. It should not be used as your main source of calories, rather, as a supplemental boost whenever needed.

How Kombucha May Be Energizing

Just because it doesnt have caffeine, however, doesnt mean kombucha wont give you a bit of an energy boost. First and foremost, kombucha does have some sugar content. While its mostly consumed in the fermentation process, there will be some sugar left over that will give you some energy.

Another component that may influence your energy levels when drinking kombucha is the other micronutrients present. Kombucha has antioxidant potential and free radical scavenging ability, which in turn ameliorates the damage induced by oxidative stress, explained Davar, This detoxing property of kombucha in addition to its contribution to a healthy gut microbiome can potentially affect energy levels in healthy individuals.

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Best Types Of Tea To Use For Kombucha

To understand what is the best tea to use for kombucha, we need to first understand why we use tea in the first place. Tea happens to be one of the most popular drinks on the planet second only to water. 80% of Americans are tea drinkers a percentage that is even higher with millennials. It is consumed more than alcohol, coffee, soda combined. Its consumed in almost every culture ranging from China, the Middle East, India, to Europe.

Why is it so popular you ask?

As it turns out, tea happens to not only taste great but is also incredibly good for you. Its rich in polyphenols and other anti-oxidants which may reduce the risk of heart-attack and certain forms of cancer. Its full of many different alkaloids and amino acids that help support your metabolism and blood-sugar levels. The different catechins in tea have been shown to increase endurance and promote the burning of body fat.

This is only a small sampling of the studies promoting the health benefits of tea. Its not surprising so many of the same health benefits are found in kombucha.

So why is tea used in brewing kombucha?

Some People Are More Sensitive To Caffeine Than Others

Does Synergy Kombucha Have Caffeine?  Injury Health Blog

Scientists have discovered that how we metabolize caffeine varies from person to person. Whereas one person can enjoy up to four cups of coffee per day with no negative effects, another may not be able to drink even one cup without having trouble.

Some of these differences can be attributed to our genes, while other factors may include age, sex, circadian rhythms, and other medications taken.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that healthy adults consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is about the same amount as four cups of coffee. Consuming more than that can result in side effects no matter whether youre sensitive or not. If you are sensitive, though, youre likely to experience side effects at lower amounts.

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How Much Caffeine Is In Homebrewed Kombucha

This question is a little easier to answer. Before we dig in I want to clear up a point of confusion. Some popular homebrew kombucha gurus have been suggesting that the yeast and bacteria feed on the caffeine during the brewing process. This turns out to be untrue. Luckily for us, Michael Roussin, a passionate kombucha drinker, put a lot of effort into researching the actual make-up of kombucha.

One of his findings was the caffeine levels were notreduced during the fermentation process.

Caffeine levels are NOT reduced during the fermentation process.

Therefore, the caffeine that comes with your sweet tea is the caffeine you will be drinking in your kombucha.

Lucky for us, the caffeine levels of every type of tea is well studied and well documented. Here are the caffeine levels for most of the popular teas:

  • Black Tea: 60-90 mg per 8 oz.
  • Green Tea: 35-70 mg per 8 oz.
  • White Tea: 30-55 mg per 8 oz.
  • Oolong Tea: 50-75 mg per 8 oz.

The range is to accommodate the quality of tea as well as the different steeping methods used. Find out more about the different types of tea in my blog post here:

Once you determine the type of tea you will be using for your kombucha you can easily calculate the amount of caffeine in the final brew. You can increase or decrease the amount of caffeine by using more or less sweet tea in your first ferment.

Lets use the standard 1-gallon kombucha recipe for our calculations

Heres what we typically use:

Making Decaf Kombucha At Home

To make decaf at home, you can either use decaffeinated tea leaves or decaffeinate them before brewing the tea. The other option is to use red tea which is actually from a different herb known as Aspalathus Linearis shrub. This produces a sweet earthy flavor close to that of tea, but without the adverse effects of caffeine as the plant does not produce it.
While there is a lot of controversies online as to whether the following method works, give it a try and see if it works for you, especially if you cannot get your hands on the other caffeine-free alternatives.
It’s worth noting that the technique can only lower up to about 30% of the caffeine content in the tea.
  • 3 liters of water
  • 50 grams of your tea leaves of choice
  • 200 grams of sugar
1. Add the water into the teapot and start heating.
2. Divide the boiling water into two separate pots. The first one will be for decaffeinating the tea and the next one for brewing the tea.
3. Add the tea leaves into one of the pots and steep for 30 to 60 seconds on high heat in the boiling water.
4. Filter out this first tea infusion, use a sieve for this so that it’s much easier to collect the tea leaves.
5. Transfer the sieved tea leaves into the second pot and continue to brew your tea for another 1-2 minutes.
6. Add the sugar and continue stirring until it’s completely dissolved into the final product: decaffeinated sweetened tea which can then be used to brew kombucha.

