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What Are The Risks Of Drinking Coffee

Some Coffee Drinks Contain Large Amounts Of Sugar And Fat

Drinking Coffee Associated With Lower Risk of Liver Disease, Study Finds

While a daily cup of coffee may provide a range of health benefits, these will quickly disappear if that drink is a sugar-laden option.

Amazingly, some drinks at chain cafe stores contain upward of 60 grams of sugar.

For example

  • Venti White Chocolate Mocha by Starbucks: 67 grams of sugar .
  • Large Vanilla Chai Latte from Dunkin Donuts: 66 grams of sugar .

While its always a good idea to limit sugar intake, these amounts are well over the upper limit set by the US dietary guidelines .

Theres no disguising that these are unhealthy drinks.

Additionally, homemade drinks such as bulletproof coffee can contain excessive amounts of fat and calories.

While there is nothing wrong with putting a little cream in a coffee, drinking a meals worth of liquid fat isnt the healthiest choice.

Key Point:

How Much Coffee Is Safe

Like so many foods and nutrients, too much coffee can cause problems, especially in the digestive tract. But studies have shown that drinking up to four 8-ounce cups of coffee per day is safe. Sticking to those boundaries shouldnt be hard for coffee drinkers in the U.S., since most drink just a cup of java per day.

Moderation is key. But sipping coffee in reasonable amounts just might be one of the healthiest things you can do.

What Is The Healthiest Way To Drink Coffee

The researchers revealed that there was a decreased risk of serious heart troubles in participants who consumed one to four cups of filtered coffee per day . Now that you know the healthiest way to brew your coffee, its also important to be mindful of what you add to it.

Artificial sweeteners are a big no-no because they can reduce the healthy bacteria in your gut, which studies have shown could negatively affect heart health. But, if youre not a fan of black coffee, dont fret. Try sprinkling in health-boosting ingredients such as ground cinnamon and cocoa powder instead. This gives your drink a flavor kick that you can enjoy until the very last sip without any of the guilt.

Heres to enjoying a healthier cup of Joe!

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It May Add Years To Your Life

One of the landmark studies published in the journal Circulation found that those who drank 1 to 5 cups of coffee per day had longer lifespans compared to those who reported drinking little or no coffee.

In fact, the researchers reported that drinking 1 to 3 cups of coffee per day was associated with a 15% reduction in risk of dying.

There are many reasons why coffee may add years to your life, but the researchers believe that the antioxidants, caffeine, and other bioactive compounds in coffee help improve blood glucose levels and cardiovascular health. While up to four cups may be ideal, there are studies that do suggest that heavy coffee consumption may be associated with an increased risk of dying.

Tips To Reduce Caffeine Intake

5 Side Effects of Drinking Black Coffee

Reduce caffeine intake with these tips:

  • Switch to low or no caffeine:Reduce caffeine intake by replacing foods and beverages that have little to no caffeine. To avoid caffeine withdrawal, start by reducing caffeine intake first. For example, try ordering half-caf coffee or switching your second cup of tea to herbal.
  • Drink more water:Drinking more water will fight fatigue and improve mood and energy levels.
  • Eat more foods with nutrients: Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, zinc, fiber, and the B complex vitamins may improve fatigue. These are found in milk, cheese, eggs, liver, poultry, organ meat, tuna, mackerel, salmon, clams, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and colorful and leafy green vegetables.

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Coffee Consumption Lowers The Risk Of Melanoma Skin Cancer

While many skin cancers are relatively mild in nature, melanoma is the exception.

This skin cancer is often fatal, and prevalence rates are quickly rising across the world.

In fact, the data is disturbing and shows a 500% increase in the number of cases over the last four decades

However, unlike the popular narrative, sunlight alone is not the only risk factor.

The food we eat can significantly increaseor decreaseour risk of burning and developing skin cancer.

On this note, several studies show that coffee may protect against melanoma.

The mechanism of action here is likely that the polyphenols in coffee help to increase the UV resistance properties of our skin .

Two recent systematic reviews demonstrate that a higher consumption of caffeinated coffee lowers melanoma risk at a statistically significant rate .

Key Point:

Coffee And Heart Health

One 2012 study concluded that drinking coffee in moderation, or consuming around two 8-ounce servings per day, may protect against heart failure.

People who drank moderate amounts of coffee each day had an 11% lower risk of heart failure than those who did not.

One 2017 meta-analysisTrusted Source found that caffeine consumption may have at least a small benefit for cardiovascular health, including blood pressure.

Some studies, however, found higher levels of blood lipids and cholesterol in people who consumed more coffee.

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What Does This Mean To You

The good news is that coffee is not something thats so unhealthy that you need to stop drinking it right now. However, there are some things that can make this drink unhealthy for you. If you are one of those people that drink more than six cups of coffee a day, its a good idea to start cutting back on your intake.

If you happen to be one of those people that dont sleep well at night or have a hard time getting to sleep, you may want to stop drinking coffee earlier in the day to help get the effects of caffeine out of your system. This may take a little experimentation to find what time works best for you.

