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HomeEditor PicksHow To Make Whipped Coffee Without Instant Coffee

How To Make Whipped Coffee Without Instant Coffee

How To Drink And Store Whipped Coffee


Although you can make whipped coffee with cold and room-temperature water, it seems that thebest flavor comes from whipping it with hot water. In addition, the steam hot water may produce a fluffier foam, which will be more pleasurable to drink.

We concluded that you could use a whisker if you dont have an electronic mixer. However, if you plan on transforming drinking whipped coffee at home into a ritual, you might want to buy this helpful tool to make the most of your Dalgona experience.

The best results come when whisking the coffee in a bowl instead of a jar or mug since the air has more space to circulate in more expansive spaces like a bowl, as opposed to tall containers like a cup, and in this way become more fluffy.

Whipped coffee wouldnt be whipped coffee without the visible divide between the milk and the foam on top. However, if you want a more robust flavor, you can stir the coffee with a spoon or a straw to incorporate the flavor and blend the border between milk and coffee. The blending will make the taste more bitter, and you will enjoy one of the possible variations of whipped coffee.

As for storing, whipped coffee can usually stay fluffy in the refrigerator for a few hours after making. However, if you want to keep larger quantities and save time in the mornings, you can refrigerate whipped coffee in an air-tight conditioner in the refrigerator for up to a week.

The next chapter reveals the best type of coffee for whipping and how you can get it.

What Ingredients Are Required To Make Whipped Coffee

You dont need a lot of ingredients to make whipped coffee.

The only items you will need are coffee beans and sugar, which is actually in powder form or granules.

You can also use gourmet coffee but I would recommend that you try a prepared instant mix which will go a long way in helping you save time on preparation.

Plus there is less chance that your coffee will be too strong for your taste buds.

Your instant coffee should be ground powder not granular.

Can You Make Whipped Coffee Without A Mixer

The answer to this one is a qualified no. Unless youre Hercules, whipping espresso and sugar into a meringue isnt something you can do by hand. You need to whip intensely for up to 8 minutes without stopping which is a serious undertaking. Feel free to try this as an arm workout, but we cant recommend it for your morning drink.

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Dalgona Without Instant Coffee

Wondering how to make dalgona without instant coffee? Its actually pretty easy to make using a combination of normal coffee and aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas. Read on to see how to make this trendy Korean whipped coffee and see what the fuss is all about.

Have you noticed that lately theres a whipped coffee taking the internet by storm? Its called Dalgona and its a fun whipped coffee drink from Korea thats usually made with only four ingredients:

  • Instant coffee
  • Hot water
  • Milk

Ive been seeing dalgona all over TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, everywhere. So I finally had to make some myself.

Only one problem I dont drink instant coffee, which is what you need to make the frothy whipped coffee that sits over the milk.

Well, I knew there had to be a cool way to make dalgona coffee without instant coffee and make it vegan, of course! As one of my favorite YouTubers stated, Why inconvenience a cow if you dont need to? And you neverneed to.

So I made my dalgona with soy milk, but you can use whatever plant-based milk you enjoy the most. Almond milk or oat milk would work great, too!

The key to making the fluffy whipped coffee topping was using aquafaba the liquid from a can of beans. Got a can of chickpeas or black beans? You have aquafaba waiting to be whipped! You can see how to make aquafaba from dry beans here.

Its Actually Pretty Easy To Make Using A Combination Of Normal Coffee And Aquafaba The Liquid From Canned Chickpeas

How To Make Whipped Coffee (Without Instant Coffee)

How to make whipped coffee without instant coffee recipe. Let it steep for up to 5 minutes. Pour the hot water into the bowl. How to make whipped coffee without instant coffee ingredients.

But not everyone keeps instant coffee on hand. Foam is ready when stiff peaks hold. To make whipped coffee without the instant coffee mix, there are simple substitutions that will do the trick.

Pour ice and milk into a cup, and top with the whipped coffee mixture. This recipe is perfect if instant coffee is not readily available. Exact recipe for dalgona without instant coffee.

Use a whisk to whip the ingredients together. Then, with an electric mixer i whip the cream until its nice and light. Add ice cubes to a serving glass and fill & frac23 rd of it with milk.

Whipped coffee without instant coffee. How to make whipped coffee: The repeated viral whipped coffee recipe is to use two tablespoons each of coffee, sugar, and water.

Use a mixer to whip the mixture for a minute or two until it becomes thickened and light in color. Use an electric mixer to mix the sugar and espresso. Mix it in with a spoon, and enjoy!

Recipe for whipped coffee without instant coffee. To make the whipped coffee, just add two tablespoons each of instant coffee, sugar, and hot water in a bowl, then whip the ingredients until they. How to make whipped coffee with chocolate instead of coffee.

Whipped Coffee is made with only 3 ingredients whisked

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Equalizing The Sugar And Caffeine Content Of Whipped Coffee

Due to the sugar content, whipped coffee is a sweet beverage. And, sadly, the two tablespoons of added sugar in the formula would deplete most peoples daily sugar budget.

