Buy Whole Coffee Beans
K-cups are certainly convenient, but they cost significantly more than traditional coffee . On top of that, Keurig machines also cost much more than regular coffeemakers, which means you could save anywhere between $30-90 on your next coffee machine by switching to regular coffee instead of the K-cup varieties .
If youre going to ditch K-cups for regular coffee beans, then be sure to get whole coffee beans instead of beans that are already ground up for you. Whole coffee beans stay fresher for a longer period of time especially if you store coffee beans in the fridge this can help you save quite a bit of money on coffee beans without them going bad within a few days.
Let It Go Periodically Of Course
Free your body and wallet from the grip of caffeine addictionbut take it slowly. Start by weaning yourself off main offenders such as energy drinks and chocolate. Then start eliminating those not-so-obvious sources, like decaf coffee, some herbal teas, and even some over the counter medications such as Anacin or Excedrin.
From there, its on to the big one: coffee. The best way to kick coffee to the curb is to taper off in small increments so as not to trigger those dreaded withdrawal symptoms . The mission here is to slowly dial down your caffeine consumption, so your body can acclimate over time.
Heres a strategy to try when youre finally ready to ditch the caffeine:
- Day 1: Today, have your usual amount of coffee.
- Day 2 to Day 5: Blend your regular coffee with 50% decaf . Drink that for the next three days.
- Day 6: Have 25% regular coffee, 75% decaf for one day.
- Day 7: Start drinking pure decaf.
Avoid Quitting Cold Turkey
One technique which many people use to quit coffee is to simply stop drinking it all at once. I do not recommend this method. The reason is that you will have increased symptoms of withdrawal such as insomnia, anxiety and headaches. Furthermore, you also run the risk of consuming too much coffee should you have binge drinking session.
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Have The Right Mental Attitude
If you are in the stages of just contemplating your desire to stop drinking coffee then the task in front of you might seem very daunting indeed. Perhaps you have tried to quit in the past and have failed. What you should keep in mind is that overcoming your addiction is possible as many people do it every day. In your quest to stop drinking coffee mind over matter applies greatly.
Eat The Right Foods For Energy
“You may be used to depending on caffeine for energy, but try gleaning it from food instead,” said Monica Auslander Moreno, nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition. Eat frequent, small meals that have fiber, complex carbohydrates, omega 3 fats, and lean protein to balance your blood sugar, she suggested. This also includes eating fresh fruits and vegetables which will work to keep you hydrated, she added.
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What Are Some Tips For Quitting Caffeine
Cut down slowly on the amount of caffeine in your diet. Dont make the mistake of stopping totally. Youll likely experience withdrawal symptoms and go back to drinking coffee or soda or taking a headache medication with caffeine in it to make the symptoms disappear. This starts the dependency cycle all over again. Avoiding the withdrawal symptoms is one of the most common reasons why people continue their caffeine habit.
To successfully reduce your caffeine intake, gradually reduce the amount of coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks you have each day. Begin to substitute cold caffeinated beverages with water. Water is a healthy choice and satisfies the need for drinking a liquid. Water also naturally flushes caffeine from your body and keeps you hydrated.
If you are a coffee drinker, gradually switch from regular coffee to decaf. First alternate between decaf and regular, then slowly change to more decaf and taper off regular coffee. Gradually reducing your caffeine consumption over a period of two to three weeks will help you successfully change your habit without causing withdrawal symptoms.
Side Effects Of Regular Caffeine Consumption
Caffeine raises your levels of the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine, making you feel more stressed out, irritable, and anxious.
Caffeine can cause a racing heart and palpitations.
It can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks.
And it can definitely keep you up at night.
Coffee, in particular, can cause heartburn, indigestion, and GERD, and mess with your intestinal flora.
Caffeine impacts the activity of the most prevalent and important neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glutamate.
Caffeine floods the brain with unnaturally high levels of dopamine, fueling tendencies toward insomnia, an overactive libido, addictions, and other self-destructive behaviors.
The latest research shows that caffeine is more addictive than previously thought.
And being hooked means that if you are ever cut off from your source, you can expect to start experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms within 12-24 hours.
Caffeine is the Trojan horse. It looks like a gift but instead delivers adrenal stress, low blood sugar, mood and energy swings, fatigue, depression, malnutrition, and disturbed sleep. Stephen Cherniske, author of Caffeine Blues
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Caffeine Addiction: How To Drink Less Coffee
Coffee is one of the most well-known natural stimulants, along with nicotine. But whether or not coffee is listed among addictive substances depends on who you ask. The World Health Organization lists caffeine addiction as a clinical disorder. But the American Psychiatric Association doesnt identify caffeine addiction as a substance use disorder. The APA does, however, recognize caffeine withdrawal as a clinical condition.
