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HomeMust ReadWhy Is Organic Coffee Better

Why Is Organic Coffee Better

Safer For Coffee Growers

The TRUTH about Organic Coffee (And Best Coffees!)

Not only is organic coffee healthier for personal consumption and more sustainable for the environment, but its even safer for coffee growers!

One survey of 81 coffee farmers in Eastern Jamaica found that most of them suffered from at least one negative health side effect linked to pesticide handling.

But when coffee is grown organically, hard-working coffee growers are no longer in contact with dangerous chemicals, creating a healthier, happier work environment.

It Is Safer For The Environment

Perhaps not your environment, but land in other countries where organic coffee is produced is much safer and more stable for the land, people living there, the animals and the future of the environment surrounding coffee production sites. An even better option is buying organic, Fair-Trade coffee, which ensures sustainable and healthy living conditions, along with proper pay and economic growth for coffee farmers.

Is Organic Coffee Actually Healthier For You

Health-wise, you cant go wrong with organic coffee. That does not mean, however, that regular coffee is any worse. There are no studies comparing the health of regular coffee drinkers with organic coffee drinkers. It just might be the case that coffee, grown inside an actual fruit, may not be as susceptible to synthetic substances, as other fruits.

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Is Organic Coffee Sustainable

Compared to conventional coffee that uses pesticides and other chemicals, organic coffee is far more environmentally sustainable and leaves a smaller carbon footprint . To receive organic certification, farmers must have a crop rotation plan in place to prevent soil erosion. Plus, unlike conventional coffee beans that are grown in direct sunlight, organic coffee is grown in the shade, allowing the surrounding ecosystems to remain largely untouched.

But while organic coffee is better for the environment, it doesnt necessarily mean that it s fair trade , or fair to the farmers who grow it . So , while it might be environmentally sustainable, it may not be socially sustainable look for coffee that is both organic and approved by the FLO .

The Best Organic Coffee Beans For Making Coffee At Home

This Is Why Organic Coffee Is Better

Brewing a pot of coffee at home is a great choice, not only because you save money and help the environment by not using one of the coffee shops paper cups , but because you have total control over the quality of your beans. Still, the number of different organic coffee brands to choose from can be totally overwhelming a good problem to have, but still kind of stressful when you have to choose!

Luckily, weve done a lot of vetting organic coffee brands to make it easier for you. Here are some of our favorite organic coffee bean choices:

Give a few of these a try to find the one that fits your taste the best!

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The Wellbe Takeaway: The Bottom Line On Organic Coffee Beans And Your Health

Trying to make a decision about what kind of coffee to get before youve had your coffee can be tricky, we get it. And if youre feeling bleary-eyed and eager for that caffeine jolt, we understand the temptation to just order a cup of whatevers closest, no questions asked.

But weve done the research, and its clear that the kind of coffee you buy, and the amount you drink, has a major impact on your health . Luckily, weve made it simple for you to make informed choices by breaking down everything you need to know about conventional vs. organic coffee beans, and giving you our best organic coffee recommendations. Here are the key takeaways on the topic:

If all of that is still too much for you to remember before youve had your morning joe, well put it in one sentence for you: Organic coffee beans let you enjoy your morning coffee habit without compromising your health.

Now that you know what coffee to drink, what about what you put in your coffee? Check out our guide to the healthiest and unhealthiest coffee additions to make a smart choice next time.

Do you have a favorite organic coffee brand? Let us know in the comments below!


Does Organic Coffee Have A Low Acidity

Whether a coffee is organically farmed or not does not affect the acidity levels in it.

On the pH scale it sits at around the 5 mark, meaning it is less acidic then some juices, alcohol and fizzy drinks.

However, when we refer to acidity in coffee, we arent really talking about a number on a scale. Acidity brings a lot of flavour to a cup, including fruitiness, sharpness, crispness and cleanness.

Blends can be described to have a bright or mellow acidity, which are usually desirable qualities.

As most coffees are naturally acidic, whether they are organically farmed wont change this. Although, there are plenty of delicious low acid options on the market.

Read our guide to acidity in coffee to find how it is affecting your body and the best low acid products.

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Our Picks For The Top Coffee Subscriptions

Each product featured here has been independently selected by the writer. You can learn more about our review methodology here. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.

Organic Coffee Should I Buy It

Organic Coffee that is Good for You? |

Organic coffee is expensive. But they say its sooo good! Should I go for it?

Organic coffee is grown without synthetic fertilizer or artificial pesticides. This doesnt mean, however, that the crops are free of fertilizer of pesticides. Farmers just use natural fertilizer and natural insect repellants – anyone said sterilized dung?

