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HomeCaffeineCan You Be Addicted To Caffeine

Can You Be Addicted To Caffeine

When Does Caffeine Become Addictive


As is the case with other substances, the risk of becoming addicted to coffee depends on various factors.

For one, experts believe that your likelihood of getting hooked may be influenced, in part, by your genetics .

Naturally, regular coffee drinkers have an increased risk of undergoing the brain changes previously described and becoming dependent on caffeine.

For the moment, what remains unclear is how long it takes for your body and brain to physically adapt to daily caffeine intake.

What experts do know is that withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, lack of concentration, drowsiness and irritability can appear as little as 1224 hours after your last caffeine dose, and can last up to nine days .

In addition, they can result from reducing your daily caffeine dose by as little as 100 mg the equivalent of one cup of coffee per day .

The good news is that the severity of symptoms usually peaks within the first two days and goes down gradually thereafter .


Regular caffeine consumption is needed to stimulate the physical adaptations consistent with addiction. However, its currently unclear how long it takes for these changes to occur.

Effects Of Caffeine On Our Health

Caffeine has various benefits as well as drawbacks. Caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and can also increase the risk of osteoporosis. This popular drug can also cause disruptions to your sleep pattern which can lead to you developing sleep deprivation or lethargy during the day.

Some people may also be sensitive to caffeine and caffeine intake can make them more dependent on the drug than others. Other effects of caffeine on our health can be:

  • Anxiety
  • Caffeine-induced sleep disorders

How Do You Know If You Are Addicted To Caffeine

If you think its normal to hear someone say that they cant socialize without their daily caffeine hit, theres a chance that youre addicted to caffeine.

Here are some red flags that show you may have become too dependent on caffeine:

  • Your head starts throbbing if youve missed your morning dose of caffeine
  • Youre grumpy before your morning caffeine fix
  • You find it hard to concentrate without consuming caffeine
  • Your daily dose of caffeine no longer gives you the same effects that it once did
  • You cant go a day without caffeine
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    How Long Does It Take For Caffeine Withdrawal To Start

    Caffeine withdrawal symptoms vary in severity. If you have developed a tolerance for long, withdrawal symptoms will last longer than people who are new. Typically, withdrawal symptoms kick in within 48 hours.

    These symptoms can last for days and even weeks but theyll eventually go away. Severity would depend on the level of dependence for each individual. If you have recently started having caffeine and want to do away with it, it should not be too difficult.

    On the other hand, if theres a person who has been having caffeine for years but now needs to cut back on their intake on the doctors advice, he/she might experience severe withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms may include headache, anxiety, nausea, and more.

    Is Caffeine Dependence Life Threatening

    Caffeine Addiction: A Problem To Be Solved As Early As ...

    No, caffeine dependence is not life-threatening unless you have some other underlying medical condition. Most people tend to perform better after having their cup of Joe in the morning. I could have explained the nerdy process of how the process of dependence works, but my blog is for any other average American who loves having coffee.

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    Caffeine Detox: How To Quit Caffeine And Break The Addiction

    A caffeine detox may be needed for many reasons and some of those could include:

  • Caffeine may no longer have the same effects it once had.
  • Daily caffeine consumption amounts are out of control.
  • Caffeine consumption is leading to health problems.
  • Doctors orders.
  • Whichever the reason, quitting caffeine isnt easy since most people develop a strong dependence on the daily dose both physically and mentally.

    Most people experience some form of withdrawal symptoms when reducing caffeine. However these can be minimized using a carefully tapered dose.

    The Controversy Surrounding Caffeine Addiction

    Despite the similarities between Caffeine dependency and other drug addictions, some health care officials debate as to whether it can qualify as an actual addiction. The main reason for this is that other addictive substances, such as Amphetamines and Cocaine, stimulate the area of the brain linked to reward and motivation to a higher extent than Caffeine does. Caffeine causes a surge of dopamine within the brain but not a large enough surge to unbalance the reward system in the brain like other drugs. Because of this, the American Psychiatric Association does not currently identify Caffeine addiction as a Substance Use Disorder however, it does recognize Caffeine withdrawal as a clinical condition. The World Health Organization became the first medical corporation to formally recognize Caffeine addiction as a clinical disorder in 2012.