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The Amount Of Caffeine In Kombucha

We all know that tea has caffeine. Its one of the many reasons people drink it daily. Some types of tea contain more caffeine than others. At this point, youre probably asking yourself how kombucha can have lower levels of caffeine than the tea it is made from. There are several reasons this occurs when making kombucha. Lets take a look at them below.

Kombucha Has Less Caffeine Than Standard Tea

How to Make Caffeine Free Kombucha

Kombucha tea is made via a fermenting process during which healthy bacteria and yeast convert carbohydrates into organic acids and alcohol. During this process, the yeast and bacteria multiply, creating a fermented beverage that contains a rich variety of healthy microorganisms and acids.

This process also naturally breaks down a lot of the caffeine in the tea. The general consensus is that about one-third of a teas caffeine content remains after fermentation. So if you made your kombucha with black tea, which contains about 50 mg per serving, then a comparable serving of kombucha would contain about 16-17 mg of caffeine.

For comparisons sake, a cup of coffee contains about 80-100 mg of caffeine.

If the source tea was green, oolong, or white tea, then the remaining caffeine in the kombucha would be even less. A longer fermentation time, as well, will further reduce the final level of caffeine.

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The Right Caffeine Content For You

We just threw a whole lot of science about kombucha at you, but what does it actually mean for you? That it all just comes down to paying attention to the products youre choosing and knowing how much caffeine you like to consume. Much like your address when youre heading out on a Tinder date, its personal.

Ultimately, if drinking kombucha is giving you unpleasant effects, reduce your serving size. Listen to your body and pay attention to its cues. Enjoy only as much as you feel comfortable with, and its as simple as that.

How Much Caffeine Does Kombucha Have

Kombucha is brewed using green tea, which naturally contains some caffeine, and while the majority of the caffeine is lost during the fermentation process, a trace amount is left behind around 7.43mg per 275ml bottle of Equinox to be precise!.

However, the caffeine content of kombucha will vary from brand to brand and depend on how its made, e.g. how long the tea is steeped for, what type of tea is made and if any caffeine has been added. Equinox Kombucha does not contain any added caffeine, only small amounts that come from the green tea we brew it with.


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Will Caffeine From Kombucha Tea Cause Stimulation

Small servings of coffee typically have approximately 100mg of caffeine nearly 10x more than Kombucha tea.

Most coffee, like Starbucks, contains far more. An average American coffee product can contain 200-300mg of caffeine.

It is unlikely that the 8-14mg of caffeine in Kombucha tea will provide any form of mental or physical stimulation even remotely similar to something like coffee or even regular tea.

White Tea Packed Full Of Antioxidants

Newest creation: caffeine free herbal tea kombucha : Kombucha

Even less oxidized than green tea, white tea has a very delicate flavor. White tea is harvested before the tea plants leaves open fully and is made from the youngest buds and leaves. The young buds are still covered by fine white hairs, hence the name white tea.

The leaves are handpicked and quickly dried so that they are not allowed to oxidize like black or green tea. Because of this lack of oxidation, white tea tends to have a lower caffeine content compare to green and black tea and can be a great alternative to those with caffeine sensitivities.

White teas can be brewed a bit longer and in slightly hotter temperatures than green teas. The flavor profile of the white tea can be described as floral, grassy, honey, fruity, delicate and sweet.

White tea produces a milder kombucha. Those used to black tea kombucha may find the flavor lacking. However, experienced brewers may appreciate the subtleties and complexities of the flavor. The health benefits of white tea include:

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Why Is There Caffeine In Kombucha

Kombucha begins as tea. Many teas contain caffeine. Brew Dr. Kombucha uses various teas, such as green and black, as well as exotic blends all from our own Townshends Tea Company. If teas such as these contain 25 mg of caffeine per cup, you may be wondering how Brew Dr. can claim our kombuchas have only 15 mg. What happened to the other 10 mg of caffeine, you ask?

Interestingly, a significant amount of caffeine is consumed during the fermentation process. As the yeast, sugar, oxygen and tea combine, a chemical reaction occurs, reducing the amount of caffeine naturally. Another side effect of the fermentation process is that it produces a wonderful mix of live and active cultures lovingly referred to as probiotics.

The fermentation process is a rather remarkable scientific chemical wonder. Its what makes kombucha so unique and gives it the natural, fizzy effervescence so many people love.

Are The Probiotics In Humm Zero Alive

Yep! Were going to get a bit technical here, so bear with us. The probiotics in Humm Zero need four factors present in order to start doing their job, including a moderate pH around five, moisture, a body temperature of around 98F, and a food source . When you consume a Humm Zero, you check off all the boxes the probiotics need to become active!

