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Where Can I Buy Civet Coffee

A Very Expensive Coffee Thats Worth Its Price

Civet Coffee: Brewing the Next Pandemic – Kopi Luwak

For a truly special coffee with no bitterness due to excellent processing, look for online coffee roasters selling Hacienda La Esmeralda geisha coffee from Panama.

World-renowned specialty coffee roasters La Cabra of Denmark had this extraordinary coffee on sale only recently.

A 100g box of expertlyroasted coffee beans was the offering at the remarkable price of only£26.50 . I think £265 per kilo is enough to give youboasting rights, dont you?

La Cabra ships all over the world, and if you visit their website, you can add your email to be notified the next time that this wonderful coffee is available.

If you cant stretch to paying £265 a kilo, try some exceptional coffees from the Best UK Specialty Coffee Roasters, which start from just £5 a bag. Every coffee roaster on the list has international shipping.

Civet Coffee Its Origin History And Distribution

Have you ever stopped and thought about how Civet Coffee is produced? No? Well after reading this I am sure you will agree that It is a very interesting process. Indeed, Kopi Luwak is made in an unorthodox way, and people are usually surprised to hear the overall production process if they are not familiar with this type of coffee.

What makes this coffee so is that Asian Palm Civets are involved in the coffee bean production process.

This type of coffee is also known as Kopi Luwak and it has become much more popular in recent years. It has even made a couple of appearances in famous movies and TV-Shows. We have summarized these media appearances, and you can see these scenes from the famous movie The Bucket List here and a couple of TV Shows here.

To see the most important facts about Civet Coffee in a summarized and easily consumable way, we created the infographic below.

We hope it will be useful for you and it helps you to learn more about Kopi Luwak.

How Civet Coffee Is Produced

The coffee beans pass through the civet’s digestive tract where the outer fruit is mostly digested, and then the beans are then defecated onto the ground. Coffee farmers then collect the coffee beans and usually wash and sun-dry them.

The Asian Palm Civet produces a unique coffee by eating the ripest beans and then marinating those beans in its digestive tract before expelling them onto the forest floor. A quick wash, sun-drying, and light roasting and the beans are ready to go!

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The Java Jargon Decoder

Here are a few terms that may come in handy as we explore the world of the civet brew.

  • Under-extracted – When you dont dissolve enough desirable particles into your drink, resulting in a weak, sour or astringent taste.
  • Over-extracted – When you extract too many soluble particles, leaving you with a bitter-tasting brew.
  • Grind size – The size of particles once youve ground your coffee. The scale ranges from extra coarse to very fine. Unfortunately, theres no universal setting for grind size, so a quick Google image search will help you determine if youve sized your grounds right.
  • Ratio – The amount of grounds used vs the amount of water used.

Kopi Luwak Direct Core Values

Pin on Indonesian Foods

More Than Fair Trade

At Kopi Luwak Direct we are ethical traders who work in partnership with the Bâlaan tribe, the traditional residents of this land. That is why we buy our beans directly from the farmers, and are actively involved in ensuring ethical systematizing of the whole production process and increase the cut the farmers get for growing the coffee.

100% Organic Civet Coffee

Our Wild Kopi Luwak is as authentic as it gets. We are big fans of the organic movement and use no artiï¬cial fertilizers when growing coffee trees. To ensure a great flavor during every part of the coffee production process, for both civet and human alike, we produce and use our own organic fertilizer.

100% Wild Civet Coffee

Our plantation nestles in the heart of the Philippinesâ lush Luwak habitat, home to approximately 2800 wild civets. The Luwaks are free to choose for themselves which beans they consume, and to eat their full varied natural diet, which enriches the flavour of our delicious Civet Coffee.

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Smooth And Flavorful Kopi Luwak

Wild Civet Coffee – from High Quality Arabica Plants

To ensure we have the best tasting Kopi Luwak you can buy online, we have planted high-quality Coffea arabica plants in the area for the cats to devour. This has both increased our natural output capabilities and has ensured that we have the highest quality Kopi Luwak available on the market.

