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HomeIs Coffee Bad For Your Bladder

Is Coffee Bad For Your Bladder

Studies On Coffee And Kidney Disease

A Urologist Explains Is caffeine REALLY making you PEE too much?

Population-based epidemiological studies have tended to show an association between consumption of coffee and possibly a protective effect on kidney function.

A Korean study of more than 2,600 women showed that consumption of coffee was associated with a decreased risk of kidney disease, including in diabetic women. As we know in medicine though, population-based surveys are not enough to draw hard conclusions.

Therefore, given the pertinent and possibly controversial nature of the topic, a meta-analysis published in 2016 attempted to answer this very question. This meta-analysis showed no association between coffee consumption and increased risk of kidney disease in male patients.

Interestingly, it actually noted the possibility of a reduced risk of kidney disease in women who drink coffee. The conclusion regarding coffee, at least based on these data could be: harmless on male kidneys, and possibly beneficial to women’s.

The results of the above meta-analysis are similar to another study from another part of the world, specifically the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua where the lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease in coffee growing villages has been noted.

The exact mechanism for why coffee might play this protective role is still a subject of active study, but speculation ranges from the role of antioxidants present in coffee to coffee’s purported antidiabetic effect.

Caffeine & Your Bladder

Whether you use it to help you wake up, stay energized or you simply love the taste, caffeine is all around us. Its in your morning cup of coffee, the soda you drink at lunch or the tea you sip in the afternoon. This is what makes caffeine the most widely consumed stimulant in the world. What many people may not know is that it is actually a bladder irritant and in turn, is associated with urinary incontinence. People suffering from bladder weakness should actually consider cutting down on caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soda, in addition to alcohol, to help alleviate leaks. As caffeine is so common in many of the products we consume on a daily basis, people are simply unaware of how much they ingest in a single day. This can be a problem for those trying to combat the Unexpected Leak.

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Caffeine And Bladder Problems Linked

For Women, Excess Caffeine Increases Risk of Urinary Incontinence, Study Finds

Sept. 30, 2010 — Excess caffeine increases the likelihood of urinary incontinence in women, according to a new study that echoes the findings of previous research.

”Women who consume high levels of caffeine are 70% more likely to have urinary incontinence than women who don’t,” says Jon Gleason, MD, an instructor and fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical School’s Division of Women’s Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

He is slated to present the findings Friday at the American Urogynecologic Society’s annual meeting in Long Beach, Calif.

Caffeine sources include coffee, tea, beverages, foods, and some pharmaceuticals.

In Gleasonâs study, women who reported taking in 329 milligrams of caffeine a day — about three cups of coffee — or more had a 70% higher likelihood of having the bladder problem.

Urinary incontinence, or the unintentional loss of urine, affects more than 13 million Americans, mostly women. Women are most likely to develop it either during pregnancy or childbirth or with menopause and its hormonal changes, due to pelvic muscle weakness. But it’s not a natural consequence of aging, experts say.

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Does Coffee Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

An increasing number of studies have reviewed the link between compounds in coffee and prostate cancer risk. As evidence increases. coffee is getting its share of the spotlight.

Recently, researchers from Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science in Japan tested coffee compounds against prostate cancer in mice. Specifically, they used cells that were resistant to standard cancer drugs, such as cabazitaxel.

When they added kahweol acetate and cafestol to prostate cancer cells in a petri dish, the cells grew less rapidly.

We found that kahweol acetate and cafestol inhibited the growth of the cancer cells in mice, but the combination seemed to work synergistically, leading to significantly slower tumor growth than in untreated mice,

After 11 days, the untreated tumors had grown by around times the original volume , whereas the tumors in the mice treated with both compounds had grown by around just over times the original size. explains study leader, Dr. Hiroaki Iwamoto.

Why Are Coffee & Tea Bad For The Prostate

Not all bladders are created equal. If you are battling ...

The prostate is a gland found in men that is responsible for the secretion of semen. As a man ages, this gland tends to become enlarged, causing pressure on parts of the urinary tract such as the urethra and bladder. As a result, you may experience urinary frequency combined with an inability to fully empty your bladder. A chronically enlarged prostate can also lead to incontinence, pain when urinating and infection. While coffee and tea don’t cause an enlarged prostate, they may make symptoms worse.

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Kicking The Caffeine Habit

Coffee and tea trigger flares for many people with interstitial cystitis . Yet, many dont know how they would get through the day without them. The caffeine in both of these beverages can be habit-forming, and quitting cold turkey can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

MYTH: Decaffeinated coffee and tea are okay for IC patients to drink.Doctors and other healthcare providers report that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee and tea can trigger bladder flares because of the acidity in the products, so it is best to kick the coffee and tea habit, and find alternative ways to find energy throughout the day.

