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What Are Used Coffee Grounds Good For

S To Using Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

How to Use Coffee Grounds for Plants

Applying used coffee grounds to your garden as fertilizer for your plants is a simple process:

  • After you’re done making coffee in the morning, allow the coffee grounds to cool to room temperature.
  • Sprinkle them in a light layer at the base of your acid-loving plants.
  • You can work them into the top layer of the soil using your hands, or using a small garden trowel.
  • Then, you can cover the coffee grounds with a light layer of mulch to ensure that they stay moist. If coffee grounds dry out, they can repel water, so they must be covered with organic material.
  • Remember, it’s ok to troubleshoot, whether you’re using coffee grounds as a pesticide or solely as fertilizer. Trying coffee on different types of plants, changing up the caffeine content by using decaffeinated coffee grounds, or switching up the number of coffee grounds you use in the soil can all make a difference.

In addition to creating a more acidic environment for your acid-loving plants to thrive, adding coffee grounds to the soil also:

  • Improves the soil structure, helping the roots to take a keep a stronghold in the ground
  • Works as a repellent for many pests, including slugs and snails
  • May inhibit the growth of weeds around the plant’s base

Stimulate Hair Growth And Strip Buildup

Shampoos and styling products often leave residue behind that can dull and weigh down your hair.

Exfoliating your scalp with coffee grounds can help remove buildup and dead skin cells.

Whats more, several test-tube studies have found that caffeine, such as that in used coffee grounds, stimulates human hair growth .

Similarly, human and animal studies have found that applying caffeine to the skin increases blood flow and accelerates hair growth .

Before you shampoo, simply grab a handful of coffee grounds and massage them into your scalp and hair for a few minutes. Then wash and rinse as you normally would.

Do this one to two times per week, or as needed.

Summary Exfoliating your scalp with used coffee grounds can help remove dead skin cells and product buildup and may even speed up hair growth.

Make Your Hair Healthy

Cleaning your hair with coffee grounds will improve its overall health. The rough texture of the grounds will exfoliate your scalp, and stimulate your hair follicles. Working coffee grounds throughout your scalp will help remove hair product buildup, prompt hair growth and give your hair a sleek and shiny appearance. If you are interested in making a coffee hair scrub a part of your every day grooming routine, add grounds to your shampoo or conditioner.

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Using Coffee Grounds Around The House

Like baking soda, used coffee grounds will absorb odor because it contains nitrogen. Dry the grounds on a cookie sheet in the oven. Fill old socks or pantyhose with the cool dried coffee grounds and tie them off to make portable air fresheners for your refrigerator, shoes, gym bag, or anywhere else that needs deodorizing. You can also freeze coffee grounds and run them through the garbage disposal in your kitchen sink to freshen up the smell.

Like eggshells, coffee grounds are a natural abrasive. Sprinkle coffee grounds on a cleaning cloth to scrub stuck-on food from counters, dishes, or pots and pans. Coffee grounds can help clean out the fireplace. Scatter old grounds over the ashes to weigh them down and prevent them from forming plumes.

You can minimize the appearance of scratches on furniture using a thick paste of coffee grounds and water. Apply the mixture to the scratch with a cotton swab and allow to sit for 5 to 10 minutes before wiping it off with a cotton rag.

Coffee grounds can also be used to tenderize meat, and adding coffee grounds to your favorite dry rub recipe to give it a dark, crispy crust. Another handy kitchen tip: rub your hands with coffee grounds to remove the smell of garlic or onions after mincing and dicing.

Sam Schipani loves pollinators, fresh herbs, and learning how to live more sustainably in small spaces. She has previously written for Sierra, Smithsonian, Earth Island Journal, and American Farm Publications.

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Refreshen Your Indoors With Used Coffee Grounds

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Plants?

Coffee grounds can be a fragrant substitutes to essential oils in candles. Use the old coffee grounds to make a refreshing scented coffee candle and enjoy the coffee aroma.