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    Set Goals For Yourself

    As we all know, breaking an addiction takes a tremendous amount of willpower.

    In order to ensure your success in overcoming your caffeine addiction, set small goals for yourself to accomplish each week. Setting small, achievable goals and accomplishing them helps to keep you motivated and on track.

    Setting small and realistic goals can help keep you motivated to quit caffeine.

    How To Break Caffeine Addiction

    7 Telltale Signs You’re Addicted To Caffeine

    If an individual has a tolerance to or dependence on caffeine, there are ways to lower the dependence. An individual can start by talking to their doctor about the best ways to reduce their dependence on caffeine. Common steps for lowering a caffeine dependence include:

    • Drink more water
    • Start by switching out one caffeinated drink per day with a caffeine-free option
    • Make daily exercise part of your routine

    It can take weeks to successfully cut out caffeine without experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. The process should be gradual, and it is important to stay hydrated because water can help flush caffeine out of the body.

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    Signs Of Caffeine Withdrawal

    Each individual will experience caffeine withdrawal differently. The amount of caffeine consumed on a regular basis and the duration of caffeine use can contribute to the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In many cases, headaches, irritability, and lethargy are considered the top withdrawal symptoms for caffeine. Individual who suddenly lack energy, complain of frequent headaches, and seem more agitated than usual may be dealing with caffeine withdrawal.

    What Does Caffeine Do

    Caffeine can help you feel alert and focused. But it also can cause anxiety, stomach upset, headaches, and the jitters. Caffeine can make it hard to sleep. How someone reacts to caffeine depends on a persons age, weight, gender, and caffeine sensitivity.

    Caffeine sensitivity is the amount of caffeine that will cause symptoms. This varies from person to person. But people who regularly have a lot of caffeine become less sensitive to it. This means they need more caffeine to get the same effects.

    Caffeine increases heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones. People with some medical conditions should avoid caffeine. Talk to you doctor about your caffeine consumption if you have high blood pressure or heart problems, are taking medicines or over-the-counter supplements, or are dealing with stress or anxiety.

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    Woah Check Your Mood Swings

    Since caffeine is a legal substance found in beverages you can easily purchase, it can be easy to forget that caffeine is still a stimulant and a powerfully addictive one at that. As such, it can affect your moods tremendously. In addition to depression, people who are dependent on their daily intake suffer greatly when they don’t get their fix, so to speak. If you are addicted, you may find that over time, you need more and more caffeine to remain stable. When your body gets used to caffeine, consuming your regular amount no longer has the same effect, causing you to experience more and more dips in your moods. It’s a cycle that proves difficult to break.

    Is Caffeine Really Addictive

    Caffeine Addiction &  Withdrawal

    NIDA. . Is Caffeine Really Addictive?. Retrieved from

    NIDA. “Is Caffeine Really Addictive?.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 10 May. 2016,

    NIDA. Is Caffeine Really Addictive?. National Institute on Drug Abuse website. May 10, 2016.

    The NIDA Blog TeamMay 10 2016

    Most adults in the U.S. use caffeine, whether in coffee, soda, energy drinks, or chocolate. Many are also familiar with the effects of suddenly drinking less coffee than usual: tiredness, headaches, insomnia, and other symptoms. And many people talk about being addicted to their morning coffee or energy drink!

    But is caffeine truly addictive?

    Its all about the dopamine

    The worlds caffeine obsession can be described as a dependency , but it is not an addiction.

