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HomeMust ReadWhat Are The Side Effects Of Coffee

What Are The Side Effects Of Coffee

Increased Risk Of Cardiovascular Problems

Side effects of Coffee

When consumed in moderation, antioxidants in coffee protect our cardiovascular system from free radical damage.

However, drinking too much coffee may increase the risk of several cardiovascular problems.

Cafestol and kahweol in the unfiltered coffee increase LDL cholesterol and increases the risk of several cardiovascular problems.

Caffeine in coffee increases the risk of high blood pressure, which could give rise to heart attack, heart stroke, and coronary artery disease.

As per Linus Pauling Institute, drinking too much coffee increases the risk of cardiovascular problems by increasing homocysteine levels in our blood.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that increases the risk of cardiovascular problems as it adversely affects vascular endothelium and smooth muscle cells.

It may also increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

People with cardiovascular problems should limit their coffee intake to 3-4 cups per day.

Drinking Coffee On Empty Stomach Cause Digestive Problems

Many people start their day with a cup of coffee as caffeine gives them the required boost to kick start their day.

However, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is bad for our digestive health as coffee increases hydrochloric acid levels in our stomach.

Hydrochloric acid is responsible for the breakdown of food during digestion.

But when our stomach is empty, hydrochloric acid starts damaging the inner walls of the stomach.

This increases the risk of stomach ulcers, indigestion, acidity, and heartburn.

In the long run, drinking coffee on empty stomach damages our digestive system and gives rise to gastrointestinal problems.

It May Add Years To Your Life

One of the landmark studies published in the journal Circulation found that those who drank 1 to 5 cups of coffee per day had longer lifespans compared to those who reported drinking little or no coffee.

In fact, the researchers reported that drinking 1 to 3 cups of coffee per day was associated with a 15% reduction in risk of dying.

There are many reasons why coffee may add years to your life, but the researchers believe that the antioxidants, caffeine, and other bioactive compounds in coffee help improve blood glucose levels and cardiovascular health. While up to four cups may be ideal, there are studies that do suggest that heavy coffee consumption may be associated with an increased risk of dying.

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Darker Roasted Coffee Contains Acrlyamide

First things first, Acrlymide is a compound that is found in coffee that is a potential carcinogen. Carcinogens can cause cancer. Coffee that is roasted at very high temperatures will end up forming the dangerous acrylamide since the high temperatures will draw it out from the beans.

The darker roast the coffee has, the higher the temperature it was roasted at. These are the beans you will need to be wary of. Coffee is actually one of the main causes and sources of Acrylamide consumption.

Is Caffeine A Diuretic

Coffee Side Effects

Caffeine has been associated with increased urinary volume and frequency, causing the body to lose water and electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

However, researchers have not found a significant difference in fluid loss between people who drink or do not drink coffee.

One team concluded that: Coffee, when consumed in moderation by caffeine habituated males provides similar hydrating qualities to water.

Additional water loss may occur if a person consumes more than 250 mg a day, but the fluid consumed with the drink is likely to make up for any loss.

Also Check: Swiss Water Decaf Coffee Brands

Black Coffee For Weight Loss

Many people, even those who drink black coffee regularly, are unaware that the beverage is a great catalyst for losing weight. If you want to lose weight because of aesthetic or health reasons, or you just dont feel good in your own body, it is no secret that diet is an important part of any weight loss journey. You must consume foods and beverages that will help you achieve your goal, and black coffee is one of them.

It Could Give You A Heart Attack

Okay, so the research doesnt explicitly say coffee will give you a heart attack.

And we did just learn that youre less likely to have a heart attack or stroke if you drink coffee regularly, right?

So what gives?

Well, if you were having a heart attack at the idea of giving up your coffee, heres a sign of hope: researchers believe that most of these negative side effects are actually caused by the caffeine in coffeenot by the coffee itself.

Consuming too much caffeine can cause a host of negative effects including raising blood pressure, making arteries stiffer, and increasing levels of homocysteine, insulin, and possibly cholesterol.

All of which are the perfect recipe for a heart attack.

Also, if java gives you the jitters, thats your bodys way of warning you that something is wrong. If you keep drinking the high-octane stuff and ignore these warning signs, those jitters could actually escalate to a panic attack!

So if you get this feeling often, especially after only a single cup, try switching to tea or even just decaf coffee.

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Coffee May Cause Insomnia

Another disadvantage of drinking coffee is that it can potentially interfere with our sleep.

Some people can drink coffee right before bed and have a sound sleep, but it can leave others wide awake until the early hours.

Once again, the reason for this is that we all metabolize coffee differently some people do it quickly, others slowly.

Caffeine has a long half-life that averages around 5-6 hours for healthy individuals, but it can be even higher depending on liver health and several other factors .