Damp coffee grounds can help you inhibit dust while cleaning your fireplace. Sprinkle some used coffee grounds around the fireplace to decrease the dust while cleaning. After that sweep the grounds with the ashes and garbage.

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Repel Insects With Coffee Grounds

Your outdoor summertime doesnt have to be inconvenienced by mosquitos, beetles, and fruit flies, Aristotelous says. Compounds found in coffee are toxic to insects. So to help keep the insects away, she recommends drizzling some coffee grounds on the area around your outdoor sitting spaces such as your porch, balcony, or backyard. Alternatively, you can place a handful of coffee grounds in a decorative table-top planter.

Top 10 Uses For Coffee Grounds

1. Make a Cleansing Coffee Scrub

A coffee body scrub is an excellent way to exfoliate the skin, reducing the buildup of bacteria, dirt and dead skin cells. Using it daily or throughout the week will reduce old skin cells and allow new cells to emerge.

Plus, massaging a scrub made with grounds into your face and under your eyes will help to boost circulation and improve skin quality. You may notice that it improves skin tone and reduces dark circles under your eyes.

Use this DIY face scrub with coffee to deeply cleanse and refreshen your skin. Not only does it work as a natural exfoliator, but its also rich in antioxidants that will promote healthy aging.

2. Reduce Cellulite

Theres a lot of curiosity about coffee grounds for cellulite and how it works. The caffeine in the grounds promotes the dilation of blood vessels and works to tighten the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

On top of that, this DIY coffee scrub for cellulite exfoliates the skin and when its massaged into areas of concern, this action decreases tissue edema and stimulates the activity cells that produce collagen. Research suggests that this may reduce the activity of fat cells and reduce cellulite.

3. Make a Natural Hair Dye

Did you know that coffee can be used as a natural hair dye? It doesnt have the same effects as permanent hair dye, but it can work as a toner that makes your hair a bit darker.

4. Treat Your Hair and Scalp

5. Make a Natural Deodorizer

6. Clean Grease and Grime

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Use Coffee Grounds In The Garden To Feed Worms

If you practise vermi-composting with a worm bin, coffee grounds are a must as worms love them.

For a small bin, add a cup of grounds per week to feed their addiction. Avoid adding too much at once because the acidity could negatively impact your worms. Paper coffee filters can even go in too.

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What Are The Best Tips For Garbage Disposal Troubleshooting

6 Cool Uses For Coffee Grounds

3 Troubleshooting Tips Disposal Disposal Won’t Collapse A trash can that hums but doesn’t smash indicates a trash can malfunction. Troubleshooting makes no sound If you press the switch to turn on the troubleshooter and it makes no sound, there may be a problem with the power supply. Elimination of leaks.

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It Supports The Worm Population

According to many gardeners, worms actually love eating coffee grounds as food. Using coffee grounds in your garden can lead to an increase in the worm population of your soil, which is vital for the health of plant roots. Worms also aid in breaking down compost and offer several other benefits to gardens. Adding coffee grounds will keep the worms in your garden happywhich in turn leads to a happy gardener.

Do You Have Any Uses For Used Coffee Grounds

10 uses of used coffee grounds 1. Keep insects away in your garden. Coffee grounds are a great repellent in the garden. Surround the floors to create a protective border around the plants that keeps ants and snails away. 2. Strengthens the plants. Grow the seedlings with nitrogen while stirring the soil into the soil or in a watering can. 3. Deodorize the refrigerator.

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So Are Coffee Grounds Useful For Making Great Compost

Nearly as popular as using coffee to acidify your soil, is the use of coffee grounds to compost.

One study compared three different composting methods to measure the effect of adding coffee grounds to your compost. In all three methods they found an increase in the death-rate of earthworms.

Eeesh, poor little guys!

Apparently as the coffee grounds break down, they release organiccompounds and chemicals which kill the worms.

It would appear that coffee grounds are not so great forearthworms after all.

And as if murdering innocent earthworms wasnt bad enough, it appears that coffee has antibacterial properties, too.

