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Does Caffeine Damage Your Kidneys

Coffee And Kidney Disease

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For a while, coffee was considered potentially detrimental to the Kidneys. However, the relationship may be more complex than originally thought. There have been numerous recent studies on the correlation between coffee consumption and kidney disease, such as a 2008 study performed in Korea that analysed the habits of 2600 women, which showed a decrease in the prevalence of kidney disease.

Another study looked specifically at the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua, where a lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease was found in coffee-growing villages. A 2016 meta-analysis found no association between increased coffee intake and kidney disease in males, and in females, there was a possible reduced risk.

So it seems, contrary to prior thought, that coffee may play a protective role in kidney disease. However, the effectiveness and mechanism are not fully understood. Some believe that the antioxidant effects of coffee may play a part.

Therefore, patients with kidney stones, especially those with calcium oxalate stones, should still regard coffee as a possible risk factor.

Study Design And Participants

The present data was analysed using an observational prospective design conducted within the frame of the PREDIMED-PLUS study, which included 6874 older adults enrolled between 2013 and 2016 by 23 Spanish centers working in collaboration with 208 National Health System primary care clinics. Briefly, PREDIMED-Plus is an ongoing, 6-year, multicenter, parallel randomized clinical trial evaluating the long-term effect of a weight-loss intervention based on an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet , physical activity promotion and behavioral support , in comparison with usual-care recommending an energy-unreduced MedDiet , on primary cardiovascular prevention. Eligible participants were overweight/obese men and women aged 5575 years harboring the MetS, but free of cardiovascular disease at enrollment. More specific details of the study cohort and inclusion/exclusion criteria have been reported, and the protocol is available at . Local Ethics Committee approved the study protocol and all participants signed a written informed consent.

For the current study, participants who did not complete the semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire at baseline or those whose total energy intake was outside pre-defined limits were excluded. We also excluded subjects who died or were lost to follow-up within first year of follow-up, and who had missing data on eGFR at baseline or at the 1-year assessment. The remaining 5851 participants comprised the final sample.

Caffeine And Kidney Stones

Caffeine consumption has been linked to kidney stones. Calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of kidney stone, are formed from the combined crystals of calcium and oxalate. In a study reported in the August 2004 “Journal of Urology,” study participants who had a history of calcium kidney stones but normal serum calcium levels were given 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight after fasting for 14 hours. The caffeine increased urinary calcium levels, causing researchers to conclude there was a modest increase in the risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones after caffeine consumption.

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Ginger & Kidney Stones

No research has been done to see if ginger is good for kidney stones.

Ginger does have a fair amount of oxalate. And, most of that oxalate is soluble, which makes it more absorbable. It is unlikely that eating or cooking with ginger will add a significant amount of oxalate to your diet. But, ginger supplements and extracts might. Id recommend avoiding ginger supplements if you have high urine oxalate.

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Beware: Energy Drinks May Damage Your Kidneys And More


Dietary supplements and energy drinks are mired in controversy due to their possible side-effects. Read on to know more.

The market today is flooded with dietary supplements that perk you, help you lose weight, build muscle mass and more. In fact, these manufactured foods and drinks promise to make up for all nutrients that you may be missing from your foods. While some of these claims may be genuine, a majority of them are doubtful. There is often no scientific basis to some of the claims. Now reports are emerging about the possible harmful effects of all these supplements and drinks. This is especially true for energy drinks. These do spike up your energy levels, but when you reach for a bottle, you may not really think about its side-effects.

Let us take a look at what research says about dietary supplements with special emphasis on energy drinks and its health risks.


Supplements that boost sexual function and cleans the colon increases health risks by almost two times. Some supplements that boasts of promoting weight loss and muscle mass have been associated with stroke, testicular cancer, liver damage and also death. They say that this could be due to the adulteration. Many supplements contain some amount of prescription drugs, banned substances, heavy metals, pesticides and dangerous chemicals. The Journal of Adolescent Health published this study.



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Effects On The Kidneys

Besides the harmful effects reported from taurine accumulation with excess intake, data exist which have associated varying effects ranging from acute renal failure from excessive Red Bull consumption, increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate, and even reduced blood supply to the brain.

An abstract presented at the 2019 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology meeting showed that young healthy adults consuming Rockstar energy drink had a significant increase in their resting blood pressure which could predispose to cardiovascular events .

Is Coffee Bad For Your Kidneys

Lets turn our attention to your morning cup of joe. This ones a little more complicated than a yes or no answer when it comes to its effect on kidney health.

First of all, drinking multiple cups of coffee increases levels of potassium in your bloodstream which your kidneys have to work to filter out. In addition, the creamer you might put in your coffee contains phosphates, which should be avoided by those with kidney disease .

Furthermore, drinking lots of coffee does not hydrate you, so make sure you are drinking enough water along with it to decrease the risk of stones .

