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HomeCaffeineCan Caffeine Raise Your Blood Pressure

Can Caffeine Raise Your Blood Pressure

Does Caffeine Increase Blood Pressure

Caffeine and Your Blood Pressure

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in the nuts, berries, and leaves of certain plants. Caffeine is most commonly consumed as coffee or tea products, and some have estimated that these beverages may be the most widely consumed foods in the world.

Because caffeine is so common in all human cultures, a great deal of research has been done to discover the health effects of caffeine. Relationships between caffeine and heart disease, as well as the caffeine-blood pressure link, have been especially active fields of study.

Coffee Doesn’t Cause High Blood Pressure

March 26, 2002 — Although drinking a cup of coffee a day may slightly raise your blood pressure, it won’t likely increase your risk of developing high blood pressure.

In a new study, researchers say a connection between high blood pressure and coffee drinking has been discussed for decades, but no studies have actually established this link. Previous research has shown that coffee temporarily increases blood pressure immediately after consumption, but the body quickly adapts to that effect. Other studies have hinted that there might be a more persistent relationship between coffee drinking and the risk of developing high blood pressure over time.

In this study, which appears in the March 25 Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers tracked the coffee intake and blood pressure of a group of male medical school graduates for 33 years. They found that drinking one cup of coffee a day led to small increases in blood pressure, but long-term coffee drinking did not significantly increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.

People who didn’t drink coffee were less likely than coffee drinkers to have high blood pressure, but there was no progressive increase in risk associated with higher levels of coffee intake, according to the researchers.

The authors note that studies have shown that stopping coffee drinking can lower blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure, and the results of this study may not apply to that group of people.

Depression May Lead To A Lack Of Interest In Controlling Blood Pressure

Depression has the power to affect your lifestyle and health in many ways. The condition can make it hard to focus, constrict blood vessels, cause weight gain or loss, and weaken the immune system . People with depression may even be more at risk for developing heart disease. “Thirty years of epidemiological data indicate that depression does predict the development of heart disease,” Jesse C. Stewart, an associate professor of psychology in the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, told the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Further research suggests a link between hypertension and depression, which could contribute to the condition’s effects on the heart. A 2013 study published in Experimental & Clinical Cardiology found that of the 23 study patients with depression, 21 had less-than-ideal blood pressure control. In the same study, researchers noted the prevalence of depression in patients with hypertension was about nine times higher than those without hypertension. Why? One possible explanation researchers suggest is that people with depression may lose interest in taking proper precautions to control their blood pressure.

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How Do Alcohol Coffee And Smoking Influence Blood Pressure

Last Editorial Review: 8/8/2002

People who drink alcohol excessively have a one and ahalf to two times increase in the frequency of high blood pressure . The associationbetween alcohol and high blood pressure is particularly noticeable when thealcohol intake exceeds 5 drinks per day. Moreover, the connection is adose-related phenomenon. In other words, the more alcohol that is consumed, thestronger is the link with hypertension.

Although smoking increases the risk of vascular complications in people who already have hypertension, it is notassociated with an increase in the development of hypertension. Nevertheless,smoking a cigarette can repeatedly produce an immediate, temporary rise in theblood pressure of 5 to10 mm Hg. Steady smokers however, actually may have alower blood pressure than nonsmokers. The reason for this is that the nicotinein the cigarettes causes a decrease in appetite, which leads to weight loss.This, in turn, lowers the blood pressure.

In one study, the caffeine consumed in 5 cups of coffee daily caused a mildincrease in blood pressure in elderly people who already had hypertension, butnot in those who had normal blood pressures. What’s more, the combination ofsmoking and drinking coffee in persons with high blood pressure may increase theblood pressure more than coffee alone. Limiting caffeine intake and cigarettesmoking in hypertensive individuals, therefore, may be of some benefit incontrolling their high blood pressure.

Caffeine’s Effect On Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure &  Caffeine

May 17, 2002 — The caffeine jolt of a java fix may cause a jump in blood pressure — a particular problem in people who already have high blood pressure. But don’t put your coffee cup down just yet. Researchers say the jury’s still out on the effects on caffeine on your heart.

This new study was presented today at the annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Hypertension in New York City.

Although there has been a lot of recent interest in studying how caffeine may affect the heart and blood pressure, the authors say it’s the first time an effect of caffeine has been found on the stiffness of arteries, an indicator of heart function.

In the study, caffeine quickly increased the stiffness of the large arteries in people with high blood pressure, said study author Charalambos Vlachopoulos, MD, of the department of cardiology at Athens Medical School in Greece, at a news conference.

Vlachopoulos and colleagues tested the effects of caffeine on the major arteries of 10 people who were being treated for high blood pressure and were an average of 62 years old. On alternating days, the participants were given either a pill containing 250 mg of caffeine or a placebo.