The National Institute of Health shows that caffeine stimulates the central nervous system in three ways and they also state that caffeine does cause dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
And yet another classification comes from the Johns Hopkins Psychiatry Guide called Caffeine Use Disorder, which refers to a disruptive, problematic pattern of caffeine use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Common features of the disorder include overuse, inability to quit, withdrawal symptoms, craving, tolerance, and continuing to use despite problems.
That 100% sounds like what I experience over the last year with my coffee intake.
So, yes, the scientific community has different definitions and different opinions on the addiction level of caffeine, but if youre reading this post, you probably do believe that caffeine and coffee is addicting. And while there is research to show that coffee does have some solid health benefits, Im going to focus on the benefits of reducing coffee intake in this post.
Next Steps To Consider
If you feel that your responses to caffeine are affecting you negatively in any way, speak to your healthcare provider. Similarly, if you have another health condition that might be impacted by caffeine use, such as heart disease, or even if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, discuss options with your doctor right away.
The vicious cycle of addiction is often the same with caffeine as it is with other addictive substances. As the effects of the caffeine begin to wear off, you might feel a crash in energy and that you can’t keep going without another boost. Your doctor can help you find ways to move past this without giving in.
Since stopping “cold turkey” can make you feel worse, it is important for most people to reduce caffeine intake gradually rather than abruptly. Your doctor can help you devise a plan that is suitable for you based on your typical caffeine consumption. This can help reduce or eliminate any withdrawal effects.
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Why You Shouldnt Be Consuming Much Caffeine Anyway
Everyone knows that caffeine can disrupt your sleep, but most people vastly underestimate just how easily it can do so. The standard advice to stop consuming caffeine in the afternoon actually doesnt go nearly far enough, because even a single moderate dose of caffeine consumed first thing in the morningsuch as a double espresso or two cups of coffeecan measurably reduce the amount of time spent in deep sleep later that night.
This reduction occurs despite the fact that by nighttime, the caffeine is almost entirely gone from your bloodstream that is, its effects seem to last beyond the active life of caffeine itself. Note that a much smaller dose of caffeine consumed in the afternoon, like a can of soda, will also have been metabolized by this time and thus could be expected to have the same effect.
Caffeine also causes anxietyin fact, this is likely a secondary mechanism behind its sleep-inhibiting effects. Even 150 mg of caffeine, usually considered a moderate dose, will significantly increase anxiety levels in most people.
When your cortisol levels are consistently high, youre likely to die sooner. As if that wasnt bad enough, higher cortisol levels can also cut your ability to recover from exercise in halfmeaning youll make half as much progress as you would with low cortisol and only be able to exercise half as much before experiencing symptoms of overtraining.
Stop Buying Coffee For Your Home
Another great idea is to simply stop purchasing coffee when you go to the supermarket. By not bringing coffee into your home you will be in a much better position to overcome your addiction. One great idea is to stop drinking coffee at home but only drink it occasionally when you are outside with friends. The benefit to this is that you will appreciate your occasional cup of coffee much more than your regular morning cups.
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How I Quit Coffee In 3 Days With No Symptoms
Did you know that being addicted to coffee is a sign of a nutritional deficiency? Thats what Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure, says.
I was lucky enough to go to an entire weekend seminar with Julia Ross last summer. Following her advice, I was able to quit coffee with absolutely no effort in just 3 days by supplementing with amino acids.
Even better, Ive managed to stay off coffee for over 6 months now, and I do not crave it one bit.
Why Amino Acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the feel-good chemicals in our brains.
Why Were Depleted of Neurotransmitters
The body absorbs amino acids from the protein we eat. Unfortunately, many of us have spent years not eating enough protein since we eat so many fake foods like white flour and sugar. We eat a plate of pancakes and call it breakfast, or have a whole plate of pasta for dinner.
We also simply dont eat enough food. We skip meals and diet, which wreaks havoc on our brain chemistry.
Wonder why youre feeling so tired and cranky? Take a look at what youve been eating .
Why We Crave Coffee
According to Julia Ross, people who are hooked on caffeine tend to be low in catecholamines. Catecholamines are the brain chemicals that provide energy and alertness.
When caffeine surges through our bloodstream, it stimulates the release of the catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
My Experience with Amino Acids
Caffeine Addiction : How To Stop Coffee
Written by: Loris Vitry Validated by: Cathy Maillot
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Are you addicted to coffee?
You are not the only one!
Around the world, 2.3 million cups of coffee are drunk every minute.
Over 90% of the French population consumes it, and France ranks 8th country drinking coffee.
5.8 kilos of coffee are drunk on average each year by a French.
In reality, taking a cup of coffee does not present a great danger in itself.
It is taken regularly to relieve stress and relax.