Try stopping earlier and earlier in the day until you notice a positive difference in your sleep patterns. You may want to switch to decaf if you happen to have a health condition that can be worsened by caffeine.

Coffee And Chronic Liver Disease Or Cancer

New study says drinking coffee could reduce risk of liver disease

In 2019, a literature review concluded that coffee intake is likely to reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Earlier, in 2015, a cohort study of a multiethnic population in the United States suggested that depending on the dose, consuming two to three cups of coffee daily reduced the participants risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic liver disease by

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First Go Easy On Cream And Sugar

As long as you limit cream and sugar, coffee isn’t fattening like other caffeine-based substances such as energy drinks and soda. The calorie content in a plain cup of brewed coffee is next to nothing, and there’s no fat either.

But not everyone drinks their coffee black, as any Starbucks menu suggests.

Loading up a coffee with too much cream or sugar can drown out some of the positive health associations it provides.

We know that sugar has adverse effects, Penny Kris-Etherton, a nutrition professor at Penn State University, told the American Heart Association.

Even if you add sugar and dont exceed your calorie needs, youre still negating some of the benefits because sugar is a negative food ingredient.

Caffeine Boosts Physical Performance

Coffees energy-giving properties are widely known, and they come down to the caffeine content of the drink.

On this note, coffee can play a role in improving physical sporting and exercise performance.

For one thing, studies show that drinking coffee before a workout can help enhance recovery, increase resistance training load, and boost our metabolic rate .

Also, a systematic review of 21 studies investigated these claims in relation to endurance athletes .

The researchers found that caffeine ingestion of approximately 3-6 mg per kilogram of bodyweight had performance-boosting effects.

To put it another way, the amount of caffeine to benefit a 70 kg individual would be somewhere between 210 and 420 mg. In real-world terms, this is equivalent to one or two Starbucks grande size coffees.

These benefits were variable between different studies, with performance improvements being somewhere between 0.3 and 17%.

However, its important to remember that caffeine is a drug and it can have some strong effects.

Key Point:

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How To Make Less Acidic Coffee

Caffeine does not add to coffee acidity, nor does it take away acid in coffee. A coffee bean having less caffeine does not necessarily mean that your coffee ph is more basic or more alkaline. However, caffeine is said to relax the muscle connecting the esophagus with the stomach. The acid stomach contents will then creep up to your throat, and you may feel that sour taste in your mouth. Now, the question is, how acidic is coffee?

How do you make coffee less acidic?

Yes, you can make lower coffees acidity! With several illnesses associated with drinking coffee, here are some tips on making it with lower acidity.

Large Study But Only One Point In Time


The study examined coffee consumption among 494,585 participants of the UK Biobank, a biomedical database and research resource, and then followed them for nearly a dozen years.

While the maximum benefit was seen in the group who drank ground caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, instant coffee drinkers also saw some benefits. Ground coffee has higher levels of kahweol and cafestol, two antioxidants found in coffee beans that have been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory properties. Cafestol, however, has also been shown to increase bad cholesterol, or LDL .

This is not the first study to find health benefits from coffee. A study published in February found drinking one or more cups of black, caffeinated coffee a day was associated with a long-term reduced risk of heart failure.

Coffee’s also been shown to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes,Parkinson’s disease, prostate cancer,Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, melanoma and other skin cancers, and reduce levels of coronary artery calcium. And a prior study by Kennedy found that drinking coffee reduced the risk of hepatocellular cancer, the most common form of liver cancer.

The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which began in 1986, and the Nurses’ Health Study, which started in 1976, have been following thecoffee consumption habits of healthy men and women for decades.

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Coffee Contains Some Essential Nutrients And Is Extremely High In Antioxidants

Coffee is rich in many of the nutrients naturally found in coffee beans.

A typical 8-ounce cup of coffee contains :

  • Vitamin B2 : 11% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5 : 6% of the DV
  • Vitamin B1 : 2% of the DV
  • Vitamin B3 : 2% of the DV
  • Folate: 1% of the DV
  • Manganese: 3% of the DV
  • Potassium: 3% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 2% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 1% of the DV

This may not seem like a lot, but try multiplying it with the number of cups you drink per day it can add up to a significant portion of your daily nutrient intake.

But coffee really shines in its high content of antioxidants.

In fact, the typical Western diet provides more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables combined .

Summary Coffee contains a small amount of some vitamins and minerals, which add up if you drink many cups per day. It is also high in antioxidants.

Coffee Really Give Boost To Your Energy Levels

Coffee contains extremely high amounts of a compound called caffeine, which is the most widely consumed psychoactive compound in the world. When you consume coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Once in the brain, caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. When that happens, the amount of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine actually increases, leading to enhanced firing of neurons. This leads to improved energy levels, mood, reaction times, and overall cognitive function.