AHA advises women to consume no more than six teaspoons of added sugar in a day and similarly, men should not consume more than nine teaspoons that make around 150 calories.

If youre without powdered sugar, youll need to find a bulky sugar replacement that can melt with instant coffee to produce a soft feel.

The following are suggested:

To further reduce calories, keep the recipe as written but serve it over unsweetened almond milk or oat milk instead of regular milk. Youll even cut down on calories and sugar if you substitute almond milk for traditional milk.

If you like the concept of whipped coffee but are opposed to your caffeine intake, consider a decaf instant coffee mix instead. Two teaspoons of daily instant coffee equals two extra cups of coffee.


You now have the knowledge on how to make whipped coffee without using instant coffee! Not only is it feasible, but its also very simple if you have a decent mixer and plenty of patience. Therefore, instead of using cheap instant coffee, use your sophisticated espresso machine . The outcome will also taste better than what you see on TikTok!

Dalgona Coffee Recipe: Ingredients & Equipment

The ingredients you need to make whipped coffee with no instant granules are actually pretty simple, and if youre a coffee-lover, you likely already have most if not all of them on hand:

  • 5 tablespoons of hot espresso
  • 4 Tbsp of granulated sugar
  • 4 oz of cold milk
  • 2 ounces of cold espresso
  • A handful of ice cubes

As you can see, in order to make whipped coffee without the usual 2 tablespoons instant coffee, you still need a lot of sugar.

Thats because, like with meringue, the sugar gives the coffee liquid a little more substance, and it helps to stabilize the foam youre creating with your hand whisk, hand mixer, or stand mixer. Speaking of equipment, this is what youll need in that department:

  • Hand whisk, hand mixer or stand mixer
  • A bowl to make your whipped coffee in
  • A tall glass

The method you use to make your whipped coffee without instant granules will depend somewhat on what mixing equipment you use.

That will also impact the amount of time it will take you. But once youve got everything for the recipe together, its time to make whipped coffee Dalgona style!

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So How Do You Make Whipped Coffee Without Instant Coffee

Well here we go Whipped coffee without instant coffee the vegan special and also the more natural way. Dont know anything about anything but theres got to be something not to natural in instant coffee that makes it instant.


4 tbsp. Brewed espresso, hot

4 tbsp. Sugar

2 oz. espresso, cold optional.


1.) Add sugar to hot espresso in a mixing bowl

2.) Use a hand mixer or stand mixer to mix espresso and sugar on medium to high speed for about 5 minutes or until meringue forms

3.) Fill a glass with ice and cold milk and cold espresso if using

4.) Top with whipped coffee

5.) Serve with a spoon for mixing enjoy!

Fluffy coffee/sugar at the top and cold milk on the bottom just delicious.

Just one thing if possible use a glass bowl to mix or whip the sugar and coffee instead of a plastic bowl. The plastic bowl doesnt cause much friction making it harder to make that airy texture.

Well there you have it the recipe to making whipped coffee with out instant coffee. This recipe is vegan friendly so its pretty much good for anyone, it tastes amazing, enjoy. Also check out our vending machine products we dont have dalgona coffee but we have cold brew. Unfortunately we havent been able to find a way to put dalgona coffee in a vending machine.

What Is Whipped Coffee


Whipped coffee also known as dalgona coffee is a popular drink in Korean cafes which involves whipping instant coffee, sugar, and water into a frothy custard consistency then pouring it over milk.

Its no wonder this coffee is so insanely popular with its airy texture.

Unfortunately, many of the methods, including the top-ranked google article on how to make it are wrong. How do I know? Because I tried it.

The real key to making whipped coffee without instant coffee is the sugar content.

Basically this coffee is like making a meringue, the sugar provides the structure needed to give it that creamy custard like texture.

Your coffee to sugar ratio needs to be almost equal.

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How To Make Dalgona Coffee Healthier

With the original preparation, dalgona coffee is pretty sweet and has 13 grams of sugar for every tablespoon of sugar that you use. Of course, this amount of sugar is totally fine as a treat, but I wanted to see if it was possible to reduce the sugar and still have the whipped coffee turn out. I tried it with no sugar at all and it was a total flop I whisked it in my stand mixer for over 10 minutes and it never whipped up. But when I tried it with half the amount of sugar, it worked, but just didnt stay fluffy as long. This coffee drink is easy to drink quickly so thats not really an issue just be sure to snap your picture for Instagram before the whipped coffee starts to lose its fluff.

Ultimately I decided to go with 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut sugar for the version Im sharing here. It whips up perfectly and tastes sweet, but not overly sweet.

Dalgona Coffee Recipe 2nd Step

Continue whisking your whipped coffee steadily until you get a foamy, meringue-like texture. To test the consistency, dip the whisk or beaters end into the mixture and watch how it falls. It should form thick ribbons of foam.