Interestingly, coffee may not be all bad for the kidneys! One study showed that consuming one to two cups of coffee may protect against end stage renal failure. The benefit could be due to a phytoestrogen in coffee called trigonelline .

However, more studies are needed, as it is the only study of its kind so far that I found. In a genome-wide association study on coffee and kidney health, the authors also found support for the above conclusions. For now, the evidence so far seems to indicate that coffee has a protective effect .

The University of Chicago notes that coffee contains low levels of oxalates which is part of the reason they also agree that overall it has a protective effect. But bear in mind the caffeine side described earlier .

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Ask The Doctor With Dr Leslie Spry Md Facp

1. How does drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages affect the kidneys?

Caffeine is a mild diuretic and will lead to a mild increase in urine output for a short time. Caffeine will also raise blood pressure slightly for a short time. These changes are short lived and are not permanent.

2. If I am at risk for kidney disease or currently living with chronic kidney disease, will caffeine affect my kidneys differently?

Caffeine has not been shown to cause any change in the course of patients with chronic kidney disease . One can see a modest increase in blood pressure if you drink excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages, especially in the first 15 minutes after drinking. I have seen some studies to suggest that drinking more than six cups of coffee per day, could lead to sustained high blood pressure, but these studies have not always been consistent. Overall, there is no reason to restrict moderate consumption of caffeine-containing beverages.

Send your questions to Dr. Spry! Email

Other Recent Studies Have Found Increased Coffee Consumption Could Prevent Kidney Stones

8 Habits That Damage Your Kidneys | Information On Kidney Disease

This isn’t the only recent study to find a connection between coffee and the health of your kidneys. Research posted in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases on Oct. 21 analyzed genetic data from nearly 572,000 participants from the U.K. and Finland. Unlike the previous study, results showed that taking in a little more coffee could actually have a significant benefit.

“Our findings strongly suggest that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of kidney stone formation,” Susanna C. Larsson, PhD, one of the study’s leaders from the Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, said in a statement. She added: “oing from, for example, one cup a day to 1.5 cups per day, reduces the risk of kidney stones by 40 percent.”

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What Are The Problems With Consuming Caffeine

Too much caffeine at any one time for example, more than 500mg, which is 3 espresso coffees or 6 to 7 instant coffees can make you feel agitated and anxious. It can make it hard for you to sleep. It may also make you breathe faster and your heart beat faster.

If you drink a lot of coffee over a long period, it might increase your risk of:

  • heartburn possibly because coffee relaxes the muscle that stops acid regurgitating into the oesophagus
  • osteoporosis probably because caffeine encourages you to lose calcium through your kidneys
  • insomnia because of the stimulant effect
  • miscarriage in this case, it is not clear why there might be an increased risk
  • infertility in men possibly because caffeine damages sperm

Tea: Warm Up With A Cup

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For people with chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease , dietitians are frequently asked if tea is allowed, especially hot tea during cold winter months. As with many foods and drinks we are asked about, the answer is yes! In moderation, tea is a great beverage option that can be healthfully included in a kidney diet. In fact, there are many exciting health benefits that tea offers to anyone.

Teas come from the plant Camellia sinensis, of which the leaves will either turn to black tea with exposure to air or to green tea by steam or heat. Many herbal teas are created from either black or green tea leaves with additions of other herb leaves, spices, flavor extracts, or sweeteners. Some examples are mint, chamomile, or orange blossom herbal teas. You can also find herbal teas that do not contain tea leaves. Read the label to determine when selecting herbal tea. Research on herbal teas is inconsistent, but generally speaking herbal teas from major tea brands are safe for kidney patients to drink.

Tea ranks very high on the oxygen radical absorbency capacity scale, a measure of the antioxidant content of plant-based foods. High ORAC foods and beverages, such as tea, help to fight off free radicals and cancerous cells in the body.

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Which Tea Is Good For Kidney Disease

In order to cleanse your kidneys and keep them working fine, all you need to do is to drink a lot of water. Staying well-hydrated is usually enough to help them function right.

While drinking green tea is beneficial for the health of your kidneys, those with existing kidney disease should avoid it.

Annique Health and Beauty mention that Most teas, like green or black, contain a compound called oxalic acid. Its also found in chocolate, certain fruits, vegetables, and raw leafy greens.

Normally, oxalic acid is naturally eliminated through your urine. But when you dont drink enough water, consume too much sugar, and have a diet high in oxalic acid, oxalate crystals can form.

This is one of the most common causes of kidney stones.

But Rooibos Tea doesnt contain oxalates. Thats why its a great alternative to green or black tea for those who are prone to kidney stones.

However, as said earlier, it is always better to consult with the kidney specialist and follow his or her advice.

Caffeine As A Diuretic

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Caffeine, which belongs to a class of substances called methylxanthines, is a mild diuretic. Theophylline, another drug in this class, was actually used as a diuretic until more potent diuretics were developed. Both of these drugs act on the kidneys by preventing absorption of water. Research reported by R.J. Maughan and J. Griffin in the December 2003 “Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics” noted that people who had not had any caffeine for a few days had increased urinary output after drinking the amount of caffeine equivalent to two to three cups of coffee.

