Choose Foods That Reduce Constipation
Constipation can often put extra pressure on the bladder and therefore increase the urge to urinate . If it is incontinence you are experiencing, you can eat foods high in fiber such as whole wheat bread, vegetables and fruits. It can be helpful to incorporate these into your daily life to prevent constipation from occurring. Many people find a small glass of prune juice and a tablespoon of flaxoil. Remember however that eating too much fiber without any water can sometimes worsen constipation. Ensure you drink a lot of water if you are also increasing fiber intake.
If eating foods to help constipation is unsuccessful for you can talk to your Doctor about prescribing laxatives.
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In one study, women with overactive bladders reported it hindered function, frequency, and satisfaction in the bedrooma triple whammy. And that can take a toll on a romantic relationship. Theres a mental health component, too. It predisposes people to depression because if someone is constantly wet, they dont want to leave the house. So people stay home and avoid activities, they stick to the same routines like the grocery store because they know where the bathroom is, says Kitchens. In my opinion, the only thing worse is stool leakage.
Turns out, some of your favorite guilty pleasures could be exacerbating the issue. In other words, what you eat and drink impacts your bladder in more ways than just filling it up. And, in fact, your habits now can impact your incontinenceor lack thereoflater in life.
Here, the five food and drinks to avoid if you have an overactive bladder.
How Does Caffeine Affect The Urinary Tract
Caffeine is a popular stimulant that is consumed on an everyday basis by people all over the world. It may be the only thing that helps you up in the morning, but did you ever consider what happens to the rest of your body after overconsumption and repeated digestion? Caffeine doesnt exclusively offer the beneficial results that its commonly known for. This stimulant may just be the unknown cause to your bladder and urinary tract complications.
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Eat Foods Rich In Magnesium
Foods that are rich in magnesium are known to be effective. Magnesium is helping in improving nerve function, reducing bladder muscle spasms. These foods include almonds, green vegetables, whole grains and fish. One study at Tel Aviv University in Isreal discovered that more than half of the women who took magnesium hydroxide pills twice a day had improvements in bladder health.
Protective Products for an Irritated Bladder
Does Caffeine Really Cause Overactive Bladder
If you are a coffee drinker and you suffer from symptoms of overactive bladder such as frequent urination or urgent urination, it is a very safe bet that someone has told you to cut out the caffeine. Caffeine can serve as both a stimulant, an irritant, and a diuretic so it should follow that it must lead to overactive bladder, right? That has been the conventional wisdom for years, though we should always be careful to check that our wisdom is really based on facts.
A recent review article by Palma and Staak provides an overview of the most recent studies about the effects of caffeine on the bladder. When taken together, these studies demonstrate that drinking more than 2 cups of coffee per day is associated with worsening symptoms of overactive bladder. The effect does depend on the dose and more than 4 cups of coffee per day may result in developing symptoms of OAB even in patients with no symptoms before.
One bit of good news is that the small amount of caffeine found in decaffeinated coffee does not appear to have a negative effect on OAB symptoms.
In this case, the conventional wisdom, dispensed for years by friends, family and even your health care provider appears to be spot on. You may want to skip that extra cup of coffee tomorrow if you have a long meeting in the morning.
Colin M. Goudelocke, M.D.
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How Does Decaf Coffee Differ And How Does It Affect The Body
Contrary to popular belief, decaf coffee is not 100% caffeine free. The decaffeination process removes around 97% of the caffeine in the coffee, leaving about 7mg in a cup of decaf coffee, compared to 70-140mg in a cup of regular coffee.9 For comparison, a cup of black tea contains, on average, 47mg of caffeine.10
In terms of impact on the body, the effects from caffeine mentioned above are naturally less if you drink decaf coffee because the amount of caffeine you are consuming is a lot smaller. Furthermore, there are even some health benefits associated with drinking decaf coffee, including:
- prevention of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, thanks to the antioxidants and nutrients in decaf coffee
- positive effects on age-related mental decline
- reduced heartburn symptoms compared to caffeinated coffee11
When it comes to bladder problems, the negative impact is unfortunately still present when you drink decaf coffee. Its certainly correct that its less likely to increase the urgency or frequency of your peeing, as it contains very little caffeine. However, its still very acidic, which can irritate the bladder12, and may cause other issues, such as bladder leaks. If you or your loved one are experiencing urineleaks, then try iDs range of continence products. Discreet, comfortable and odour-controlling, you can shop our range here.
Does Caffeine Impact The Bladder
In addition to the above, caffeine can also impact the bladder. Coffee consumption can increase the frequency or urgency of urination because it relaxes your pelvic and urethral muscles.5 It can also irritate your bladder due to its acidity.6 Read more here about why acidity is bad for your bladder and what other dietary changes you can make to improve your bladder health.
Because of all these health impacts, its recommended that you drink a maximum of four to five cups of coffee a day or a maximum of 400mg of caffeine7. However, if you have an overactive bladder or other bladder problems, then it is recommended that you reduce or completely avoid caffeine8.
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Defeat Dehydration And Drink Water
It is common knowledge that drinks with a high amount of caffeine can irritate the bladder. Unexpectedly, so can dehydration. Expert Dr Carol Figuers states, decreasing or eliminating caffeine intake can help reduce bladder urges. However, Figuers stresses the importance of drinking water regularly to reduce irritation. If your bladder seems to be interrupting your day, you are likely dehydrated. He asserts, its not a good idea to cut back on water in an attempt to reduce the urge to urinate. Lack of water can cause dehydration, which causes urine to become concentrated and result in increased bladder urgency and even bladder infection.