Therefore, if youre drinking coffee in the late afternoon or early evening, it may harm your sleep cycle. Studies support this too, with the highest caffeine intakes being associated with higher risk for insomnia .

However, a recent meta-analysis shows that low to moderate coffee consumption has an insignificant association with insomnia .

Additionally, when we drink coffee is important. Drinking coffee within 6 hours before bed appears to have disruptive effects on sleep quality .

Key Point:

What Are The Side Effects From Too Much Caffeine

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For most people, it is not harmful to consume up to 400mg of caffeine a day. If you do eat or drink too much caffeine, it can cause health problems, such as

  • Restlessness and shakiness
  • Dependency, so you need to take more of it to get the same results

Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others.

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Benefits And Side Effects To Coffee

The both benefits and the side effects to drinking coffee. Some of the benefits are that you have better physical performance, you feel energized, it burns fat a little better. But some of the side effects are rapid hard weight, higher cholesterol, anxiety, and stomach problems.

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Everything I say is based on science and research done by different top researchers of the world. Many of them from by Dr. Michael Greger. Many thanks to Dr. Greger and his team of researchers.


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I am a nurse, not a doctor, and therefore do NOT give health prescriptions or recommendations, only advise.

Please always consult your own doctor before making any lifestyle or diet changes or changes in your medication.

I do NOT take responsibility for ANY adverse side effects. You can choose to follow my advise fully at your own risk.

There is NO guarantee that you will acquire any of the desired outcomes.


Risks Of Energy Drinks

Trying to boost your performance with an energy drink can actually do more harm than good.

No wonder 30 to 50 percent of adolescents and young adults say they buy energy drinks. According to a study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 percent of young people drink energy drinks weekly, 20 percent think that energy drinks are safe drinks for teenagers and 13 percent think that energy drinks are a type of sports drink. Marketed for young adults, sales of energy drinks and shots in the United States are expected to climb to $21 billion by 2017 from $12.5 billion in 2012, according to a report by market research company Packaged Facts.

But are they safe to drink especially for teenagers and young adults?

Stephanie Nguyen Lai, M.D., a pediatrician with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, says the simple answer is no. She says energy drinks are full of sugar, sodium and loaded with caffeine often twice as much as coffee and eight times as much as a soda. Theyre an unhealthy beverage for anyone, especially a growing youths body.

As a parent, it is important to talk with your adolescent and explain the risks of these products, Dr. Lai says. Caffeine is a drug and is not recommended for children, particularly at these high quantities. Moreover, these drinks are especially dangerous when mixed with alcohol, which many young people do.

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It’s Not Great For Anxiety

If you are the type that gets jittery after drinking a cup of coffee, then you know that your morning java has a way of turning up the dial on your anxiety. Coffee can spark anxiety and panic attacks in some people.

In the short-term, coffee can have some side effects on people prone to anxiety. “Coffee drinking can lead to increased jitters, tremors, and heart rate, making an already anxious person more anxious,” Dr. Elliot says. “However, long-term coffee drinking has not been found to be associated with an increased risk of developing anxiety.”

If you find that you are more anxious after drinking coffee, but still want that cup of Joe, it may be best to speak with a mental health professional about your symptoms. This way, you don’t have to live your life completely coffee free.

How Can You Break The Coffee Addiction

Coffee, for years now, has been everyones strength and ...

With so many healthy reasons for consuming coffee, it does not sound wise to stop coffee completely. It is an addiction to that cup of joe that is the trouble maker. Here, addiction means you cannot stop yourself from consuming more than four cups in a day. And when that happens, it is time to take action to break the addiction. Here is what you can do:

Go slow.

Reduce the amount of coffee you consume in a day slowly. For example, instead of eight cups, take six cups first for a few days, then gradually shift to four cups a day. Do not stop drinking coffee all at once. Abrupt cessation of coffee in habitual coffee-drinkers might cause withdrawal symptoms, such as severe headache and restlessness.

Choose water as a substitute.

If your hand reaches out to the fifth cup of coffee, drink water instead. Water also naturally flushes caffeine from your body and prevents dehydration from coffee.

Switch to decaf.

Decaffeinated coffee is the caffeine-free form of coffee. Try alternating between caffeinated coffee and decaf coffee throughout the day for over 2 to 3 weeks. You can then switch to decaf completely by gradually cutting caffeinated coffee. Such a stepwise reduction will help you successfully change your habit without causing withdrawal symptoms.

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Hidden Caffeine In Energy Drinks

The caffeine content in popular energy drinks varies greatly as the energy drink industry is not regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Ironically, some drinks do not even list the caffeine content on their label. Instead, they state that its part of their secret proprietary blend.