100% Wild Civet Coffee

Delicious Wild Kopi Luwak

The unique taste of Kopi Luwak comes from it being processed by a small animal called the Asian Palm Civet. The resultant taste is both smooth and delicious.

This unique and delicate taste is achieved by the break up of coffee beans by proteolytic enzymes in the civet cats.

We are sure you will agree that this results in a truly exquisite coffee that is smooth, delicious, and flavorful.

Kopi Luwak Trusted By Gourmets Worldwide

Our valued customers include private gourmets as well as premium coffee shops, boutique grocery stores and restaurants all over the world. Our clients value the exceptionally high quality of our Wild Kopi Luwak and appreciate our unwavering focus on excellence and service.

Is Kopi Luwak Worth The High Price

Kopi luwak is sold on the premise that it has a unique taste owing to the enzymatic process that the beans undergo whilst inside the civets digestive tract. The coffee is said to contain less bitterness and acidity, contributing to a smooth flavour and complex aroma.

Whilst this no doubt would appeal to those whose misconception is that all coffee is inherently bitter, coffee aficionados within the industry say otherwise.

There have been various assessments made of kopi luwak in recent years, and the results are quite damning. The Specialty Coffee Association of America drew the conclusion that kopi luwak simply tastes bad.

Other critics couldonly muster the backhanded compliment of saying that there wasnothing to make kopi luwak superior to any other type of coffee.

SCAA and other critics did admit that the lower levels of bitterness and acidity, as well as kopi luwaks smooth body, would be characteristics that appeal to some coffee drinkers.

In truth, people dontbuy kopi luwak for its exceptional taste. They do so because of themystery that surrounds one of the rarest and most expensive beverageson the planet.

Theres no getting awayfrom the fact that wild-sourced kopi luwak is superior to the farmedvariety. But at around $600 per kilo, there are so many other greatcoffees on the market that truly are delicious and worth seeking out.

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What Is The Price Of Kopi Luwak

The debate as to whether kopi luwak is the most expensive coffee still rages on, but what is the current price of kopi luwak?

Kopi luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with retail prices reaching $100 per kilogram for farmed and $1300 per kilogram for wild-collected beans. The price of a single cup of kopi luwak coffee is as low as $4 for the farmed variety and up to $100 for the wild variety.

So why such huge differences in price? Lets take a detailed look at what determines kopi luwaks price.

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So Whats The Problem With Civet Coffee

most expensive coffee? cat poop coffee review (kopi luwak or civet coffee)

The problem with Kopi Luwak coffee is that its rarely actually wild. As you can imagine, finding free-range Kopi Luwak is a labor-intensive task, something not very friendly to a business bottom line.

As a result, the most common process involves removing civets from the wild and keeping them in tiny cages on coffee plantations. According to researchers, these coffee plantations universally fail to meet animal welfare standards in areas like hygiene, shelter, and mobility. Civets are nocturnal, shy animals, and many coffee plantations allow tourists to view them in their cages. They may also be force-fed the cherries or kept on uncomfortable wire surfaces. And the civets restrictive coffee-only diet can lead to malnutrition and other health issues.

Another issue is that many coffees sold as Kopi Luwak arent authentic. With prices for this specialty coffee so high, its not surprising that coffee sellers would want to cash in whether or not they have access to civets.

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Whats The Kopi Luwak Price

Kopi Luwak was all the craze then and has continued to be pretty popular ever since. And its famous for something other than its unique processing: its price. A cup of Kopi Luwak coffee typically costs between $35 and $100, and the per-pound price can range from $100 to $600. Thats 20 to 60 times more expensive than average coffee!

Wild Kopi Luwak Vs Caged Kopi Luwak

Wild kopi luwak is just what it sounds like: the coffee beans are collected from the droppings of wild civets. This is in sharp contrast to caged kopi luwak, which comes from civets kept in cages and bred as farm animals.

Buying Tip: If kopi luwak isnt advertised as 100% wild, then its definitely not.