Here are three tips for easing off caffeinated drinks and finding alternative ways to keep energized:

  • Slowly cut back on coffee/tea:
  • Gradually reduce how much you drink each day.
  • Depending upon how much you are drinking, give yourself several days or a week or more to eliminate coffee from your diet.
  • Try a vegetable-based product such as Cafix®, Pero®, Roma, and Postum®.
  • Herbal teas such as chamomile and mint are usually well tolerated by IC patients.
  • Keep trying until you find a product you like.
  • Just like coffee or tea, you can add milk and/or sugar to any beverage to improve the taste.
  • You can buy coffee and tea substitutes in health food stores, online, and some supermarkets.
  • Fill a small plastic container with individual portions of substitutes that you can mix with hot or cold water when you are away from home.
  • Dont skip meals.
  • Is Wine Good For Prostate

    A new study shows men who drink four or more glasses of red wine per week have a nearly 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than non-drinkers. In addition, researchers found that red wines protective effects appear to be even stronger against the most dangerous and aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

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    Do You Have A Pee Problem

    So whats a normal amount of times to pee in a day? If youre not actually leaking or coming close to it, does that mean you dont have a problem?

    Ideally, you should be able to wait 2-4 hours between trips to the bathroom, Bri says. Can you sit through a whole movie? If not, you may need to cut back on the caffeine. Some people are going 15-20 times a day, when 6-8 is probably more normal. And for women, wiping that often can damage delicate tissue, making it more vulnerable to infections.

    Artificial Sweeteners May Worsen Bladder Symptoms

    Is drinking coffee bad for your skin?| Dr Dray

    When you’re trying to cut calories at every corner, artificial sweeteners may seem like a healthy replacement for sugar. But if you’ve got a urinary tract infection, its possible that your bladder infection symptoms may worsen if you use artificial sweeteners. While one study found that artificial sweeteners worsened bladder symptoms in people with chronic interstitial cystitis, there’s no real proof they irritate the bladder when you have a simple UTI. But if these fake sweeteners bother you, skip them.

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    Is Coffee Bad For Your Kidneys

    Coffee, as the worlds most popular drink, comes with its share of controversy. While there are plenty of ways that coffee can benefit your health, it can also cause problems in some people, especially when consumed beyond moderation.

    If you suffer from kidney disease or have a history of kidney problems in your family, you may be concerned about coffee consumption.

    Some articles will tell you that coffee is bad for your kidneys, but digging a little deeper reveals that its not quite so simple.

    In some ways, coffee can actually benefit your kidneys. Lets take a look at the details and see why.

    Coffee and Your Kidney Health The Claims

    News stories released in the past few years have claimed that coffee is bad for your kidneys because it is a diuretic.

    Coffee causes you to urinate more frequently, which can leave you dehydrated without the necessary water in your system to support good kidney health.

    Coffee is also a bladder irritant, which can trigger some problems with people who have both kidney disease and an underlying bladder condition.

    Finally, coffee contains oxalates, which can bind with calcium to form kidney stones.

    If you are in good health then drinking one or two cups of coffee each day shouldnt have any negative impact.

    If you have existing kidney problems, you are likely safe when drinking coffee, but its recommended that you consult with your physician first.

    Fruits, for example, have very high water content and can help you to stay hydrated.


    What’s Behind The Link

    ”Only high levels of caffeine were associated with urinary incontinence,” Gleason says.

    What is it about the caffeine? “There is evidence that caffeine has a diuretic effect,” he says. The diuretic effect increases the amount of urine you make.

    Caffeine may also make the muscles that contract when you void overactive, he says.

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    Is Coffee Good Or Bad For Men’s Health

    Is coffee a beverage that is good for men’s health, or is it harmful? When it comes to prostate health, coffee and the caffeine and other components it contains can be troublesome for men who have BPH, but if your concern is prostate cancer, coffee and caffeine appear to be safe for now, according to recent studies.

    BPH and Caffeine

    For men who have benign prostatic hyperplasia, drinking coffee can be detrimental, because the caffeine can stimulate an already overactive bladder, which means it can increase urinary frequency and urgency and may even result in urge incontinence. Caffeine can act on the bladder in several ways. One, it increases how fast urine is produced, which means your bladder fills up faster. Two, caffeine enhances the sensation and contractility of the bladder.

    Another way caffeine can affect prostate health is through its ability to irritate the bladder because it is a theoxanthine, a family of drugs that includes theobromine and theophylline . Theophylline also stimulates and irritates the bladder.

    Caffeine and Prostate Cancer

    The journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research published a study in 2009 in which researchers evaluated the impact of coffee and tea on prostate health. Investigators concluded that while coffee had no apparent relationship with prostate cancer, evidence from animal and in vitro studies suggests that tea, and especially green tea, is a healthier choice than coffee for prostate health.

    Caffeine, Overall Health and Stress

    Can Coffee Cause A Urinary Tract Infection

    A guide to the best and worst drinks if you suffer from UTIs

    Chances are, you are a coffee drinker.

    You know how I know that? Around 83% of adults in the United States drink coffee. And together we all drink somewhere around 587 million cups every single day. Thats around 3 cups per person.