An organic product is important to many coffee drinkers because coffee is one of the most pesticide-sprayed crops around the world. Coffee beans are worth much more per pound than other crops like wheat, corn, or soy, so growers have an incentive to protect their crop and boost output with whatever pesticides and fertilizers work. And pesticides that have been banned in the US and EU are still used in other countries that grow coffee. So there is a perception that organic coffee is healthy and more natural. Many consumers reason that if theyre drinking several cups a day of something, it might as well be pesticide-free.

The OTA, the Organic Trade Association posts on its web site the top three reasons for buying organic coffee. Here they are: when buying organic coffee you say I care with a flair, you impress your guests, and you can use it to make ice cream. Mmm, someone there definitely has been drinking too much coffee

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Benefits Of Regular Coffee

There is no denying that the benefits of organic coffee are welcomed by coffee drinkers around the world we can’t imagine a coffee lover not appreciating the lack of chemicals in their morning cup or the steadfast dedication to preserving the environment so they can continue to enjoy quality cups of coffee year after year. However, when debating organic coffee vs. regular coffee, the conventional process yields several benefits as well:

  • Traditional coffee is healthy too: Coffee in any form has been scientifically proven to provide health benefits. Along with energy and focus enhancements, caffeine can help you burn fat and improve your physical performance. It also has the potential to reduce your risk of developing diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, depression, and certain cancers like liver and colorectal cancer. Organic or not, the nutrients and antioxidants found in a cup of coffee have positive impacts on your health.
  • Is Organic Food More Nutritious

    Right now, no one can say for sure whether organic food is any more nutritious than conventional food. A few studies have reported that organic produce has higher levels of vitamin C, certain minerals, and antioxidants — thought to protect the body against aging, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. But the differences are so small that they probably have no impact on overall nutrition.

    “So far nothing is definitive, but there really hasn’t been a lot of money expended on looking at the nutritional benefits of organic products,” says DiMatteo. She points out that studies done before the USDA national standard went into effect are likely to be invalid, as there were then no reliable controls on organic production methods.

    There is one nutritional certainty, though. If you want to get the most from your food, eat it while it’s fresh.

    “Nutrients like vitamin C do oxidize over time. So even though the nutrients might be higher in organic food to begin with, if it’s sitting in your refrigerator, you could lose that benefit,” says Zelman.

    Plus, fresh food just tastes better. This may be one reason people sometimes report that organic foods have more flavor. Because organic farms tend to be smaller operations, they often sell their products closer to the point of harvest. So don’t be surprised if the organic fruits and vegetables in your market taste more “farm fresh” than the comparable conventional produce.

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    How Organic Coffee Will Benefit Your Health

  • The biggest benefit for your health is that you arent consuming any artificial chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides or other harsh fertilizers.
  • High in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  • As the soil is free from damaging chemicals, it is much healthier and full of nutrients which gets passed on to the beans.
  • Better Soil Quality And Water Quality

    Is organic coffee healthier? How it benefits you and where ...

    In addition, the exclusion of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and so on inevitably results in much higher quality soil. Not to mention, the water used to hydrate the coffee trees after coming into contact with the soil in the surrounding area. Organic soil is renowned for its capacity to produce stronger, healthier and more nutrient-packed plants and crops than soil laden with synthetic additives.

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    Fair Prices For Coffee Farmers

    The organic coffee we source at Apostle Coffee guarantees a fair price to the farmers and as a result we pay Fairtrade coffee market rates, and in many cases even more. Because our producers are committed to organic, bio-diverse farming we think its really important to support them, rather than sourcing cheaper, chemically grown coffee that you get with other coffee roasters.

    So, there you have it. Organic coffee doesnt just taste better it also makes the world a better place. To find out how we produce our award-winning organic coffee, why not explore our subscription range and give Apostles organic coffee subscription a go today!

    What Does It Mean To Be Organic

    Organic is a real buzzword right now, but though you may hear it on TV or read it quite frequently on grocery store food labels, you might not be entirely sure of what it means. Theres organic milk, organic tampons, and even organic mattresses. It signifies food has been grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms , and other questionable, toxic methods.

    Generally, organic foods are required to hit a higher level of qualifications and standards, and for coffee to be organic, 95 percent of the beans must have been grown organically, sans fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, or pesticides. Organic coffee beans must also not be genetically modified, treated with additives, or synthetic ingredients. This is why organic coffee is not only a healthier alternative, but it’s also eco-friendlier.

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    Is Organic Coffee Better For Health Yes And No

    When given the choice between organic coffee and conventional, theres no question that organic coffee is the healthier option. However, while organic coffee is grown without harmful pesticides, it falls short when it comes to standards that are essential for a truly healthy cup of joe. The healthiest coffee goes beyond organic, and additionally qualifies as specialty-grade coffee, is rigorously tested for mold and mycotoxins, and is roasted in a smokeless machine to reduce dangerous byproducts like acrylamide.

