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HomeMust ReadCan I Have Coffee While Pregnant

Can I Have Coffee While Pregnant

How Does Caffeine Affect Me When Im Pregnant

Can I have coffee during pregnancy?- Dr. Shefali Tyagi

You may find it doesnt affect you at all. On the other hand, its possible that you may react differently to caffeine once youre pregnant.

Coffee in particular can make you poop, so if you already find yourself running to the restroom, you may want to put coffee on the do not drink list until baby makes his arrival.

And whereas you once would have been able to down three cups of coffee a day without issue, you may now find that even one small cup worsens your heartburn or gives you the shakes or jitters. Some women also find the taste changes during pregnancy.

One note of caution: Its possible that too much caffeine during pregnancy can impact your bodys ability to absorb iron, which can increase your risk of iron deficiency or anemia. If you already suffer from low iron levels, you may want to cut caffeine out entirely while pregnant. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned.

No Safe Level Of Coffee Drinking For Pregnant Women Study Says

Cut out caffeine to help avoid miscarriage, low birth weight and stillbirth, paper advises

Pregnant women should cut out coffee completely to help avoid miscarriage, low birth weight and stillbirth, according to a study of international evidence about caffeine and pregnancy.

In contradiction to official guidance in the UK, US and Europe, there is no safe level for caffeine consumption during pregnancy, according to a peer-reviewed study published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.

It analysed more than 1,200 studies of the drugs effect on pregnancy and found persuasive confirmation of increased risk for at least five major negative pregnancy outcomes: miscarriage, stillbirth, lower birth weight and/or small for gestational age, childhood acute leukaemia, and childhood overweight and obesity.

But the study was dismissed by the coffee industry, which urged consumers to stick to the public health advice in the UK, US and Europe that daily caffeine intake equivalent totwo cups ofmedium-strength cups of coffee is safe for pregnant women.

A large majority of pregnant women consume caffeine, which is also found in energy drinks and at lower levels in cola, chocolate and tea. Britons drink an estimated 104m cups of coffee per day, up from 70m in 2008.

The cumulative scientific evidence supports pregnant women and women contemplating pregnancy being advised to avoid caffeine, the report said.

Public Health England has been contacted for comment.

A Pregnant Guide To Dunkin’ Donuts And Caffeine Intake

Although some women feel more energetic during pregnancy, some women may still need that little boost from their daily cup of joe . So if you’re in that boat, it’s important to know whether you can still make a daily stop at Dunkin’ Donuts or not. In short, you can!

Consuming caffeine while pregnant isn’t completely off-limits, but it is recommended that you consume less than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day and yes, decaf does include a few milligrams while a tiny human is sharing your body with you.

So what does this mean for your iced coffee obsession? Check out our handy guide ahead to find out how to keep running on Dunkin’ throughout your pregnancy .

PS: Don’t forget a doughnut baby definitely wants one of those.

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Jack James, a professor in the psychology department at Reykjavik University in Iceland and author of the research, examined the findings from 37 observational studies published over the last two decades, looking specifically at caffeine consumption and pregnancy outcomes in whats known as a meta-analysis, an assessment of previous research to glean any conclusions from the larger body of work. He found that past research indicates that moderate-to-high consumption in pregnant women shared a correlation with negative pregnancy outcomes.

The majority of relevant peer-reviewed studies report that caffeine is associated with increased risk of negative pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage, stillbirth, lower birth weight, small for gestational age, childhood acute leukemia, and childhood overweight and obesity, James told TODAY via email. Certainly, there is no evidence to suggest that caffeine benefits either mother or baby. Therefore, even if the evidence were merely suggestive, and in reality it is much stronger than that, the case for recommending caffeine be avoided during pregnancy is thoroughly compelling.

How Does Caffeine Affect You And Your Baby During Pregnancy

How Much Caffeine You Can Have While Pregnant

Caffeine slightly increases your blood pressure and heart rate and the amount of urine your body makes. Caffeine may cause you to feel jittery, have indigestion or have trouble sleeping. During pregnancy, you may be especially sensitive to caffeine because it may take you longer to clear it from your body than if you werent pregnant. It may also make you feel nauseous or lightheaded.

When you have caffeine during pregnancy, it passes through the placenta to your baby. The placenta grows in your uterus and supplies the baby with food and oxygen through the umbilical cord.

You may have heard that too much caffeine can cause miscarriage , preterm birth or low birth weight . Some studies say this is true, and others dont.

Until we know more about how caffeine can affect pregnancy, its best to limit the amount you get to 200 milligrams each day. This is about the amount in 1½ 8-ounce cups of coffee or one 12-ounce cup of coffee. Be sure to check the size of your cup to know how much caffeine youre getting.

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Is Decaf Coffee Safe During Pregnancy

“It’s OK to drink decaf coffee and tea during pregnancy, but to not overdo it,” says Elisa Zied, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., a dietitian in New York City and author of Feed Your Family Right. Even small amounts of caffeine in so-called decaf products can add up if you’re having multiple servings.

