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HomeExclusiveDoes Coffee Increase Your Blood Pressure

Does Coffee Increase Your Blood Pressure

Myth : Coffee Causes Dehydration

Does Coffee Increase or Decrease Your Blood Pressure?

Ive heard this one so much! Drinking coffee will make you dehydrated because of the caffeine. Turns out this is mostly false. Coffee is not dehydrating, and drinking coffee or caffeine will not make you dehydrated. You can check out this meta-analysis talking about many studies that found these results.

Bottom line is that coffee maybe shouldnt be the only fluid you drink all day, but mixing coffee into your morning routine will not dehydrate you, and you dont need to overcompensate with water after drinking coffee.

Does Coffee Raise Blood Pressure

May be we should asking the question, does caffeine raise blood pressure instead of asking about coffeee only.

Here are some salient facts.

Caffeine present in coffee and some teas is a vasoconstrictor. What does vasoconstriction mean in lay terms?

A vasoconstrictor is a substance capable of making the blood vessel wall less stretchy or less relaxed. You want your blood vessel walls to be relaxed as the blood is coursing through them.

Relaxed blood vessels have lower blood pressure because the compliant wall decreases the pressure within. A vasoconstrictor does the opposite of this. It makes the vessel wall stiffer and less compliant. Thats what a vasoconstrictor does.

Which means a vasoconstrictor, by having that pressor effect on the blood vessel wall, will raise your blood pressure. Thats just scientific fact. We cant escape that. And caffeine is a vasoconstrictor.

Which means your coffee because its got caffeine in it will have that same pressor effect I talked about. So, coffee will raise your blood pressure upon absorption of the caffeine in it. Fact!

But by how much?

Yes, coffee or caffeine will raise your blood pressure but how high should we expect the blood pressure to rise?

Well, good question but, even this query is not easy to give a ballpark figure. Because there are other variables to come into the mix and these variables confound the results of research too.

So factors like:

  • Other lifestyle factors

Does Decaffeinated Coffee Raise Blood Pressure

as long as you consume it responsibly.

A study about the effects of decaffeinated vs caffeinated coffee on blood pressure concluded that there is a small fall in blood pressure after drinking decaf for 12 weeks.

In addition, it was also cited in the study that more research must be conducted to prove if a mass switch to decaf coffee can significantly reduce hypertension and other related disorder.

Still, you need to limit your intake as decaf coffee is not totally caffeine-free.

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Drinks High In Tyramine

Tyramine 1 is an amino acid that helps regulate blood pressure. It can trigger nerve cells to release norepinephrine, a hormone that increases the heart rate and blood pressure 2.

A large dietary intake of tyramine can cause the tyramine pressor response, defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure of 30 mm Hg or more. This is especially dangerous if youre taking Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Therefore, what drinks contain a high amount of tyramine? Drinks high in Tyramine include:

  • Fermented alcohol
  • Sherry
  • Vermouth

The fermented alcohol, vermouth and tap beer contain more tyramine than the others. Its safer to drink the others in moderation.

Coffee And Your Blood Pressure

Caffeine &  Hypertension  Caffeine Drinks Raise Blood Pressure

Coffee has been part of the human diet for about 1,000 years. During much of that time, it has stimulated controversy and in the age of Starbucks, the dispute has blossomed from a tempest in a coffee pot to grounds for serious debate. Some of coffee’s negative press seems to depend on the widespread belief that anything that tastes so good must be bad for you.

But there is a serious side to the argument: Coffee stimulates the nervous system, increasing alertness. But many people are sensitive to even one cup of coffee, making them feel jittery or interfering with sleep.

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Can Strong Coffee Raise Your Blood Pressure

There is no arguing that your cup of coffee gives you an instant caffeine boost. Whether its your morning wake up or an afternoon boost, the caffeine has a noticeable effect on how you feel. Whilst this, along with the great, enjoyable tastes of your favourite brew are one of the many benefits of coffee, it can also increase your blood pressure, which is something to keep an eye on if you suffer from particularly high blood pressure as standard. Whilst the debate around coffee and blood pressure increase continues, we wanted to present the facts, on what we know now. Whilst we have researched the exact effects of caffeine on your body here, the studies around the connection between blood pressure and caffeine are particularly far and wide. Heres the latest information, so you can keep this in mind as you schedule your next coffee break.

Short Term And Short Term Effects

Luckily there are no adverse short or long-term effects on your body. Except for the small increase of blood pressure over the course of a few hours after consuming.

Some studies even provide some evidence that drinking coffee can be quite healthy for you. Drinking it regularly has shown some positive effects on heart disease risk, reducing it by up to 15% on average! This is mostly caused by its active compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects and reduces oxidative stress to the body. For this reason, most researchers conclude that drinking a few cups of it a day might not be bad at all, it might even be quite beneficial!