    In this article you will learn:

    Disadvantages Of Organic Coffee

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    When it comes to health, quality, and eco-friendliness there really are no disadvantages to organic coffee. Your wallet, however, may have something else to say.

    Organic coffee is often more expensive than non-organic brands. Those living in a multi-person, coffee-loving household may not want to expand their budget just for their caffeine boost.

    But if you drink a moderate amount of coffee, chances are you wont notice any extra squeeze put on your finances just by switching to organic.

    If you really are on a tight budget but dont want to compromise on the health benefits and growing methods, try a Vietnamese or South American brand. You can also seek out the easier to grow Robusta beans over the pricey and finicky Arabica.

    Experiment with the cheaper organic bean options until you find the perfect coffee at the best price!

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    You Can Grind Whole Beans For Any Brewer

    Pre-ground coffee is only good for one thing: regular drip coffee pots. And its super convenientwe dont deny that. However, what if you want to make french press coffee? Or maybe pour over coffee? Or home espresso?

    Pre-ground coffee doesnt work for 95% of coffee makers.

    Your grind size has to pair with your coffee brewerotherwise, you get imbalanced coffee. Its not hard to get the right pair , but when your coffee is pre-ground, you dont even have the option of making it the right size for a different brewer.


    As you can see, the area where pre-ground coffee works is small.

    If you want to be able to make other kinds of coffee , you need to be able to grind the whole beans to the right size on your ownideally right before you brew, to preserve all the fresh flavors.

    This is why a burr coffee grinder is the #1 piece of coffee gear we suggest .

    What Is Fresh Ground Coffee

    Here are your options:

    You can use the grind you purchase in sealed sachets or you can opt to purchase coffee beans instead.

    With the latter you can make your own fresh ground coffee by grinding them up. And Im not talking about grinding large batches at a time.

    Because you dont want grinds degrading you need to use the grind as soon as possible.

    Using fresh ground coffee means you grind enough beans for your brew each time you make coffee.

    This is why measuring is so important in coffee making.

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    Organic Coffee Beans Why You Should Care

    Coffee is a beverage enjoyed by more than half the population, and there have been various opinions about whether or not it is healthy or harmful. The truth is the type of coffee you drink determines its value to your health.

    Health Benefits of Organic Coffee Beans

    Research reveals that organic coffee beans provide important antioxidants that reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer. Recent studies have also found that caffeine helps preserve both short and long term memory by increasing the size of the hippocampus. This not only helps you remember details of your recent past, but it can reduce the chance of developing Alzheimers disease. In addition to preventing Alzheimers disease, coffee can also help prevent Parkinsons disease. Research shows by just drinking two to three cups of coffee each day coffee can help prevent Parkinsons disease.

    Coffee also helps with pain relief. If you have a headache or some other discomfort drinking a cup of coffee can help with pain relief. Why? Caffeine is actually a natural pain reliever. In fact many pain medications contain caffeine.

    All of this information sounds as if drinking a cup or two of coffee each day is a good thing. And, it is, if youre drinking natural organic coffee.

    Is Coffee Bad?

    Why Organic Coffee?

    Why Wait? Grab a pound of organic, healthy coffee for yourself by clicking the button below and put it to the test!

    Pesticides Are Bad News For The Planet As Well

    Best Organic Coffee: A Clean, Healthy Choice for your Cup ...

    Pesticides remain in the soil and the water supply for years – which affects the entire ecosystem. Once pesticides get into the water supply, its very difficult to remove them, and they are known to flow down rivers to oceans, causing ocean dead zones. Yikes!

    Not only do pesticides end up causing ocean dead zones, but they also negatively impact flora and fauna in their area, reducing biodiversity. In fact, conventional commercial coffee farming is a direct contributor to deforestation. This leads to huge habitat loss, including for migratory songbirds. Bird friendly coffee is typically organic, shade-grown coffee that ensures a habitat for migratory birds.

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    Organic Vs Conventional Coffee

    Coffee lovers are discerning people, and theres a lot to say about its many flavors, aromas, and origins but one of the biggest differences between coffees is most striking before it even reaches your cup.

    Its the difference between conventional and organic coffee. Even if you already choose organic in the produce aisle, you might wonder why it matters for your brew.

    To put things in perspective, coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities in the world with over 12 billion pounds of coffee produced annually.

    Meeting that demand is no easy task. So over time, farming methods have been developed to maximize production but often at the expense of human and environmental health. What results is the non organic, conventional coffee that many are used to. So whats the difference between that and organic coffee?

    First, conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. It is steeped in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides a real mouthful with a bad taste. Not only does the environment suffer from this overload, but so do the people who live in it. Farmers are exposed to a high level of chemicals while spraying the crops and while handling them during harvest. The surrounding communities are also impacted through chemical residues in the air and water. These chemical presences are not just unpleasant many are highly toxic and detrimental to human health.


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