Limit Salt And Sodium
Eating foods with a lot of salt can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease. Most people should eat less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. Fresh food that isnt processed is usually lower in sodium.
Read food labels to find out the amount of sodium in the product. Choose foods that are labeled low sodium, very low sodium, or sodium-free.
Follow these tips to reduce how much sodium you eat:
- When cooking, flavor your foods with fresh herbs and spices instead of salt.
- Limit the amount of canned foods you eat .
- Limit the amount of packaged, processed, pickled, and cured foods you eat .
- Dont add salt to your food at the table.
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Chemicals And Additives To Avoid
Many chemicals used in agriculture, body care products, food packaging and plastic water bottles are estrogenic, called xenoestrogens or estrogen mimics. In addition to binding with estrogen receptors, these toxins are fat soluble, so they tend to accumulate in fat cells. We know that breast tissue has a high concentration of fat, particularly after menopause. Studies have shown that breast milk often contains dangerous levels of these chemicals. Reduce exposure by avoiding plastic food and beverage containers, canned foods, and body products with these common chemicals. For a list of chemicals to avoid, visit the Environmental Working Group site.
Trig Increases Expression Of Er Target Genes
Finally, the previous data suggested that Trig is capable of modulating ER-mediated transcription. However, we wanted to demonstrate this effect in genomic DNA. Three genes were chosen because they are known downstream targets of ER . Trig enhanced gene expression of cyclin D1 , pS2 , and PGR similar to the enhancement with E2 treatment . In conjunction with previous data demonstrating that Trig can stimulate an ERE-reporter construct, these data suggest that Trig binds the ER, resulting in transcriptional activation by a mechanism similar to E2. In competitive binding assays, unlabeled E2 competed with the radiolabeled E2 in a dose-responsive manner in both ER and ER. However, at no tested concentration could Trig compete with the radiolabeled E2 in either ER subtype . Therefore, although it is clear that Trig activates the ER, resulting in enhanced ERE activity, it is unlikely that it does so by binding the ligand binding domain of the receptor.
Trig does not displace E2 in ER binding assays. Relative binding affinities were determined by competitive radiometric binding assays with 2 nmol/L E2 as tracer , -triene-3,17-diol, 70120 Ci/mmol. Binding affinities are expressed as RBA values, where the RBA of E2 is 100%. The determination of these RBA values is reproducible in separate experiments with a CV of 0.3 and the values shown represent the mean ± range of 2 or more separate determinations.
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Coffee Protects Against Type Of Breast Cancer
Coffee may do more than give a caffeine boost it could also reduce the risk of developing a particular kind of breast cancer, according to a new study.
Women who drink five or more cups of coffee a day are 57 percent less likely to develop estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer than women who drink less than a cup of coffee a day, said study researcher Jingmei Li, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
“Breast cancer is not just one disease rather, it is made up of several biologically distinct subtypes,” Li told MyHealthNewsDaily. “Coffee contains compounds that may differentially affect breast cancer of different estrogen receptor subtypes.”
Estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer is just one kind of breast cancer and is characterized by its lack of estrogen receptors, meaning its growth is not governed by estrogen. Other kinds include HER2-positive breast cancer, where the cancer cells produce too much of a protein called HER2/neu, and the aggressive and rare triple negative breast cancer , which lacks receptors to the hormones and proteins common in other breast cancers.
The study was published yesterday in the journal Breast Cancer Research.
Looking at the data
Researchers collected health information from 2,818 women with breast cancer and 3,111 women without breast cancer who were between the ages of 50 and 74 and lived in Sweden.
Coffee’s protective benefits
Pass it on: Drinking coffee may help to protect against estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer.
Maintaining A Healthy Weight
Being overweight or obese affects breast cancer risk differently before and after menopause.
- Before menopause, women who are overweight or obese have a modestly decreased risk of breast cancer .
- After menopause, women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of breast cancer .
Although women who are overweight or obese may have a lower risk of breast cancer before menopause, weight gain should be avoided. Women who gain weight in adulthood have an increased risk of breast cancer before and after menopause .
Most breast cancers occur after menopause. Any weight you gain before menopause you may carry into your postmenopausal years, so its important to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.
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Caffeinated Coffee May Reduce The Risk Of Cancers Of The Oral Cavity
Head and neck cancers originate in the tissues in or around the mouth, nose, and throat. Risk factors for head and neck cancer include smoking, alcohol consumption, and infection with high-risk types of human papilloma virus .
To evaluate the relationship between coffee and tea consumption and risk of head and neck cancer, researchers combined information from previous studies. These studies included a total of 5,139 people with cancer and 9,028 people without cancer.
- Compared with people who didnt drink coffee, people who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee per day were 39% less likely to have cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx. Caffeinated coffee did not affect risk of laryngeal cancer.
- Consumption of decaffeinated coffee was less common, and the effects on head and neck cancer risk remain uncertain.
- Tea intake did not affect risk of head and neck cancer.