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Tips For Taking Ibuprofen To Avoid Liver Damage And Other Side Effects

Is ibuprofen bad for your liver? Maybe, and it can have other side effects if taken in a wrong way. So extra care is needed when taking ibuprofen.

Before Taking Ibuprofen

Note that you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or dentist in the following cases:

  • You have a history of high blood pressure or hypertension.
  • You have ever had deep vein thrombosis or any other blood clotting conditions.
  • You have had a problem with your liver or kidney functions.
  • You have a history of blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • You have allergic reactions to certain medicines or asthma.
  • You have any history of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • You are either pregnant, trying for a baby or already breastfeeding.
  • You have a heart condition.
  • You have ever experienced an allergic reaction to any other NSAIDs such as diclofenac, aspirin, indomethacin, and naproxen.
  • You suffer from any connective tissue conditions like lupus .

How to Take Ibuprofen

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How To Have A Healthy Liver

Drinking coffee is just one way to keep your liver healthy. Dr. Wakim-Fleming says its also important to get vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B viruses, which both damage the liver.

A healthy diet is also key. The liver is the first organ to metabolize the foods we eat. Eating a lot of high-sugar, high saturated-fat foods can lead to fatty liver disease, she says. And of course, heavy alcohol drinking can permanently damage the liver and lead to cirrhosis.

However, coffee isnt a miracle worker. It wont completely reverse liver disease or undo the damage caused by excessive alcohol use. But it can be one delicious and satisfying step toward a happier liver.

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How Is Caffeine Toxicity Treated

As with all poisoning cases, early intervention is key to successful treatment. Call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center, at 1-800-213-6680 as soon as you realize your pet has consumed caffeine. Your pets veterenarian may induce vomiting to help remove the toxin from the system before it is absorbed and may also give activated charcoal to minimize absorption of any remaining toxin from the gastrointestinal tract.

“As with all poisoning cases, early intervention is key to successful treatment.”

Supportive therapy with intravenous fluids will prevent dehydration which may concurrently occur secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, and the diuretic effects of caffeine. Intravenous fluids can also help the body to excrete caffeine as well as support kidney function.

Medications may be needed to treat muscle tremors and seizures, lower blood pressure, and to stabilize an irregular heartbeat. For adequate treatment and observation, be prepared to have your pet stay in the hospital through the day with mild cases and possibly for a few days in severe cases.

Caffeine And Its Popularity

Should KIDNEYS DISEASES Patients Drink Coffee? Is Coffee a SAFE/OK Beverage for KIDNEY DISEASES?

Caffeine is a popular stimulant worldwide that is frequently consumed to enhance mood, alertness, muscle endurance, and exercise performance. Caffeine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in seeds and leaves of several types of plants . The amount of caffeine content in each plant varies, depending on the type of plant, its growth environment, and the preparation or brewing method. For example, Robusta coffee usually has a higher caffeine content than Arabica coffee . In addition, the roasted temperature and pressure can influence caffeine content in the coffee .

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Investigations Of Mechanisms Underlying The Preventive Effects Of Caffeine In Kidney Stone Disease

It is surprising that, to our knowledge, there was no previous in vitro or in vivo study that examined the effects of caffeine on kidney stone formation until 2016, when in vitro evidence of the protective effects of caffeine on CaOx kidney stone formation was reported . In that study, caffeine was shown to reduce CaOx crystal adhesion on the apical surface of renal tubular epithelial cells by translocation of a CaOx crystal-binding protein, annexin A1, from apical membranes to cytoplasm . This is the only direct evidence that shows cellular mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effects of caffeine against kidney stone disease and strengthens its role as an inhibitor, rather than a promoter, of CaOx kidney stone formation.

Frequent Urination And Urgency

Increased urination is a common side effect of high caffeine intake due to the compounds stimulatory effects on the bladder.

You may have noticed that you need to urinate frequently when you drink more coffee or tea than usual.

Most research looking at the compounds effects on urinary frequency has focused on older people and those with overactive bladders or incontinence .

In one study, 12 young to middle-aged people with overactive bladders who consumed 2 mg of caffeine per pound of body weight daily experienced significant increases in urinary frequency and urgency .

For someone weighing 150 pounds , this would equate to about 300 mg of caffeine per day.

In addition, high intake may increase the likelihood of developing incontinence in people with healthy bladders.

One large study looked at the effects of high caffeine intake on incontinence in more than 65,000 women without incontinence.

Those who consumed more than 450 mg daily had a significantly increased risk of incontinence, compared to those who consumed less than 150 mg per day .

If you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages and feel that your urination is more frequent or urgent than it should be, it may be a good idea to cut back on your intake to see if your symptoms improve.

Summary: High caffeine

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