Thirty minutes after the caffeine was given, there was a big jump in the stiffness of their arteries, said Vlachopoulos. The effect peaked after 60 minutes and remained significant for at least three hours.

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Other Risks Of Coffee And Caffeine

So while it appears there is little risk for high blood pressure among regular coffee drinkers, the question occurs: Are there other risk factors for health in consuming coffee and/or caffeine?

Coffee can cause:

  • Difficulty falling asleep or outright insomnia
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Tremors or jitters
  • An increased heart rate

And for those who consume a lot of caffeine, it may cause dizziness or headaches and excessive urination and dehydration.

Caffeine Has Many Benefits

But the benefits of coffee and possibly caffeine alone, ranging from mental to physical, are so many that experts advise people not to stop taking it but rather to take it in moderation – no more than 400 mg per day.

As many philosophers and doctors have said down through the centuries, all things in moderation. Don’t overdo it, and you should be OK.

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Frequent Urination And Urgency

Increased urination is a common side effect of high caffeine intake due to the compounds stimulatory effects on the bladder.

You may have noticed that you need to urinate frequently when you drink more coffee or tea than usual.

Most research looking at the compounds effects on urinary frequency has focused on older people and those with overactive bladders or incontinence .

In one study, 12 young to middle-aged people with overactive bladders who consumed 2 mg of caffeine per pound of body weight daily experienced significant increases in urinary frequency and urgency .

For someone weighing 150 pounds , this would equate to about 300 mg of caffeine per day.

In addition, high intake may increase the likelihood of developing incontinence in people with healthy bladders.

One large study looked at the effects of high caffeine intake on incontinence in more than 65,000 women without incontinence.

Those who consumed more than 450 mg daily had a significantly increased risk of incontinence, compared to those who consumed less than 150 mg per day .

If you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages and feel that your urination is more frequent or urgent than it should be, it may be a good idea to cut back on your intake to see if your symptoms improve.

Summary: High caffeine

Could Caffeine Be The Cause Of High Blood Pressure

Does Coffee Raise Blood Pressure? Should You Drink Coffee If You Have High BP

Are there problems associated with caffeine and high blood pressure? Are you taking risks by drinking caffeinated beverages if your levels are high?

The relationship between caffeine affecting high blood pressure can be serious. If you have high blood pressure, caffeine may certainly be causing it to go up even more.

Caffeine can be found in sodas, coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks. In particular, energy drinks tend to contain large amounts of caffeine. Some medications also have caffeine in them such as headache medications.

If you have high blood pressure, its always a good idea to limit caffeine to 200mg a day. That means you can drink about two cups of coffee, more than that can cause your blood pressure levels to go up even more.

Check the labels on your drinks and medications to determine how much caffeine they contain and then work to stay to the 200 mg limit. You may even choose to eliminate caffeine if you find that youre very sensitive to it.

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Coffee Raises Blood Pressure In The Short Term

The FDA recommends that adults dont drink more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, the average cup of coffee contains 80 to 100 milligrams of caffeine whereas a can of caffeinated soft drink contains 30-40 milligrams. According to a review of 34 studies, caffeine may raise your blood pressure, especially if you are not a regular coffee drinker. The review found that in general, drinking anywhere between 200-300 milligrams of caffeine can raise your systolic blood pressure by 8 mm Hg while boosting your diastolic blood pressure by 6 mm Hg. The caffeine, however, will usually only raise blood pressure levels for around 3 hours.

Study Selection And Data Extraction

Two investigators independently selected the studies and extracted the data, and discrepancies were resolved by consensus. To examine the effect of coffee or caffeine consumption on change in BP, we selected controlled clinical trials, either randomized or nonrandomized, in which participants had an SBP 140 mm Hg and/or a DBP 90 mm Hg or who were identified as having mild or mild-to-moderate hypertension . Trials with a co-intervention on other lifestyles factors, such as smoking or physical activity, were excluded. As was done in a previous review , the studies were classified into 2 groups, according to whether duration of coffee or caffeine intake was < 1 wk or 1 wk .

To explore the association between habitual coffee consumption and risk of CVD in hypertensive individuals, we selected cohort studies in which the outcome variables were CVD incidence or mortality. Both cohort studies of hypertensive individuals and larger cohorts that presented results in a subgroup of hypertensive individuals were included.

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How Does Caffeine Effect Your Blood Pressure

Are you one of many people who cant function without having their morning coffee first? If so, there are a few effects that caffeine can have on hypertension. The java jolt of a caffeine fix may cause a jump in blood pressure a particular problem in people who already have high blood pressure.

Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you dont have high blood pressure. It is not clear what causes this spike in blood pressure. Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries wide enough for steady blood flow.