These results do not conclusively prove that coffee reduces the risk of head and neck cancer. Factors other than coffee intake could explain the difference in cancer risk. Nevertheless, if confirmed, these results suggest that coffee may provide a benefit.10
Cells And Cell Culture
MCF-7 cells were purchased from ATCC. Cells were maintained in phenol red free DMEM containing 10% FBS at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Seventy-two hours prior to treatment, cells were placed in DMEM containing charcoal dextran-treated FBS. Briefly, cells were washed with PBS, 1× trypsin EDTA was added, cells were incubated for 5 min at 37°C, transferred to a 15-mL tube, and centrifuged at 800 × g for 5 min to form a cell pellet. Media was removed and cell pellet was resuspended in 5 mL fresh DMEM containing charcoal dextran-treated FBS. Then 10 L cell suspension was added to a hemacytometer and cells were counted and 150,000 cells were added per well in 6 well plates. Cells were treated 24 h later . After 3 d media was changed and cells were treated again. Cells were removed from plates 72 h later and resuspended in 1.5 mL of media. Cells were counted on a Coulter Counter .
Dose response.
Cells were treated with vehicle , 10 pmol/L E2, and 1, 10, and 100 pmol/L Trig. Experiments were repeated 3 times with 3 wells per treatment for each experiment .
Combination E2 and Trig.
Treatments consisted of vehicle , 10 pmol/L E2, and 10 pmol/L E2 + 100 pmol/L Trig. Experiments were repeated 3 times with 3 wells per treatment for each experiment .
Trig and ICI.
Treatments of vehicle , 100 pmol/L E2, 100 pmol/L Trig, 100 pmol/L E2 + 1 mol/L ICI, 100 pmol/L Trig + 1 mol/L ICI were used. Experiments were repeated 3 times with 3 wells per treatment for each experiment .
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Coffee And Tea May Decrease Risk Of Kidney Cancer
According to an article recently published in the International Journal of Cancer, increased intake of coffee and tea appears to decrease the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma.
Researchers from several institutions around the world were involved in a clinical study to evaluate associations between coffee, tea, milk, soda, and fruit and vegetable juice intake and risks of developing RCC. This study included results from 13 studies including 530,469 women and 244,483 men. Follow-up was between seven and 20 years. Information about diet was gathered at the beginning of the trial.
- Individuals who drank three or more 8-ounce cups of coffee per day had a reduced risk of developing RCC compared with those who drank less than one 8-ounce cup per day.
- Individuals who drank one or more 8-ounce cups of tea per day had a reduced risk of developing RCC compared with those who did not drink tea.
- There were no associations between milk, soda, or juice intake.
The researchers concluded that greater consumption of coffee and tea may be associated with a lower risk of renal cell cancer. These results add to existing evidence suggesting that intake of coffee and tea does not appear to contribute to the risk of developing cancers.9
The Coffee Estrogen Link
The results from the study were discussed in an article on The study had some very interesting results.
For white women, drinking two cups of coffee caused estrogen levels to decrease. This would prevent hormone-related diseases like breast cancer.
However, among black and Asian women the study shows that estrogen levels actually increased. This would put these populations of women at a higher risk of developing hormone-related diseases.
The coffee estrogen link shown may have been affected by other influences. Many women in the study reported drinking soda. Further research is needed to see if any of the ingredients in soda affected hormone levels in women.
This research can be branched out further. Energy drinks may also play a role in hormone regulation among women. Really, any caffeinated beverage should be examined.
What exactly does caffeine do to mess with hormone regulation? Its said that caffeine makes the body more acidic.
When the body becomes acidic, too much estrogen is produced. This also leads to low progesterone levels. When the two are not in balance it causes estrogen dominance which leads to a variety of diseases and conditions.
A study by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Research is described here. This shows that women who are heavy coffee drinkers had 70% more estrogen than women who consumed less than one cup per day. Further studies also show a slew of other birth-related conditions that can arise to a body being too acidic.
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Associations Between Tumor Size Er Status And Coffee Consumption Among Women With Breast Cancer
To evaluate the impact of coffee consumption on patient and tumor characteristics among women with breast cancer, coffee consumption was categorized into low , moderate , or high , whereas no further definition of a cup was specified. Patient and tumor characteristics according to coffee consumption for the 1,090 patients included in the study are shown in . Women that were younger at their first full-term pregnancy showed a trend of drinking moderate to high amounts of coffee daily. In addition, the proportion of current smokers was higher with increasing coffee consumption, whereas the proportion of alcohol abstainers was higher with decreasing coffee consumption. Interestingly, moderate to high coffee consumption was associated with significantly smaller invasive tumor sizes , whereas concomitantly lower proportion of ER+ tumors and conversely higher proportion of ER tumors . After stratification according to ER status , increasing coffee consumption remained significantly associated with smaller invasive tumor sizes among women with ER+ tumors , whereas no significant association was found among ER tumors . However, a nonsignificant trend toward lower tumor proliferation measured by the Ki67 index was observed with increasing coffee intake among women with ER tumors. These results suggest that coffee may have growth-suppressing properties on breast cancer cells and that ER+ tumors may be more sensitive to the cellular effects by coffee.