    It is true thatlike many drugscaffeine enhances dopamine signaling in the brain. Dopamine is a chemical that helps control movement, motivation, and emotions, so enhanced dopamine signaling makes a person feel more awake and alert. Because caffeine produces that alert feeling, its classified as a stimulant.

    But waitsome prescription drugs and the dangerous drug methamphetamine and MDMA are also types of stimulants. So whats the difference?

    How do you define addiction?

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    Pounding Headaches Are Not A Good Sign

    Headaches brought on by caffeine-related issues are no fun to deal with it. Since the primary cause of these head problems have to do with withdrawal from the substance, often times the pain can be eased, ironically, by consuming more caffeine. Of course, at the point in which you need to have more of something just to stave off pain, you’re probably aware that you have a bit of a problem, namely addiction. As people who consume only small amounts of caffeine daily don’t tend to suffer debilitating headaches when they pull back, you might consider gradually cutting back on coffee, sodas, and teas that contain caffeine.

    Faqs About Caffeine Withdrawal

    Because caffeine is so widely consumed, its habit-forming nature is often overlooked. For those experiencing negative health effects due to caffeine consumption, it may be necessary to remove caffeine from their diet. Keep reading for some of the most frequently asked questions about caffeine withdrawal.

    Can you have caffeine withdrawal?

    Yes, caffeine withdrawal can occur when a person stops consuming caffeine. The brain and body must adjust to a lack of the stimulant.

    What does caffeine withdrawal feel like?

    Caffeine withdrawal is uncomfortable. Individuals are likely to experience headaches, stomach upset, and changes in mood for several days.

    Can you suffer from withdrawal from caffeine?

    Caffeine withdrawal can occur when caffeine is removed from a persons diet. Withdrawal symptoms impact each individual differently.

    Can caffeine withdrawal be dangerous?

    Caffeine withdrawal is unpleasant, but it is not considered dangerous. Unlike other substances, like opioids or alcohol, withdrawal from caffeine is not life-threatening.

    Can caffeine withdrawal make you tired?

    Fatigue and lethargy are common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, boosting energy levels when consumed. Removing the substance from their diet can cause an individual to feel more tired for several days or weeks.

    How bad is caffeine withdrawal?

    The severity of caffeine withdrawal depends on how much caffeine an individual consumed on a regular basis.

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    What Are Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

    Symptoms commonly associated with caffeine withdrawal include:

    • Disrupted sleep patterns
    • Gastrointestinal issues, like chronic stomach aches and acid reflux
    • Anxiety and nervousness
    • Twitching muscles and an inability to sit still
    • Restlessness
    • General feelings of physical discomfort
    • Issues with sociability
    • Difficulty concentrating and completing day-to-day tasks

    If you believe that you might be suffering from caffeine addiction, please feel free to reach out to us today for more information. If the caffeine addiction is not yet severe, you might be able to fix the problem on your own. however, if you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, depression, or extreme fatigue, it is a good idea to seek professional assistance.

    The Dangers Of Abusing Caffeine Pills

    Caffeine Addiction: you will want to quit after knowing this: how to overcome coffee addiction

    Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world. Because it occurs naturally, many people believe that it is safe to consume. However, too much caffeine may be dangerous. However, the effects of caffeine can vary depending on the individuals’ metabolism.

    Caffeine is a natural stimulant that enhances dopamine signaling in the brain. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain which helps control movement, motivation, and emotions, so enhanced dopamine signaling makes a person feel more awake and alert. This alert and awake feeling is why caffeine is classified as a stimulant.

    The effects of caffeine usually reach their peak level in the blood about an hour after consumption. Individuals may continue to feel the effects of caffeine pills for four to six hours afterward.

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    Prevalence Of Caffeine Dependence Diagnosis

    Nine studies documented and characterized caffeine dependence in the general population and among other populations.,,,, In addition to reporting the prevalence of caffeine dependence, eight of these studies also reported rates of endorsement of caffeine dependence diagnostic criteria.,,,,, For these eight studies, the rates of endorsement of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Caffeine Use Disorder and the prevalence of fulfilling the research diagnosis are presented in . Because Burgalassi et al. did not report rates of endorsement of each diagnostic criterion, data from this study are not included in .