Caffeine Causes Birth Defects In Humans

Facts: Numerous studies on animals have shown that caffeine can cause birth defects, preterm delivery, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low birth weight and other reproductive disorders. Although studies on humans are inconclusive at this time, it is better to play it safe when it comes to the health of your baby. Usually, these are brought on by high intake over an extended period of time.

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How Does Caffeine Affect My Body

Caffeine affects your body in many ways some good, and some bad. Some positive effects of caffeine use are:

  • Increased concentration.
  • Increased productivity.

However, there are plenty of negative effects on your body, too. Some of these are:

When youre pregnant, your metabolism slows, and your body may have a harder time eliminating toxins. This means the caffeine you consume may stay in your body longer at higher levels, compounding the effects of caffeine that you experience.

Can You Drink Caffeinated Coffee While Pregnant

Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

When it comes to caffeine during pregnancy, most of the evidence comes from retrospective studies, according to Dr. Elmer. “These look at people who happen to encounter a particular drug or substance to see if they’re having more problems than those who don’t,” he says.

While the results of these retrospective studies are conflicting, most come to a similar conclusion: moderate caffeine consumption hasn’t been linked to adverse effects like miscarriage or preterm labor. Indeed, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommends the 200 mg per day caffeine limit.

To put it in perspective, 200 mg of caffeine is about one 12-ounce cup of coffee. But keep in mind that the super-caffeinated coffee at Starbucks is over the 200-milligram limit, even at the smallest “tall” size.

Some pregnant women drink much more than 200 mg of caffeine with no consequences, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. That’s because animal studies have shown harmful effects of excessive caffeine while pregnant. Although “there are no conclusive studies in humans, studies in animals do show decreased fertility, increases in birth defects and miscarriage rates, and low-birthweight babies,” says Michele Hakakha, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYM in Beverly Hills, California and author of Expecting 411.

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Why Cant I Get Pregnant 10 Possible Reasons Youre Struggling To Conceive

In a nutshell, yes you can drink coffee while pregnant. However whilst you dont necessarily have to give up coffee, its important to be aware of the limitations.

The concern around coffee during pregnancy is based on the drinks high caffeine content. And medical experts ask mums-to-be to not drink more than the recommended daily limit on caffeine when expecting just to be safe.

You can safely have up to 200mg of caffeine a day, says midwife Rachel FitzD, who is also a parenting expert at the Baby Show. So whilst it isnt sensible to chug down your own body weight in cappuccinos every day, you can enjoy that morning kick of caffeine.

The NHS England website also states that pregnant women should drink no more than 200mg of caffeine per day. And this guidance is further agreed by Dr Deborah Lee of Dr Fox Online Pharmacy.

Caffeine is regarded as a psychoactive drug. Its often used to help those who feel tired and fatigued in order to keep them awake, as it stops you from feeling drowsy, she tells us. Many women regularly drink a lot of coffee, but when they become pregnant, they need to control their caffeine intake, for the sake of their unborn baby.

Statement: Caffeine Causes Birth Defects In Humans

Facts: Numerous studies on animals have shown that caffeine can cause birth defects, premature labor, preterm delivery, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low-birth-weight offspring and other reproductive problems.There have not been any conclusive studies done on humans however, it is still better to play it safe when it comes to inconclusive studies.

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When Can I Resume Drinking Coffee

If you cut down on your caffeine consumption during pregnancy, you no longer have to think about caffeine intake in relation to pregnancy health after you deliver. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you were drinking more than a couple of cups of coffee a day pre-pregnancy.

If you are breastfeeding, Dr. Shaheen says to limit yourself to no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day and to be aware that caffeine affects each infant differently.

“Very little caffeine comes into breast milk, so you can consume a higher amount compared to pregnancy. Just watch our baby is sensitive because some babies have a lower threshold for caffeine than others and may become irritable, fussy, or jittery.” Charif adds, “Slightly more than one cup would be fine, but I don’t advise going above three small cups a day…what you drink does end up in your breastmilk.”

In addition, the same effects of larger quantities of caffeineâlike insomnia, jitters, and increased stress responseâapply here and are not ideal for the postpartum period. So be aware of not only how postpartum intake is affecting your baby, but also how it is affecting you too.

Things are a little different for preterm babies, though. If you delivered early, stick with the 200-milligram limit and ask your doctor when you can drink more coffee.

Can You Drink Decaf Coffee During Pregnancy

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Coffee is a popular caffeinated drink known for its energy-boosting and stimulating effects.

However, pregnant women may prefer to reduce or eliminate caffeine to avoid potential health risks.

Yet decaf coffee still contains a small amount of caffeine, which may lead some women to wonder whether its safe to drink during pregnancy.

This article tells you all you need to know about decaf coffee and pregnancy.

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However, caffeine is broken down more slowly during pregnancy and can cross the placenta, entering the growing babys bloodstream where it cannot be broken down .

Although the exact mechanisms are not yet known, some studies have associated a high caffeine intake during pregnancy with low birth weight, growth restriction, miscarriage, and a higher risk of excess weight during childhood .