Trig Enhances Ere Reporter Activation In Mcf
We then wanted to further demonstrate that Trig activates the ER resulting in enhanced transcriptional regulation. Treatment with ICI alone did not affect ERE reporter activity . However, 100 pmol/L E2 enhanced reporter activity in these cells . Likewise, 100 pmol/L Trig significantly increased reporter activity compared with control, but the effect was not as elevated as that of E2. Cotreatment with 1 mol/L ICI completely blocked the effects of both E2 and Trig.
Estrogenic compounds induce ERE in MCF-7 cells. Cells were transiently transfected with an ERE luciferase reporter vector and treated with 1 mol/L ICI, 100 pmol/L E2, 100 pmol/L Trig, 100 pmol/L Trig + 1 mol/L ICI, or 100 pmol/L E2 + 1 mol/L ICI for 18 h. Luciferase activity was normalized to a constitutively active -GAL reporter. Luciferase:-GAL ratios are expressed as the fold of vehicle control cells. Values are means ± SEM of 3 experiments, n = 12. Bars without a common letter differ, P< 0.001.
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Phytoestrogens And Soy: The Debate
Phytoestrogens are compounds that have a mild estrogenic effect and are found in whole grains, nuts and seeds, and many other botanicals, fruits and vegetables. These foods are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer as well as reduced cancer reoccurrence.
The controversy becomes heated in the debate over soy-containing foods. This issue is complex, with some studies showing that eating soy early in life can reduce breast cancer risk. On the other hand, the consumption of concentrated soy extracts showed increased proliferation of breast cancer cells. Finally, other studies show a protective or neutral effect from whole soy foods.
My recommendation for soy is to eat whole soy foods in moderation no more than several servings per week, preferably fermented soy foods such as miso or tempeh. Avoid soy protein isolates and supplements containing concentrated soy isoflavones.
How To Treat Estrogen Excess:
- Detox and love your your liver with fiber rich foods, and by pooping everyday, at least once, but more is ideal! Aim for at least 25 grams of fiber per day to help you go. Add liver-supporting nutrients to your diet . You can also add a DIM supplement to help move estrogen out of the body.
- Remove endocrine-disrupting chemicals from all products and switch to products that are plant based and actually natural read the ingredients even if the label says natural because that truly means nothing! Use the Think Dirty app or the EWG Skin Deep database to check what score your products receive.
- Nourish and treat your microbiome health by eliminating inflammatory, processed foods or foods you are sensitive to, buy organic produce as often as you can, eat raw sauerkraut and kimchi, include probiotic-rich foods and a high-quality probiotic supplements, add a digestive enzyme before meals).
- Incorporate theseessential hormone-balancing supplements, especially if you are plant-based.
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What Are The Treatment Options For Male Breast Cancer
The treatment for Male Breast Cancer may be decided based on different factors including the stage and extent of spread of the cancer, cancer characteristics, symptoms, patients general health and medical history, whether the cancer can be removed completely by surgery and whether the cancer was just diagnosed or had come back. The treatment options for Male Breast Cancer include:
- Chemotherapy
- Targeted Therapy
As part of the diet, avoid including those foods and supplements that may adversely interact with the treatments for Male Breast Cancer.
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Coffee Estrogen Link A Need To Worry
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May 5, 2016 By Judd Handler
Coffee is the most popular morning beverage. But, studies show a coffee estrogen link that could potentially affect your health. Should you be concerned?
Many of us find coffee as a crutch to get through our daily lives. We drink it to start our mornings. Its consumed to finish the workday. We may even find ourselves drinking coffee to keep us awake on long drives.
Did you know new research suggests coffee may not be as good as it seems? This is particularly the case for women.
A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests some concerning finds. Drinking just two cups of coffee per day may lead to hormone imbalances.
The research suggests a coffee estrogen link where drinking coffee affects estrogen levels. The study is the first of its kind to investigate the link between coffee and estrogen. Lets examine the relation between caffeine consumption and hormone regulation.
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Caffeine And Breast Cancer Risk
Caffeine consumption has been associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer in a few studies, though the results have been inconsistent. Furthermore, more research is needed into the reason for the possible link, as well as the timing and amount of caffeine that could potentially have any effect on breast cancer.
One group of researchers in Italy examined 21 studies on this subject but were unable to find a clear relationship between caffeine consumption and the risk of breast cancer. However, drinking four cups of coffee per day was associated with a 10% reduction for postmenopausal women.
A Swedish study found that coffee consumption was associated with a slightly decreased breast cancer risk, and tea consumption was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
Researchers who conducted a large multinational trial also suggested that a higher intake of caffeinated coffee is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, while decaffeinated coffee was not associated with any impact.