Some people who constantly drink caffeinated beverages have a higher average blood pressure than those who dont drink any. Others who regularly drink caffeinated beverages develop a tolerance to caffeine. As a result, caffeine doesnt have a longterm effect on their blood pressure. Research has shown that caffeine has a stronger blood pressure increasing effect in men who are older than 70 or who are overweight.

To see if caffeine might be raising your blood pressure, check your blood pressure within 30 to 120 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee or another caffeinated beverage. If your blood pressure increases by five to 10 points, you may be sensitive to the blood pressure raising effects of caffeine. If you plan to cut back on caffeine, eliminate it slowly over several days to avoid withdrawal headaches.

How Do You Take Caffeine Drugs

Does Caffeinated Coffee Raise Your Blood Pressure

Take this product by mouth do not take this medication before bedtime, because it can make you awake for the entire night. Instead of taking medication, you can prefer taking it as coffee, tea and other caffeine containing beverages.

Rarely, this medication may be habit-forming, causing withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, mental/mood changes such as irritation or nervousness. Thus, you need to reduce your dosage gradually to prevent withdrawal reactions.

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Coffee Might Reduce The Risk Of Depression

One Harvard study found evidence that women who drink coffee regularly are 20% less likely to suffer from depression, while another study found out coffee drinkers are at a lesser risk of committing suicide. One explanation might be that caffeine boosts the release of dopamine, also known as the feel good hormone.

On the other hand, coffee drinking makes us more sociable. Whether at the office or at a coffee shop, the ritual of having coffee together creates stronger bonds between people which has a positive psychological impact.

How To Make Iced Tea That Lowers Your Blood Pressure

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Last year I did some research on the health benefits of tea for a project, and I was excited to learn that several types of tea are great for your blood pressure. Since then, Ive been experimenting with different brands and flavor blends, and I hit on an iced tea recipe that I really love. Its my sparkling hibiscus green iced tea.

This is a cold-brewed iced tea . Its packed with antioxidants that are great for your heart and can reduce your blood pressure.

Did you know, next to water, tea is the most popular beverage in the world? I have to admit, Ive always been more of a coffee lover. Tea used to be something that I only had when I was sick. I think its because back in the day, I only knew about black tea, and I couldnt get past the astringent feeling it leaves in your mouth. Im the same way about red wine.

It turns out that astringent feeling, which some people describe as a bitter, dry taste on your tongue or in your mouth, is exactly why tea is SO good for you. Its caused by tannins. They belong to a larger class of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols. All types of true tea are packed with polyphenols.

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Is Caffeine Bad If I Have Hypertension

You may wonder if its safe to consume caffeine if your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension. While you should ask you doctor just to be sure, having 1 to 2 cups of coffee or tea a day is usually considered safe.

If your doctor recommends that you regularly monitor your blood pressure at home, make sure to take any readings BEFORE you have your coffee or 6 hours after you finish drinking it, so you log your normal blood pressure and not your post-caffeine spike. Likewise, at each of your doctors appointments, you should let your doctor know when you last drank a caffeinated beverage .

Caffeine And Blood Pressure Response Over Sex Age And Hormonal Status

Does Coffee Increase Blood Pressure?

Caffeine may impact blood pressure depending on your age and gender, but exactly how much is unclear, and likely unimportant for most of the population. The only group that might want to be careful about caffeine intakeor at least monitor its effect on blood pressureare people over 70. And women over 70 should be the most careful, if they are hypertensive.

I dont think caffeine poses any severe risks to people with blood pressure in the normal range, and it doesnt have to be avoided. There is really no solid science pointing to potential dangers, regardless of sex or age. If you drink a coffee or two in the morning and feel OK, I see no reason to stop.

But if you have high blood pressure or are hypertensive, it might be worthwhile switching to decaf. Ultimately, your current blood pressure is the determining factor on whether or not caffeine can pose a risk.

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Synthesis Of The Data

In each clinical trial, the net effect of coffee/caffeine on BP was calculated as the difference in mean SBP and DBP change between the intervention and control groups. In crossover designs, the effect of coffee/caffeine was calculated as the difference in BP between the intervention and control periods.

In the meta-analysis of clinical trials on the acute effects of coffee/caffeine on BP, each period of time with BP measurements after the administration of coffee/caffeine was considered as an independent stratum . When a study had more than one measurement in the same period of observation, we used the mean of those measurements. For example, in the study by Freestone and Ramsay , 3 strata were considered, because measures after caffeine intake were available for the first , second , and third periods of observation in both the intervention and control groups. However, protocols a and b in the study by Potter et al were considered as independent studies because they considered different times of caffeine abstinence before the intervention and included a different number of participants. Because none of the studies selected presented the SDi of the mean BP in each stratum, it was estimated by using the following formula:

where SEMi is the SEM in each stratum and ni is the size of each stratum. In studies without information on SEM or other sources to calculate the SD , the SEM was imputed in a standardized way by using the prognostic method with the following formula:


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