Yet, the exact relationship of caffeine to negative pregnancy outcomes is still an active area of research, and its effects may vary significantly between individuals .

Given the current level of knowledge, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnant women consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine from all sources per day .

One cup of brewed black regular coffee contains 96 mg of caffeine. Therefore, most guidelines recommend limiting regular coffee intake to about 2 cups per day .

Decaf stands for decaffeinated and refers to coffee that has had at least 97% of the caffeine removed from the beans during processing.


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Cutting Down On Caffeine

Caffeine is found naturally in some foods and drinks, such as tea and coffee. It is also added to some products such as energy drinks.

One study found that energy drinks, instant coffee and cola had the strongest links to pregnancy complications. It is best to try to avoid these during pregnancy and find replacements. Energy drinks and cola also contain lots of sugar, so it is good to limit these as part of a healthy diet.

Be aware that decaffeinated products still contain a very small amount of caffeine. The amount may vary, but it is still much lower than regular caffeinated products.

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I found slowly weaning myself off caffeine and onto decaffeinated versions of tea and coffee was a good way to reduce and majorly decrease my intake. Now I don’t even really miss the caffeine buzz.


If you are drinking coffee because you are feeling tired, the best thing to do is eat a balanced, healthy diet to make sure your energy level is maintained. You can also read our tips for getting more sleep during pregnancy.

The Difference Between Regular Coffee And Decaf Coffee

The main difference between regular coffee and decaf coffee is because of the lack of caffeine in the latter. That is also the main reason why decaf coffee is created in the first place. However, many coffee addicts and drinkers think that decaf coffee is a bad substitute for regular coffee because it tastes different.

It also defeats the purpose of drinking coffee, and that is to stay alert and energetic. And technically speaking, decaf coffee is a synthetic or unnatural process because of the modification undergone by the coffee beans in the extraction of its caffeine. It’s also important for you to know that decaffeinated coffee still contains a small amount of caffeine. It is said that 95% of caffeine is removed from coffee beans and that it is technically impossible to remove that remaining 5% through the same process.

According to a study, decaf coffee contains between 8 to 13.9 mg of caffeine per cup. That is still a small amount compared to the usual 85 mg to 90 mg of caffeine in regular coffee. However, there is a certain kind of coffee that has zero caffeine, which is called as instant decaf coffee crystals.

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Should You Drink Coffee When Trying To Conceive

If you are trying to conceive, both you and your partner should rethink that third cup of coffee. A 2016 study from the National Institutes of Health and Ohio State University in Columbus, published in Fertility and Sterility, found that two or more caffeine drinks a day in the weeks prior to conception increases a woman’s miscarriage risk.

For the study, researchers looked at the lifestyle factors of 344 couples enrolled in the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment Study. They all had singleton pregnancies and were followed from before they conceived to the seventh week of gestation. According to the press release, researchers evaluated factors like caffeinated beverage consumption to determine their “hazard ratio,” or the daily likelihood of pregnancy loss over a given time period.

The biggest factor in whether a woman miscarried was age, since a woman older than 35 had nearly twice the miscarriage risk of a younger woman. But drinking two or more cups of beverages containing caffeine also raised the risk of miscarriageand that held true for both men and women. As lead researcher Dr. Buck Louis explained, “Our findings also indicate that the male partner matters, too. Male preconception consumption of caffeinated beverages was just as strongly associated with pregnancy loss as females’.”

Coffee During Pregnancy: How Much Is Considered Safe

Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?

Because there are enough studies that show dangers with consumption of 300mg, from miscarriages to lower birth weights, many practitioners take a better-safe-than-sorry approach and advise pregnant women to limit caffeine consumption to no more than 200mg per day.

Some women follow this recommendation, while others choose to skip the coffee altogether, especially in the first trimester when miscarriage is more likely. Talk to your healthcare provider about whats right for you.

And keep in mind: Caffeine will cross the placentait can limit blood flow to the placenta and increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It also puts additional strain on the liver, which is already busy processing the increased hormonal demands related to pregnancy.

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Caffeine’s Potential Effects During Pregnancy

While some studies have suggested that caffeine has an adverse effect on birth weight, others haven’t found a significant link between the two.

In a large 2013 study, researchers noted that evidence for the association between caffeine intake and fetal development is limited since studies haven’t taken into account other factors, such as smoking which is strongly correlated to caffeine consumption and known to increase the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.

On the flip side, in the same 2021 study discussed earlier, researchers noted that caffeine may cause blood vessels in the uterus and placenta to constrict, which could reduce blood supply to the fetus, affecting its growth.

Studies also suggest caffeine may alter the baby’s stress response and hinder organ development.

“Since the baby is still developing, their body and nervous system are not mature enough to handle caffeine the same way an adult could,” says Shepherd. “If too much caffeine is consumed during pregnancy, their heart rate may increase, leading to potential sleep disturbances.”

You may also want to consider caffeine intake based simply on how you respond to it because you are likely to be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine during pregnancy since it takes longer to clear from your body, says White.


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