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Where Can I Learn To Brew My Own Kombucha

Brewing kombucha is a wonderful project and we suggest you source home-brewing knowledge and starter kombucha sets from one of the reputable suppliers on the Internet. Here is some info to help get you started:

  • Learn more about brewing your own kombucha:
  • And youre going to need a few supplies too:
  • Is Coffee Kombucha The Same As Fermented Coffee

    How to Make Caffeine Free Tea at Home by Hannah Crum of Kombucha Kamp

    Coffee kombucha is indeed coffee that has been fermented, but when you go to the store and the grocer offers you fermented coffee, thats not coffee kombucha. The term fermented coffee is used to refer to ground or roasted coffee that has been fermented before the roast, normally either in the green coffee or parchment coffee stages of coffee production. Coffee kombucha, on the other hand, refers to coffee that has been fermented after brewing.

    Another key difference is that while nearly all of the probiotics present after the fermentation process in fermented coffee are killed during the roastleaving only the beneficial compounds derived from the fermentation itselfcoffee kombucha maintains all of the healthy probiotics. That means your coffee kombucha is ready to give you that extra health boost common among all cultured foods.

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    Reducing Caffeine In Kombucha

    Individuals with high blood pressure, pregnant women, or young adults, may be sensitive to caffeine. Kombucha has been known to be a healthy alternative to traditional soft drinks or other beverages. There are some ways in which the caffeine levels can be reduced to be suitable for those who require even less caffeine in their kombucha.

    Brew with a Blended Tea

    Black tea has higher concentration of caffeine using a blended tea such as green and white will help reduce the initial amount of caffeine in your tea. You can also determine the perfect blend for your needs by experimenting with various combinations of tea You may want to try 50% black and 50% green on your first batch and then reduce the ratio of black tea over time. If you do decide to use herbal teas, it isnt recommended to use teas that have been flavoured. The oils blended with the teas can harm your SCOBY.

    Steep and Discard Your Initial Batch of Tea

    Steep your tea once for a few minutes and discard it before you make your sweet tea more information on their website. This process will help reduce the amount of caffeine in your brew by up to 75%. The caffeine in the tea blend will be left in your initial batch, whereas the leaves remaining will have a lower concentration of caffeine.

    Continue to Brew for Longer

    If you want to learn how to brew kombucha, check out our Learn Page.


    Does Kombucha Tea Have Caffeine

    Kombucha is caffeinated because the tea leaves used to make kombucha naturally contain caffeine.

    Although caffeine is naturally found in kombucha, it is extremely minimal, averaging around just 15mg per serving barely noticeable to even those sensitive to caffeine. But if a cup of tea has around 45mg of caffeine and kombucha contains around 15mg, what happened to the other 30mg?

    Well, the fermentation process naturally reduces the amount of caffeine! The longer the kombucha is left to ferment, the more caffeine is consumed by yeast and bacteria.

    Kombuchas low caffeine levels are particularly appealing to those looking to cut down their daily caffeine intake. Every day, 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine in some form, and for those looking to kick the habit, kombucha is a perfect step down in caffeine intake while still providing a little energy boost!

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    How Much Caffeine Is Safe

    Children under the age of 12 should not consume more than 85 mg of caffeine per day, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics . The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents aged 13 to 18 consume no more than 100 mg per day.

    Pregnant women are advised to limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg per day. And for adults, the FDA says 400 mg per day is considered safe.

    What Influences Caffeine Content

    Does Kombucha Have Caffeine? How Much?

    The long answer? It depends on the caffeine content of the brewed tea and not all green and black tea varieties have the same amount of caffeine.

    In general, most of these types of teas have much less caffeine than the amount thats in a typical cup of coffee that is, about 25 to 30 mg in a cup of tea to 75 to 80 mg in coffee. But this amount also depends on other factors, including:

    • How long you steeped the tea in hot liquid. More caffeine content seeps into the water the longer you keep the teabag or leaves in the hot water.
    • How long the kombucha ferments. Natural processes from the bacteria colonization break down the caffeine thats in the tea and ultimately reduce the amount of caffeine thats in the final product.
    • How much caffeine has been added to the kombucha blend. Some kombucha you buy at the store contains ingredients with natural caffeine content or has had caffeine added to it. Look closely at the ingredients list, and check for any indications of how much caffeine content is in the product, usually measured in milligrams.

    Kombucha starts with a mixture of:

    • sugar
    • tea of your choice, preferably black or green tea
    • particular strains of yeast and bacteria

    Then, you let the mixture sit at room temperature for a number of weeks to let the yeast and bacteria

    • alcohol
    • acetic acid

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