    We all know that coffee can come will some real perks like heightened energy and focus. And we all know it can come with some downsides like the jitters and headaches.

    But can coffee be harmful? Could that morning drink actually cause infections?

    You may have heard the rumor that our beloved cup of Joe is responsible for causing urinary tract infections. Those painful, burning, uncomfortable infections that send us to the doctor begging for antibiotics!

    Discover in just 7 short questions why you may be experiencing painful UTI’s and uncover how to return to your normal life. Take The Urinary Quiz Now!

    Could coffee really be to blame? Im here to clue you in.

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    Does Caffeine Really Cause Overactive Bladder

    If you are a coffee drinker and you suffer from symptoms of overactive bladder such as frequent urination or urgent urination, it is a very safe bet that someone has told you to cut out the caffeine. Caffeine can serve as both a stimulant, an irritant, and a diuretic so it should follow that it must lead to overactive bladder, right? That has been the conventional wisdom for years, though we should always be careful to check that our wisdom is really based on facts.

    A recent review article by Palma and Staak provides an overview of the most recent studies about the effects of caffeine on the bladder. When taken together, these studies demonstrate that drinking more than 2 cups of coffee per day is associated with worsening symptoms of overactive bladder. The effect does depend on the dose and more than 4 cups of coffee per day may result in developing symptoms of OAB even in patients with no symptoms before.

    One bit of good news is that the small amount of caffeine found in decaffeinated coffee does not appear to have a negative effect on OAB symptoms.

    In this case, the conventional wisdom, dispensed for years by friends, family and even your health care provider appears to be spot on. You may want to skip that extra cup of coffee tomorrow if you have a long meeting in the morning.

    Colin M. Goudelocke, M.D.

    Take A Break From Coffee To Ease Bladder Infection Symptoms

    Sure, your morning cup of java perks you up, but it may also make your UTI symptoms act up again. Caffeine is known to irritate the bladder and worsen bladder infection symptoms. A study of people with interstitial cystitis found that people who drank coffee experienced worsened symptoms. Try a mug of noncaffeinated herbal tea to replace your morning coffee ritual until you are UTI-free.

    Recommended Reading: Does Diet Root Beer Have Caffeine

    Evaluating Your Kidney Needs

    Because water is still considered the best fluid to ensure proper kidney function, the smartest “tea” option may well be just hot water, perhaps flavored with lemon juice. In terms of traditional and herbal teas, what you choose should depend on whether you currently have any kidney issues. The best tea for kidney disease will be different than one that is a general preventative tea for kidney health.

    Some studies have found that drinking at least one cup of black or green tea may help prevent kidney stones, according to the Linus Pauling Institute . On the other hand, some black teas may have oxalate concentrations that are high enough to contribute to the problem, for people prone to kidney stones, notes the LPI.

    As for the ability of green or black tea’s antioxidant content to prevent cancers, including kidney or bladder cancer, human research has not yet tested this theory, according to the LPI. In addition, the caffeine content in green tea, as well as its unpredictable effects on blood sugar, can pose a problem for kidney patients who also have high blood pressure or diabetes.

    Read more: The Effect of Black Tea on Weight Loss

    Coffee Consumption And Bladder Kidney And Prostate Cancers

    How does Coffee affect Kidney Disease | Coffee affect | Sean Hasmi | Benefits of coffee

    Coffee and bladder cancer

    Early, limited research had suggested a potential association between coffee and bladder cancer. However, more recent studies have provided sufficient evidence for IARC to conclude that there is inadequate evidence of such an association, highlighting that smoking may have confounded results in some earlier studies1.

    Coffee and kidney cancer

    Research consistently suggests there is no conclusive link between coffee consumption and kidney cancer.

    • During the last three decades, the incidence of kidney cancer has constantly increased, leading to the search for possible links with diet. The etiology of kidney cancer suggests an increased risk with smoking and being overweight68.
    • The World Cancer Research Fund identified 18 case-control and 5 cohort studies indicating the lack of a link between coffee consumption and kidney cancer19.
    • A few additional studies reviewed, including a synthesis of 13 prospective studies including 530,469 women, 244,483 men and 1,478 cases of kidney cancer, did not find an association between coffee consumption and kidney cancer 68,69, and a 2014 meta-analysis also found no association63.
    • The WCRF 2015 Kidney Cancer Report lists coffee under Limited Evidence No Conclusion70.
    • In 2016, IARC concluded that there is inadequate evidence to suggest any association between coffee consumption and kidney cancer1.

    Coffee and prostate cancer

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    Can Drinking Alcohol Cause A Uti

    You may know that beer, wine, and liquor can irritate your stomach if you’ve got reflux or an ulcer, and alcohol can irritate the bladder, too, particularly if you have a bladder infection. Though you want to get plenty of fluids when you’ve got a UTI, it’s important to avoid alcohol. So, take a hiatus from cocktails at least while you’re trying to flush out the bacteria and recover from a urinary tract infection.


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