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A Regular Cup Of Coffee Can Keep Cognitive Decline At Bay

Its no secret that coffee provides a temporary boost in memory and brain activity. But what most of us dont know is that frequent consumption of coffee can as well prevent cognitive decline related to mental anomalies such as Alzheimers disease.

In an extensive study, experts found that taking around three to five cups of coffee every day has some unique benefits that cant be replicated elsewhere. They associated it with 65% reduced a risk of dementia and Alzheimers in later life. On retrospect, the researchers investigated the effect of taking tea or other beverages such as cocoa or beer on cognitive decline. Interestingly enough, they found no association.

The backdrop

There are various theories on how coffee can help prevent or better yet, protect cognitive decline. But before that here is a quick fact, caffeine in coffee prevents beta-amyloid plaque build-up. The plaque can contribute to the beginning as well as the progression of Alzheimers. Besides, researchers theorise that since a regular cup of coffee can keep dietary diabetes away , it can also be said to minimise the danger of developing dementia.

Drinking Coffee During Pregnancy And Nursing Stage

Study: Drinking coffee every day could reduce risk of liver cancer

Pregnant women should not drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day as otherwise, the high caffeine may increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Caffeine can easily travel in the bloodstream and crosses the placenta, a circular membrane that covers the uterus and is attached to the umbilical cord .

Being a stimulant, caffeine increases the metabolic rate and heartbeat of the bay.

This may weaken the baby, and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Nursing mothers should limit their coffee to 2-3 cups as too much caffeine may irritate the digestive system of the infant, causes sleep problems, and irritability.

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Parkinsons Disease Among Post

Other researchers used data from the Nurses Health Study to evaluate the risk of Parkinsons disease among women who drank coffee while using estrogen medication after menopause. For women who were NOT using estrogen therapy, those who drank four or more cups of coffee per day were about half as likely to develop Parkinsons disease as women who did not drink coffee. For women who did use post-menopausal estrogen, however, those who drank four or more cups of coffee were about twice as likely as those who didnt drink coffee to develop Parkinsons.21

Lower Your Risk Of Cancer

Im up for trying anything to help me avoid the big C-word, and Im sure most of you are, too.

Studies have shown that coffee reduces the risk of certain cancers, like endometrial cancer, lethal prostate cancer, oral cancer, and some types of breast cancer.

Researchers cant yet prove exactly what gives coffee its cancer-fighting superpowers but they believe its thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Too Much Of Anything Is Bad For You

But before you start reaching for your next refill, you may want to consider this.

While there is some research out there into the health benefits of drinking coffee, its important to note that many of the studies available are purely observational. There is no evidence suggesting that coffee is the direct cause for the reduced risk of heart disease , but rather that those who drink it are less likely to develop problems in the future.

There are, of course, risks that come with drinking too much coffee. These include anxiety, digestive issues, shakiness, and insomnia. That being said, coffee consumption, in moderation, is no cause for harm. The recommended daily dose is 3-5 cups of instant coffee a day . Anything more than that and you could be looking at some negative side effects.

While more research is needed on the topic, its no doubt that this low-calory beverage does have some impact on the health of your heart when taken in moderation. So, next time you have a cup of coffee you may want to consider some of the things we discussed in this article.

Have you seen any changes in your well-being as a result of your coffee intake? Do you prefer instant or regular coffee? Wed love to hear your opinion on the subject. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Is Coffee Acidic A Valid Question For Coffee Lovers

Here are 6 side effects of too much caffeine. #sideeffects ...

Home»Coffee»Is Coffee Acidic? A Valid Question for Coffee Lovers

With your colleagues, you pull out a chair in your favorite coffee shop and order a cup of coffee. Your work has been terrible. There are a lot of documents that you have to finish. You are stressed out! You need energy, and you have been relying on your coffee maker for an extended time.

Before, you used to drink the brew only during the mornings. But as of late, you have been chugging coffees regularly. Worse, you have been experiencing reflux and tummy aches. Yet, midway into sipping your favorite blend, you hesitate. A thought comes through your head is coffee acidic?

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Coffee Contains Caffeine Which May Raise Blood Pressure

Studies show that coffee is generally healthy when consuming less than 400 mg of caffeine per day, but that negative effects can start to appear when we drink more than this .

However, the amount of caffeine in coffee can wildly vary.

For example, a Starbucks Caffe Americano ranges from 75 mg to 300 mg of caffeine, depending on the size. If youre brewing coffee at home, then the caffeine content will vary according to the type of coffee and brewing method .

Also, instant coffee typically contains the lowest amount of caffeine.

Since we all metabolize caffeine differently, individual tolerances will vary and its easy for some people to get too much.

A negative effect of caffeine is that it can acutely raise blood pressure both diastolic and systolic for 3-6 hours .

Interestingly, it appears that coffees effect on acutely raising blood pressure disappears in regular coffee drinkers.

Studies hypothesize that this is due to frequent drinkers developing a tolerance to the blood pressure-raising effects of caffeine .


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