Buying wild kopi luwak is a critical component in building an ethical, sustainable supply chain. We work with a certified 100% wild kopi luwak plantation in Java, which has built its decades-old business around the civets natural habitat. Its the only way we do business.

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% Certified Wild Kopi Luwak Coffee

Gayo Kopi provides the worlds most exquisite, authentic Wild Kopi Luwak in the world, produced by the Civet in Indonesia. The animals live freely in the jungles that border our farms in the highlands of the Gayo Mountains in Northern Sumatra. Each and every batch of our beans is authenticated to ensure no caged or force-fed animals are used in the their production. No Blends. Totally Pure. Totally Fresh.

Can You Buy A Civet Cat

Arabica Wild Civet Coffee Roasted Beans Pure Indonesia ...

Asked by: Miss Alysa Satterfield

Civets may not be imported into the U.S. They are prohibited because they may carry the SARS virus. About civets: A civet is a meat-eating mammal. In general, a civet has a somewhat cat-like appearance with a small head, long body, and long tail, although a civet is not in fact a cat.

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The Dark Side Of Civet Coffee

This very rare andsought after coffee bean has a dark side though, and while its aroma andcharacteristics are highly desirable, many modern coffee drinkers are reluctantto support the Civet Coffee industry because of the conditions the animals facewhen in a Civet, or Luwak Coffee Farm.

Civet Coffee isproduced in many countries including Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Much like geese,who are force fed in order to produce the highly prized foie gras, the civetsare not always treated respectfully or with care deserving of an animal. Some farmers produce the coffee by allowingthe civet cats to feed on the coffee cherries at night, then collect thefermented beans the next day, with very little impact on the health orhappiness of the civet.

Due to theinflated price tag of this coffee, some farmers choose to keep the civets incages and force feed them, limiting their life to a small cage and forcedfeeding of just one type of food.

I have visitedIndonesia and seen both types of Civet Coffee farms. I can confidently say, thewild farm is a natural and fairly unconstructed farm with very happy, relaxedCivet cats sleeping in trees and seeming very content. On the other hand, the small cages that arehome to the farmed Civets contain very unhappy, unhealthy looking animals anddefinitely feel wrong.

Can I Buy Kopi Luwak Coffee In Cambodia

Hey guys,

Already spent about 2 hours searching this info, but there is no any info about this type of coffee in Cambodia! I understand, that I can easy find in in Vietnam, but I don’t have plans/visa for Vietnam, but I will stay in Cambodia some time and I would really like to try it!

Any advice about

1. Is there this coffee or same analogue )

2. Where I can find it

3. If there is an option to try or buy it there – would be great to know how much it will cost


Hello y0u-rick

The most expensive comes from the Philippines , the biggest producer is Indonesia where it is known as kopi Luwak it is also produced in Vietnam and in a small way in Malaysia

I have never actively sought coffee produced in this manner anywhere including Cambodia, so I must tell you that I have not even come across it in passing.

Hopefully an aficionado of this coffee will appear to provide you with the information you seek and at the same time enlighten yours truly

Good luck with your quest

Happy and safe travels

I don’t recall seeing it in Cambodia either, but I would just like to take a moment to ask you to consider the impact this ‘fad’ has on the civets themselves. Very little coffee is now ‘naturally sourced’ and most civets are caged in terrible conditions. PETA, for one, has investigated this practice:

Each to their own – we all used to ride elephants and have photos taken with tigers.


Hello y0u-rick

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Coffee Kopi Luwak Production

Kopi Luwak coffee is a special type of coffee. The production process is unlike any other type of coffee.

Specifically, coffee berries need to interact with the enzymes of the Luwak cat. During this process, coffee beans reach their desired flavors and aroma. To be more rpecise, coffee obtains sweet chocolate flavors, and no added sugar is typically needed.

In order for the Luwak cats enzymes to interact with the berries, Luwak cats eat the berries. After they excrete the berries, coffee producers collect and wash, while seeds are removed and dried.