So, instead of helping the thriving microbiota of your compost, tossing those coffee grounds in could actually kill off helpful microbes.

If you do decide to add coffee to your compost, do so sparingly. Despite its color, coffee is considered to be a green addition, so it needs to be mixed in with plenty of brown, like dried leaves.

Reasons You Should Never Use Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

7 Ways to Use Coffee Grounds in the Garden â Info You ...

Published: by Tracey Besemer · This post may contain affiliate links.

A quick search for Using coffee grounds in the garden and Google will unleash a deluge of links to articles telling you to save those spent grounds!

We are advised to put them in the garden for perky plants and bright blue azaleas. Coffee grounds ward off slugs! Put coffee grounds in your compost for healthy soil and earthworms! Grow HUGE plants with coffee grounds! Some even suggest using coffee as a mulch.

It doesnt take long to see that coffee is touted as thepanacea of the garden. Whatever youre gardening issue is, it seems coffee canfix it.

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The Antibacterial Properties May Kill Good Bacteria

Soil contains many different types of good bacteria, which keep diseases and pests from infiltrating your garden. When it comes to the health of your soil, antibacterial properties can lead to big problemsand coffee contains antibacterial properties. While these properties are in general beneficial, they may wreak havoc on your soil.

Introducing antibacterial properties to your garden may lead to killing off all the good bacteria, which in turn leads to the soil becoming more vulnerable to diseases and pests in the future. Good bacteria disappearing can also change the soils natural biodiversity. This causes all kinds of problems for earthworms and other types of creatures that naturally resideand helpyour soil. Keep in mind that coffee grounds could cause problems in your garden in the future.

What About Using Coffee Grounds For Killing Slugs

Well, if coffee is good at killing things, then surely theadvice to use coffee grounds to kill slugs or repel them is accurate, right?

This one is a big fat maybe.

Robert Pavlis of Garden Myths, set up his own experiment with slugs and coffee grounds, and he says the coffee grounds dont even slow them down!

I read other anecdotal advice saying that slugs wont even go near coffee grounds. While I cant say with certainty that coffee grounds will repel slugs, in this case, it cant hurt to try.

However, I wouldnt put the grounds too close to the plantsyou are trying to protect.

Thats right, more foreshadowing.

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Coffee Grounds As A Pesticide

Wilting lettuce leaves, cucumbers, and tomatoes are vulnerable to slug damage because they are the top 3 favorite slug foods. To prevent slugs from damaging cucumber plants, spread coffee grounds around them.

There are two theories why slugs do not go near coffee grounds: coffee grounds have abrasive texture, and the caffeine in coffee grounds is not good for slugs.

Remove Hair Product Residue

6 Ways to Use Leftover Coffee Grounds – HGTV Handmade

Coffee grounds, thanks to their abrasive texture, are great at ridding your hair of sticky residues.

As much as the idea of natural shampoo and conditioners sounds great, the residues they often leave behind can kill the experience. Many people use apple cider vinegar to rinse them out, but its annoying to deal with.

Its much easier to just keep a jar of coffee grounds next to your shower items. When you wash your hair, grab a few grounds and mix with your natural product. The residue will cling to the grounds instead of your hair!

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A Better Way To Use Coffee In The Garden

After the experiment was finished, the test plots outside were left to be reclaimed by weeds.

Sarah noticed an interesting change here too, as the plots with higher concentrations of coffee grounds grew less weeds.

“It was a huge difference, almost linear depending on the percentage of coffee grounds in the soil,” she says.

Sarah says coffee grounds can still be used in the garden, and can offer benefits if used correctly.

“They increase the capacity of the soil to hold water,” she explains. “Anecdotally people also use it as a weed suppressor”.

Sarah says the key is composting them first.

“Give it six months to a year. The compost will break down the phytotoxins, and you’ll still get the great benefit to the soil from using them.”

Patrick Honan is a researcher for Gardening Australia.