Energy drink makers also claim their beverages are natural dietary supplements, thus not subject to the regulations that apply to food products. This means consumers often do not know how much caffeine theyre downing with an energy drink, and its likely a lot more than you think. A typical 16-ounce energy drink contains between 150 to 280 milligrams of caffeine larger cans have up to 500 milligrams of caffeine. This is in stark contrast to sodas, which are regulated by the FDA. By comparison, a 12-ounce can of soda can contains about 35 milligrams of caffeine.

Many energy drinks also contain guarana, which is a South American plant with a more potent form of caffeine. One gram of guaranine, a derivative of guarana, is equivalent to 40 to 80 milligrams of caffeine. Due to these additives, these energy drinks can contain much more caffeine than stated on the packaging.

Coffee Can Reduce The Risks Of Parkinsons Disease

Another cognitive condition that is common to develop in old age would be Parkinsons disease. Reduce your risk by regularly drinking coffee. As a matter of fact, those who drink coffee regularly will decrease their risk of developing Parkinsons disease by twenty-five percent. Studies have recently shown that the chemicals in coffee will produce activity in the areas of the brain that can be affected by this debilitating disease.

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Medications For Diabetes Interacts With Coffee

Coffee might increase blood sugar. Diabetes medications are used to lower blood sugar. By increasing blood sugar, coffee might decrease the effectiveness of diabetes medications. Monitor your blood sugar closely. The dose of your diabetes medication might need to be changed.Some medications used for diabetes include glimepiride , glyburide , insulin, pioglitazone , rosiglitazone , chlorpropamide , glipizide , tolbutamide , and others.

Mixing Alcohol And Energy Drinks

Top 3 Side effects of drinking coffee

When alcoholic beverages are mixed with energy drinks, the caffeine can mask the depressant effects of alcohol. Alcohol also decreases the metabolism of caffeine, prolonging its effects.

Drinkers who consume alcohol mixed with energy drinks are three times more likely to binge drink than drinkers who do not report mixing alcohol with energy drinks.

They are also twice as likely to report experiencing sexual assault, sexually assaulting someone else, riding with a driver who was under the influence of alcohol, being physically hurt or injured, and requiring medical treatment.

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It May Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

There are several studies that suggest coffee drinkers may have a reduced risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease . In one review study published in Neurological Research, researchers reported that coffee consumption is inversely associated with risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee drinkers experienced a 30% reduction in risk for developing AD compared to those who didn’t drink coffee.

In an animal model study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, coffee provided to rodents with AD helped protect against memory loss, it helped to maintain memory and actually appears to help reverse some effects of AD in an animal model. While more research is needed to show these benefits in humans, there appears to be little downside of drinking coffee in moderation for its potential health benefits.

Read this next:

Coffee May Worsen Acid Reflux And Heartburn Symptoms

Acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease can be extremely uncomfortable and frustrating for sufferers.

While there are various theories on what initially causes this condition, there are some foods/drinks that can trigger and worsen it.

Unfortunately, coffee is one of these, and people often report suffering from heartburn after drinking coffee.

There is no real conclusive evidence on exactly why this happens.

However, studies demonstrate that coffee can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, a valve which keeps stomach acid out of the esophagus. For instance, in a trial of healthy participants, drinking coffee increased measurements of lower esophageal sphincter pressure .

Furthermore, a review of the literature found that coffee drinkers have significantly more GERD and erosive esophagitis than non-drinkers .

Key Point

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Some People Are Seriously Allergic/intolerant To Coffee

Lastly, there are some people out there who are highly intolerant to coffee.

Those who are genuinely allergic to coffee will have an adverse reaction and severe symptoms shortly after consuming it. Thankfully, such coffee allergies are incredibly rare, but they do occur and can even cause anaphylaxis .

With coffee intolerance, the effect it has on us mostly comes down to our genes.

Again, this is mainly down to the caffeine content since our genes determine if we are a fast or slow caffeine metabolizer.

Since some people cannot metabolize caffeine well, it has a much stronger impact on their body, especially when consuming large amounts in a short period. There is also a much higher risk of an accidental overdose in such people.

Some of these symptoms may include jitters, an increased heart rate, dizziness, and even extreme side effects such as shortness of breath or a tight feeling in the chest .

Anyone experiencing serious negative side effects from coffee should see their doctor. If it turns out that symptoms are solely related to the caffeine, then drinking decaf coffee is an easy switch to make.

Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie

Here are 6 side effects of too much caffeine. #sideeffects ...

Blend all ingredients to create a seasonally inspired drink. Using real pumpkin adds beneficial fiber.

  • 1 cup coffee
  • ½ cup milk of your choice
  • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup canned plain pumpkin
  • 4 ice cubes

Try to limit added sugar as much as you can! If you MUST add sweetener, try pure maple syrup in a small quantity- start with 1 teaspoon.

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