But its important to note that frappuccinos are not as healthy as a regular cappuccino, espresso, or filter coffee, since the former has a lot of added sugar and substances to it!

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Does Decaf Coffee Raise Blood Pressure

However, if you are already hypertensive, then it is probably not a good idea to quit drinking coffee. One reason for this is that coffee can actually increase your blood pressure once you quit drinking it. Another is that the effect of coffee may be short-lived.

In other words, your blood pressure may return to normal again after a short period of time. Many experts believe that people should substitute coffee for other beverages such as fruit juices, tea, or decaffeinated varieties of green tea. Drinking plenty of water is also an often overlooked method of reducing high blood pressure.

In addition to the possible effects of coffee, there is another issue you need to consider: how coffee affects your entire body. In particular, your heart rate. High blood pressure can cause your heart to work harder than it needs to. As a result, you can actually injure your heart muscle permanently. This can lead to a condition known as myocardial infarction.

How Coffee Raises Blood Pressure

Does Coffee Raise Your Blood Pressure?

The following 4 studies will inform you how drinking caffeinated coffee raises your blood pressure immediately after drinking it. Its one of 15 reasons why it fluctuates throughout the day. You can read about all of them in my blog post by clicking here, Fluctuating Blood Pressure and Inconsistent BP Readings. The following studies will teach how the effect of coffee on your blood pressure is less when you are a habitual coffee drinker. The section following this one, will discuss the long-term effects.

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Caffeine Can Make Your Blood Pressure Climb

The next installment of Lifelines series on high blood pressure and how you can reduce your risk for this condition.

Whether its to jumpstart your day or to stay alert when working the night shift, if you have high blood pressure, think twice before reaching for that cup of coffee, can of soda or energy drink.

All of these beverages contain caffeine. So do a growing number of food products. Unfortunately, in addition to its ability to keep you awake and briefly boost your energy, caffeine can also make your blood pressure rise. While this spike is temporary, if you have high blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg or higher any increase can have serious consequences. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and its related conditions, including heart attack, stroke and heart failure. One in every three Americans and one in every five Canadians have high blood pressure. Among Laborers, heart disease is responsible for more deaths than any other illness or workplace injury.


Caffeine is found naturally in a number of plants including the coffee bean, tea leaf, kola nut and cacao pod. The stimulating effects of caffeine on the central nervous system increased blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and urine output begin within 15 minutes of consumption and can last for more than six hours. This is why consuming caffeine late in the day can interfere with sleep, which in itself can increase risk for high blood pressure.

Coffee May Combat High Blood Pressure

Chemicals in Coffee Appear to Combat Blood Vessel Aging, Researchers Say

Sept.1, 2010 Older people with high blood pressure who drink one to two cups of coffee a day have more elastic blood vessels than people who drink less or more, Greek researchers report.

As we age, our blood vessels get stiffer, and thats thought to increase the risk of high blood pressure. The new findings suggest moderate coffee drinking may counteract this process.

Previous research has shown conflicting results as to whether coffee is good or bad for the heart.

The new study involved 485 men and women, aged 65 to 100, who live on a small island called Ikaria, in the Aegean Sea, where more than a third of people live to celebrate their 90th birthday.

We were aiming to evaluate the secrets of the long-livers of Ikaria, says study head Christina Chrysohoou, BSc, of the University of Athens.

She presented the findings at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.

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How Does Coffee Affect Your Blood Pressure

As a stimulant, coffee makes people more alert and awake. Over 154 million adults, or 75% of the US population, are reported to consume some form of it every day. Due to its popularity, there needs to be a better understanding of how it can impact your health. Experts agree that in moderation coffee is not unhealthy, but how does it affect your blood pressure?

Does Drinking Coffee Raise Blood Pressure

Does Coffee Increase Blood Pressure?

Does Drinking Coffee Raise Blood Pressure?

Its no secret that Americans love their coffee! An estimated 77% of adults in the U.S. drink it on a daily basis, and one survey found that the average American has three cups per day, with more than half of Americans drinking at least one cup in the morning and evening every day . While coffee consumption has been linked to many health benefits, like protection against cancer and heart disease , theres also some concern about how it affects blood pressure and whether it could be associated with hypertension, or high blood pressure . But can drinking coffee raise blood pressure?

Is coffee bad for your blood pressure?

When it comes to coffee, theres a lot of contradictory information floating around. Some say it lowers blood pressure and can be good for your heart. Others say drinking coffee raises blood pressure, so it can actually be bad for your heart. Whats the deal here? Lets find out by digging into some science.

Coffee and heart disease

What about caffeinated drinks like soda, tea, energy drinks, etc.?

How much coffee is too much?