Low Production But High Demand

Civet Coffee or Kopi Luwak

When it comes to annualproduction, youll find different figures for kopi luwak all over theInternet.

One source claims that as much as 1100lbs of wild kopi luwak is produced annually, and an estimated 50 tons of farmed kopi luwak.

Still another source claims that under 500lbs of genuine kopi luwak is produced each year.

The problem is that theres so much fake kopi luwak on the market that its difficult to know for sure just how much is produced.

But whatever the true figures are, the fact is that supply cannot keep up with demand, which leads to radically high prices.

And thanks to films such as The Bucket List, which stars Jack Nicholson and his love for kopi luwak, the hype behind this rare coffee is only increasing.

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Where Do Civets Live

The Civet is native to southern China, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and southern India.

Civet coffee produced in the Philippines is known as Kape Alamid and Motit Coffee . Civet coffee is popular in coffeehouses in Vietnam where there is even a market for simulated civet coffee. Civet coffee has developed a reputation in places like the United States, Canada, the U.K. and Australia for its price and its novelty.

Ethics Of Companies That Sell Kopi Luwak

As you decide where to buy Kopi Luwak, make sure that the producer is 100% ethical. Ethical means two things here:

  • Ensure that Luwak cats are not captured from the wilderness just to produce coffee. Luwak cats are wild, and should remain wild. The quality of coffee from Luwak farms is of poor quality. Make sure to play your part in stopping mass-production of this blend, which would be unsustainable and harmful to Luwak cats.
  • Ensure that the place where you buy Kopi Luwak is selling 100% Kopi Luwak coffee. Many retailers cheat by adding a mix of different beans, Kopi Luwak and Arabica, but sell under the seal of Kopi Luwak.

Owlys conclusion

Kopi Luwak coffee is delicious, gourmet and sweet. It sells for exorbitant prices, but its worth trying every now and then. Before you decide where to buy Kopi Luwak, make sure you do your research. You want to verity that the company sells 100% authentic Kopi Luwak coffee, and that the Luwak cats live in the wildnerness.

What do you think?

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What Is Kopi Luwak Coffee Anyway

Kopi Luwak is an Indonesian coffee that has been digested by an animal called an Asian palm civet. The civet is a cat-like creature that roams the forests of Bali at night, eating ripe coffee cherries and excreting the coffee beans. The beans are then gathered, cleaned, and roasted. The result? Kopi Luwak, also called civet cat coffee or cat poop coffee.

The history of Kopi Luwak coffee starts way back in the 1700s when the Dutch first set up coffee plantations in Sumatra and Java. According to legend, the locals noticed that wild animals were eating the ripe coffee cherries and leaving the beans behind. They were prohibited from harvesting coffee beans for themselves, so they started brewing coffee from these discarded beans.

More recently, this specialty coffee started showing up on the gourmet coffee scene in America in the 1990s. This was thanks to Anthony Wild, author of the famous coffee book, Coffee: A Dark History. These specialty beans soon appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and in the Jack Nicholson movie, The Bucket List.

Why Would You Want To Eat Drink Poop Coffee

100% Authentic Java Kopi Luwak Arabica Wild Civet by BaliHead

Cat shit coffee does sound gross, but theres a good reason that Kopi Luwak is so sought-after. The idea is that unlike human coffee pickers, wild animals will only eat the best, ripest cherries, so you dont end up with inferior, unripe beans. Plus, the enzymes in the civets digestive system alter the coffee beans, producing a smoother cup of animal coffee.

How do they do that? While passing through a civets stomach, the cherries get fully stripped of their fruity exterior. Its essentially a very thorough washing process that prepares the beans for drying and roasting. Without any fruit left on the bean, mold doesnt grow, resulting in a better cup of coffee.

ANIMAL COFFEE FUN FACT: Theres another kind of animal poop coffee. Though its often called monkey poop coffee or monkey shit coffee, the coffee produced by rhesus monkeys and macaques in Taiwan and Indian is actually chewed and spit out.

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