    What Are The Symptoms Of Caffeine Addiction

    Caffeine, as we know, is a stimulant drug. While most of us generally enjoy the effects of caffeine such as an increase in energy levels and alertness, were often unaware of the negative outcomes that may come along with caffeine consumption.

    For those who are addicted to caffeine, if you dont get your daily dose, you might experience these unpleasant symptoms such as:

    • Restlessness
    • Increased need to urinate

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    How Long Does It Take To Develop Caffeine Dependence

    Now that you know what dependence is and what are some of the signs and symptoms you can look out for before classifying yourself as a dependent, lets have a look at the average time it takes for you to become dependent on caffeine.

    My research reveals that the exact time needed to develop a dependence on caffeine is unknown. Some of the sources mentioned 7-10 days if you consume one cup of coffee daily, however, I could not authenticate the information through credible sources.

    If you can cite a better source to add to this knowledge I would be happy to update this post with that information.

    Summary Of Literature Search

    Can You Be âAddictedâ? to Caffeine? â Food Insight

    We conducted searches on three research databases using the following four search terms: caffeine dependence,caffeine use disorder,caffeine addiction, and caffeinism. In addition to literature searches conducted via electronic databases, the authors’ personal journal article collections were also searched, as well as the reference sections of review papers and studies that met inclusion criteria. After eliminating duplicates, 122 results were obtained.

    Studies selected for inclusion were peer-reviewed, published in English, used experimental or observational designs, and reported prevalence of caffeine dependence or rates of endorsement of caffeine dependence diagnostic criteria. The caffeine-related substance use disorders that were evaluated, and the tools which were used to assess them varied across studies. For example, one study used only the generic DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for Substance Abuse applied to caffeine to assess caffeine abuse, another study used the DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria for both Substance Abuse and Substance Dependence to determine the presence or absence of a caffeine disorder, and several studies assessed caffeine dependence using various substance dependence questionnaires .

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    Those Grades Of Yours Are Slipping

    Who hasn’t used coffee or an energy drink to get them through an early morning class? In the moment, it feels like an essential way to keep your eyes open for just… one… more… hour. But, sadly, relying on the stuff can actually do more harm than good. According to an article on, ” a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nurse Practitioners concluded that caffeine consumption causes poor academic performance in adolescents and young adults. With the effects being even worse when those in the study took caffeine drinks as well as medications containing more caffeine.” No more energy drink breakfasts for you.

    What A Caffeine Detox Is Like

    Ok, I feel lousy.

    Im tired, unmotivated, and my heads foggy.

    I have half a headache and Im cranky. Why? Yesterday I decided to start a caffeine detox.

    For several weeks Ive felt the need to reset my caffeine clock. If youre not sure what Im talking about, I needed to return to the time before I had such a tolerance for caffeine. A wonderful time where one coffee would bring feelings of elation and joy, leaving me ready to take on whatever task was before me.

    Unfortunately, the occasional coffee turned into one a day, then two a day, then mixed with energy drinks and chocolate covered espresso beans. Wham, I was hooked. I soon noticed that I wasnt really getting the benefits of caffeine anymore and really just needed it to maintain a new sense of normal so I decided to detox.

    Yesterday I cut back to one coffee and its now been over 24 hours without any caffeine.

    The withdrawal symptoms are making it very hard to get my work done today, but Im plugging on as the receptors in my brain learn to readjust from their caffeine fed state.

    Caffeine detox isnt as easy as one would think and I can definitely see the ties to addiction that caffeine possesses. There is also the little voice that keeps telling me to make a pot of coffee and all of this will go away.

    However, Im listening to the bigger voice telling me how great a cup of coffee will be at the end of my two month detox from caffeine.

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