The risk begins when you become more and more addicted to caffeine.
So how do you stop drinking too much coffee?
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How To Survive Caffeine Withdrawal
- Drink tons of water
- Chewable Melatonin 40 minutes before desired bedtime (helps you sleep by resetting your circadian rhythm
- Positive attitude it wont be fun, you will have coffee detox symptoms, and you may notice your normal upbeat personality dulled for the first 5 days. Dont worry it will pass and you will feel better than ever soon
- Tell your friends/family/etc let them know what youre going with, they will take it easier on you and support your challenge.
- Eat lots of fruit! Apples and oranges were perfect
- Meditate before bed
- WORK OUT you wont feel like it, but after the first 10mins of warming up, youll hit auto pilot and feel infinitely better when youre done
- If possible, pick a start date where your routine is already going to be mixed up a bit
Random thoughts after beating caffeine dependency
Although the first 5 days were not fun, it wasnt unbearable. If youre thinking about giving it a shot, you have my support! I sincerely wish I wouldve conquered this sooner. If youre still on the fence, here are 10 more reasons to quit coffee.
Without caffeine I actually feel more alert during the day, especially in the morning. I havent experienced the dreaded 2PM crash either. I can also hear what my body is telling me without caffeine interfering this has led to an increase in the desire to eat healthy as Im more sensitive to both good and bad foods.
How To Know Your Methods Are Breaking Your Addiction
Before getting into how to stop your caffeine addiction, you should first know what signs to look for to tell you you have successfully broken your addiction. Not being able to function without caffeine is the most obvious sign of addiction. People joke about it, but the truth is many people in the workforce look at caffeine as an ally.
More importantly, you need to know about the possible caffeine withdrawal symptoms. By knowing caffeine withdrawal symptoms, you will anticipate them before they occur and be ready to contain them. The common caffeine withdrawal symptoms that we know are:
- Headaches, drowsiness, or migraines caused by caffeine withdrawal coupled with lowered blood sugar levels and dehydration due to diuretics in coffee
- Increased difficulty in sleeping. This is often due to caffeines ability to affect our natural sleep hormone, melatonin, and to disrupt our natural circadian rhythms
- Nervousness, irritability, or anxiety. Caffeine is often used as a stimulant in the day because it tricks us into thinking that we are alert when really our levels of focus are compromised by reduced mental clarity
- An increased chance of developing depression because of the drop in serotonin levels
- A decreased sex drive. Caffeine can affect the production of testosterone, which is needed for libido
- You do not suffer from headaches before drinking your first cup
- You are no longer grumpy without caffeine
- Your tolerance has diminished
- You are no longer constantly on edge
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Ii How To Quit Caffeine Addiction 8 Tips For Permanent Results
1. Identify The Sources Of Caffeine And Cravings
The first step to quit caffeine is identifying how you take caffeine. Some common sources of caffeine are:
- Tea:
- Yerba mate
- Colas with added caffeine, containing root beer
Once you have realized the sources of caffeine you consume, then you need to identify what drives you to take them. For instance, you drink coffee because you love its taste, or because it is a vehicle for milk and sugar, or because you are tired.
List the reasons for your consuming of caffeine, you will be ready to look for the low-caffeine or no-caffeine substitutes for your cravings.
2. Substitute With Green Tea
Begin substituting one of your daily coffees with a cup of tea. Then you can continue do this little by little.
- If you drink about 4 cups of coffee per day, then start by drinking 3 cups and one green tea.
- One or some day later, you will move down to 2 cups of coffee and 2 cups of green teas. Actually, green tea still includes caffeine but in less amount than in coffee.
See: advantages of making use of green tea
3. Add Water Into Your Routine
To make your water tastier, you can add a little lemon to it. Lemon is also good for your body.
4. Turn On The Light
5. Take Care With Carbs
6. Switch From Coffee To Grain Coffee
7. Do Physical Activities
8. Eat Healthy Foods
9. Start On Sunday At Home
10. Dont Make A Thick Coffee
11. Take Vitamin C
Read on: Benefits Of Vitamin C
12. Replace Coffee By Other Drinks
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Signs Of A Caffeine Addiction
Rather than going by the actual amount of Caffeine consumed per day, Caffeine addiction is discerned by the way that the substance affects an individuals day-to-day functioning. The severity of the addiction is calculated based on how distressed someone feels when they want Caffeine and cant get it and how much of a disruption this causes in their daily life.
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not recognize Caffeine addiction as a SUD, but it does recognize it as a condition for future study. According to the DSM-5, problematic Caffeine consumption is characterized by at least three of the following criteria:
- A persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control Caffeine use
- Continued Caffeine use despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by Caffeine
- Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
- The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for Caffeine
- Caffeine is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms
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