Dying Textiles With Coffee

Anyone whos ever spilled coffee down the front of a white shirt knows that coffee makes an incredibly effective natural dye. It can be nearly impossible to get a set coffee stain out of cloth, which means its a great way to dye fabrics in shades from tan to brown.

Start with used coffee grounds and bring them to a boil in a pot of water. The flavor of twice brewed coffee may be horrible, but it stains just as well the second time its brewed. Adding a few tablespoons of vinegar will help set the dye.

Wring out the fabric and then hang it to dry completely. To help set the dye further, run an iron over the cloth or place it in the dryer on high .

Wondering what coffee dye looks like? Apartment Therapy has some great examples.

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Coffee Grounds Can Form A Dense Barrier

Small particles make up coffee grounds. These particles, when they dry out, become tightly compacted together and form a solid barrier. Its easy to overdo it by adding coffee grounds to your garden and ending up with a texture similar to clay. This clay texture does not provide plants the nutrition or hydration they need and leads to a stunted garden.

When coffee grounds become too dense, this creates a physical barrier on top of your soil. Water will not penetrate through, and plants will wither. This is why its crucial to add coffee grounds in a specific manner, rather than throwing them on top of everything.

Tips For Using Coffee Grounds In Houseplants

6 Cool Uses For Coffee Grounds

Dry plants such as succulents require less water to thrive. Adding coffee grounds to these types of plants should be avoided, as it will negatively impact your plant within a few days by over-hydrating.You will have to be careful with which plants you add coffee grounds to because different plants require different moisture levels.

Also, do not add pure coffee grounds directly to the soil as you would fertilizer. Too many grounds are not good for the plants due to moisture retention.This way, the moisture levels may even cause mold growth. It can also lead to overwatering of the plant and pH imbalance from the natural acidity of the coffee grounds.

Instead, mix your coffee grounds into your indoor plant soil and aerate with your hands.Some plants, such as the African Violet, prefer acidic soil optimal growth. Others do not so be mindful about how many grounds are going into each plants soil.

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Coffee Grounds For Fertilizer Free Effective And Easy To Make Liquid Fertilizer

Coffee grounds contain nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and magnesium.

Roses are one of the plants that like coffee grounds! Backyard flower growers like to use coffee grounds for roses as the used grounds still contain a high concentration of these nutrients.

It is very easy to use coffee grounds as an organic fertilizer by making an effective liquid food. Put about one-half pound of used coffee grinds in a five gallon bucket, fill with water, and stir.

Let this sit a few days to allow the nutrients from the coffee to seep into the water. The resulting brew is your liquid fertilizer. This is an excellent alternative to store bought chemical fertilizers which contain harmful chemicals like petrochemicals, arsenic, and cadmium.

Of course, unlike the store bought liquid fertilizers, your homemade liquid fertilizer is free!

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How To Use Coffee Grounds Properly

You need to use coffee grounds properly if you want to have optimal results with your plants. Coffee grounds, in fact, are very powerful and nutrient rich, and they need to be used with care.

To start with, remember that coffee grounds are green compost. This means that to give your plants a balanced diet, you need to add brown compost or carbon rich organic matter to your coffee grounds.

Cut up some dry leaves and mix in the coffee grounds before adding them to the soil. Any other carbon rich material will do, but dry leaves mix in very well with coffee grounds.

Only use a small amount of coffee grounds. So, no, the idea if growing plants directly in coffee grounds is not good gardening. Why? The same reason why they are so good: too much nitrogen. Let me explain.

Nitrogen is the nutrient plants need most. But if plants have too much nitrogen in the soil they do not develop their roots.

They have no reason to, because all the nitrogen they need is nearby. And this is a major problem.

When the nitrogen finishes, the plants dont have a well developed root system and they will suffer even die!

You can add coffee grounds to the surface of your soil. This is a good way to improve your soils nutritional levels and texture.

They will slowly mix in and they will leach the nutrients into the soil. Do not nix the coffee ground into the soil it is best to let the nutrients mix in the soil with rain and irrigation.

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