You can also use the back of a spoon to scrape the bottom of the bowl. The coffee mixture should slide slowly back into the track you made with the spoon.

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Whats Up With That Cold Milk

Dalgona coffee is typically served on top of a glass of cold milk. You can use any kind of milk for this, including almond milk or oat milk. But if you want a more caffeinated version, you can mix an ounce or two of espresso or strong coffee into the milk. Or skip the milk entirely and fill the glass with iced coffee instead! The one thing you should avoid is using hot coffee or espresso. Your whipped coffee wont survive on top of a hot drink!

In A Bowl Combine Sugar And Espresso

How To Make Whipped Coffee

In a cup, combine the hot espresso and white sugar. Thoroughly stir the paste.

Whip it until it gets fluffy

Whip the espresso and sugar gently using a hand mixer or a stand mixer. Take the time! This will take many minutes, and you do not want to come to a halt too soon. When fully whipped, the mixture should have the feel of meringue and shape soft peaks. This takes about 5-8 minutes in our experience.

Pour the milk into a tall transparent glass

In the large glass pour cold milk. We recommend clear glasses so you can take in the beauty of this cocktail!

Dollop the whipped mixture on the top.

Fill the glass with espresso and sugar meringue, so that it rests on top of the milk. That is it! Youll want to savor this one-of-a-kind beverage instantly, as the whipped coffee would not last indefinitely.

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How To Balance The Caffeine And Caffeine Of Dalgona Coffee

Dalgona coffee is a sweet beverage due to the sugar. Unfortunately, that can increase most peoples sugar budget for the whole day. According to the American Heart Association, women eat less than 100 calories and men less than 150 calories of daily added sugars.

If you want to avoid sugars, you have to find a sugar replacement that still melts together with instant coffee to create the fluffy texture. You can use granulated monk fruit and granulated stevia.

If you want to reduce the calories further, make the recipe as described in this guide. However, you pour the low acid coffee over unsweetened oat milk or almond milk instead of traditional milk. You can also decrease the sugar and carbs if you choose some nut milk.

If you like the dalgona coffee but dont like more caffeine, you can try the decaf instant coffee blend.

Do You Have To Use Instant Coffee

Yup! Instant coffee or instant espresso is the only thing that works. Regular ground coffee wont dissolve the way instant does. Ive tried it with traditional instant coffee, instant espresso and the Four Sigmatic adaptogenic coffee as well! I personally loved this drink with the adaptogenic coffee. The added adaptogens are good for stress relief something we could all use a little of right now.

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I Dont Have A Hand Mixer How Else Can I Make Whipped Coffee

You can make whipped coffee using a stand mixer, a hand frother or hand whisk and by hand! Making it by hand took me about 8 minutes . The key is to do back and forth/side-to-side whisking in a zig zag motion, instead of only in large circles.

I would recommend using a whisk and not a spoon because it takes so long with a spoon and your arms will definitely be tired! You do want to ensure youre doing it in a bowl and not a mug or a jar, so that enough air is whipped into it!

How Long Does It Take To Whip Coffee

DALGONA COFFEE Without Instant Coffee | Whipped Coffee Recipe | No Instant Coffee Recipe

The good news is that the preparation of harvested coffee does not take too much time and is therefore perfect for a busy morning. Its faster with a hand mixer, but a whisk works too.

Fair warning: This is going to be your morning workout!

Whether you stir vigorously by hand or use an electric hand mixer, it only takes about 3 to 4 minutes to make coffee.

For soft, mousse-like tips, stop at 3 minutes and for a stiffer tip continue for 4 minutes.

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How To Make Whipped Coffee

The general rule of thumb is a 1:1:1 ratio of coffee, sugar and boiling water. We normally use 1 tablespoon of instant coffee, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon boiling water per person. Beat in a heat-proof bowl , to get as much air whipped into the coffee as possible, with a whisk, fork, spoon, milk frother , OR a hand mixer.

MANUAL WHISK: takes a good 8-15 minutes, depending on how thick you want it. Whip with a zig-zag motion. Take a short break when you need to.HAND BEATER: only takes about 3-5 minutes. Use the same zig-zag, back and forth motion to get as much coffee mixture as you can!

Beat until peaks form when lifting your beater or whisk, as you will find the thicker you whip it, the less bitter it tastes. Remember, the coffee will dilute once its mixed through your milk. You CAN add an extra tablespoon of sugar into your mixture for a sweeter coffee without effecting the result at all!

Pour your favourite milk into a glass, spoon the whipped coffee on top, then stir it through the milk to combine.

For a strong coffee, use a small glass and less milk.For a weaker coffee, use a larger glass and add more milk.

Serve with cold milk for a refreshing drink, just be sure to mix it through well, or serve over hot milk to give you a foamy, creamy top like a latte.

If you love iced coffee, throw a handful of crushed ice or ice cubes into your glass, pour in your milk, then spoon over your whipped coffee.


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