Caffeine metabolism

Putting it all together

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Coffee Tips To Consider For Blood Pressure

  • Always check with your physician first in regards to coffee consumption.
  • Never drink coffee prior to checking your blood pressure in the morning because it will raise it.
  • If you have a doctors appointment, dont drink coffee prior to your visit.
  • Its best to wait about 6 hours or more before checking your blood pressure later in the day or evening.
  • Take notes, along with your BP readings, about when you consumed coffee last and how much was drunk.
  • Before exercise avoid drinking coffee. Exercise by itself can raise your BP, adding coffee at the same time may increase it more.
  • As an experiment, check your blood pressure prior to drinking coffee and after. This can inform you how much it affects your BP short-term.

If you want to update your home blood pressure monitor or purchase an affordable one of high quality, check out my blog post for the ones I recommend, Home Blood Pressure Monitors I Recommend.

Coffee Consumption And Blood Pressure

Although the precise nature of the relationship between coffee and blood pressure is still unclear, overall the research to date suggests that regular intake of caffeinated coffee does not increase the risk of hypertension.

A 2008 review concluded that data from cross-sectional studies suggest an inverse linear or U-shaped association between habitual coffee intake and blood pressure in different populations33. The authors suggested that prospective studies showed a protective effect of coffee intake against hypertension, mainly in women. The study stated that further investigation was needed to discover whether abstainers are at a lower or higher risk of hypertension than occasional coffee drinkers . The same study also found that randomised controlled trials, which are mostly of short duration , suggest that coffee intake of around 5 cups per day may cause a small elevation in blood pressure when compared to abstinence or use of decaffeinated coffee.

This information is intended for Healthcare professional audiences.Please consider the environment before printing.

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What Does Coffee Do To Blood Pressure In The Long Term

The long-term side effects of drinking coffee on blood pressure really depend on whether youre a habitual or occasional coffee drinker, according to Dr. George. A 2017 review in the journal Nutrients, found that increased coffee consumption is associated with a small decrease in hypertension, or high blood pressure.

More recent studies suggest that it is safe to drink three to four cups of coffee a day for people who have hypertension, according to Dr. George. And habitual coffee drinking has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease in women, per a meta-analysis in the European Journal of Epidemiology.

But that doesnt mean more is better.

Studies, like one published in 2019 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that people who drank more than six cups of coffee a day had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, than moderate coffee drinkers. Moderate intake was linked to the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, says Satjit Bhusri, MD and founder of Upper East Side Cardiology in New York.

People also need to be mindful of consuming other drinks and even foods with added caffeine, including caffeinated waters, juices, energy drinks, chocolates, candies, and even potato chips, Dr. Bhusri says.

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Should You Drink Coffee While On Blood Pressure Medication

Does Coffee Increase Blood Pressure?

Studies dont say much about caffeine interacting with blood pressure medications if you are a daily coffee drinker.

However, if you drink coffee intermittently, caffeine may interact with a drug called felodipine. A study where subjects were given 2 cups of 300 ml of brewed black coffee each with the maximum recommended dose of felodipine revealed that felodipine when taken with caffeine after a period of abstinence from caffeine may fail to reduce the increase in blood pressure caused by caffeine , making the management of hypertension difficult. Again, this study was done on people who dont drink caffeine regularly. As per this study, even 1 cup coffee can significantly shoot up blood pressure.

So, if you are on felodipine or any other calcium channel blocker, occasional coffee may not be a good idea.

Please speak to your doctor regarding any possible drug interactions if you are on any kind of medication for any disorder. Follow the dos and donts as per your doctors instructions.

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Get A Healthy Boost With An All Natural Energy Drink

Whether you dont want to drink coffee because of its potential adverse effects, or you just dont like how it tastes, youre ready for a change. You can start boosting your energy right now by following these steps and starting your journey to a more energized you. It doesnt take much time or money just a little commitment. Give some of the natural energy drinks on this list a try!

Looking to reap the health benefits of an all natural energy drink? Try our recipe for homemade beet juice.

Is Caffeine Bad If I Have Hypertension

You may wonder if its safe to consume caffeine if your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension. While you should ask you doctor just to be sure, having 1 to 2 cups of coffee or tea a day is usually considered safe.

If your doctor recommends that you regularly monitor your blood pressure at home, make sure to take any readings BEFORE you have your coffee or 6 hours after you finish drinking it, so you log your normal blood pressure and not your post-caffeine spike. Likewise, at each of your doctors appointments, you should let your doctor know when you last drank a caffeinated beverage .

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Coffee And High Blood Pressure: Is There A Link Does Coffee Increase The Risk Of Hypertension Know The Facts

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  • How Can Coffee Impact Your Blood Pressure?
  • Is it Necessary to Avoid Coffee in High Blood Pressure?
  • Is it Good to Consume Coffee in Low BP?
  • Which is the Best Time to Consume Coffee With High Blood Pressure?
  • How Much Coffee Can be Consumed in a Day With High Blood Pressure?
  • Are There Any Alternatives to Coffee?
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