How Can Nerve Stimulation Help Overactive Bladder
There are several treatments that involve stimulating your nerves to help improve overactive bladder. Your nerves help communicate the message that your bladder needs to be emptied to your brain. By treating the nerves, your healthcare provider can improve your bladder control. Nerve stimulation is a reversible treatment that is considered when conservative treatments have not worked or have not been tolerated. Conservative treatments include behavioral therapies and medications.
There are several types of nerve stimulation treatments. These can include:
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Dietary Modification For Ic Patients
Supplements are an essential part of IC treatment. But the food you eat makes a significant difference in the results. It is assumed that a diet full of bladder irritants would worsen the IC symptoms, leading to the recurrence of IC even after its cure.
For effective and lasting treatment, modification in a patients diet and consideration of an elimination diet can help improve symptoms. It wont only help in IC treatment but also enhance the patients immunity against bladder infections and IC flares.
Moreover, IC patients also have food sensitivities. So, the use of IC-friendly foods during and after the treatment will soothe the whole process.
Here are some of the best IC-friendly foods or natural remedies for interstitial cystitis you can consider in your daily diet.
- Garlic
Foods To Avoid If You Have Overactive Bladder
Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing problem. Its important to remember that youre not alone. Contact us for your treatment options.
If you have overactive bladder, you may feel strong, sudden urges to urinate, even during the night. Eating or drinking certain things can make symptoms worse, mainly because your bladder is sensitive to irritants that can trigger the urge to go.
Paying attention to these triggersand avoiding them if possiblecan go a long way toward cutting down on sudden bathroom trips. Here are 10 types of food and drink that can worsen overactive bladder.
Spicy foodsYou may want to reconsider reaching for hot pepper sauce at every meal or always eating sushi with wasabi. For pretty much the same reason that hot, spicy foods can make your mouth burn, it is thought they can irritate the bladder lining and worsen symptoms. If you want to eat foods with flavor, you can use some herbs instead of spices, says Harvey Winkler, MD, co-chief of urogynecology at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in Manhasset, N.Y.
Cranberry juiceCranberry juice helps fight off bladder infections, but it can be a culprit in worsening overactive bladder symptoms.
The berries acidity can irritate the bladder, and although its diuretic action helps flush out the bladder and urethra, it will also make you go more frequently.
Eating fruit also helps stave off constipation, which can sometimes plague people with overactive bladder.
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Do Cranberries Help Or Hurt
Cranberries are a mixed bag when it comes to your bladder. You may notice drinking cranberry juice helps ward off urinary tract infections, but the beverage may make you pee more often. Cranberries and cranberry juice are acidic and potential bladder irritants. Pay attention to how you feel when you ingest cranberries or cranberry juice. If they give you overactive bladder symptoms, you may need to back off. Decreasing your intake of acidic foods may also help decrease heartburn symptoms.
Caffeine And Bladder Problems: The Study
Previous research has produced conflicting findings about caffeine and bladder problems, Gleason says. So he looked at a larger group of women than those studied in previous research.
Gleason evaluated data on 1,356 women, aged 20 to 85, who had participated in the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a large nationally representative survey.
The women kept food diaries on two separate days and also answered questions about bladder function.
Moderate caffeine intake, defined as about 182 milligrams a day, was not linked to urinary incontinence. But higher intakes — 329.5 milligrams or higher — were.
People who had a high caffeine intake were more likely to be aged 40-59, to drink alcohol, and to be non-Hispanic white.
Gleason found no links between urinary incontinence and body mass index, vaginal childbirth, or high intake of water.
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What Can I Do To Soothe My Bladder
6 Tricks to a Calm Bladder
Which Foods You Should Eat
Its important to replace the foods you cut out with foods that calm the bladder and provide the nutrients your body needs!
Below are the foods you can still enjoy that promote the calming of your bladder muscles:
- Protein-rich foods like chicken breast, turkey, fish, low fat beef, pork, and eggs.
- Foods rich in fiber are great for relieving constipation and reducing pressure on the bladder.
- Fruits and veggies other than citrus, strawberries, or pineapple. There are fruits that promote your bladder health such as bananas, apples, watermelon, coconut, and grapes are full of nutrients while also being gentle on your bladder. In addition, vegetables like lettuce, cucumbers, squash, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, celery, and bell peppers can also serve to provide a nutrient-rich balanced diet and avoid irritating your bladder!
- Nuts are also a great way to incorporate protein and healthy fats into your diet while being non-irritating on your bladder.
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Caffeine Can Make You Go Early And Often
Do you love coffee, colas, or energy drinks? You might want to rethink your caffeine habit. Caffeine is a potential bladder irritant that increases urine production, so you may make more frequent trips to the bathroom. Caffeinated beverages contain acid, which also irritates the bladder. Swap out your caffeinated favorites for decaffeinated versions, coffee that is low in acid, and herbal tea .
Do Away With Bladder Blues
No one wants an unhappy bladder. Irritation, leaks, and so on can really become a thorn in your side. By eating certain foods and avoiding others , you can help to soothe your bladder. Plan ahead, and continue to cook the meals you love, with some minor adjustments. By just replacing some of the ingredients in your favorite recipes with foods that soothe the bladder, youll probably notice less frequent bladder irritation. Let us know how it goes!
Want some back up protection while you work to find foods that soothe the bladder? Lily Bird has you covered with pads and underwear delivered right to your door. Start your trial today.
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What Is The Impact Of Coffee On The Body
Many of us enjoy our morning cup of joe and even rely on it to wake up and get going. Its believed that 2.2 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every year and fun fact, in Europe, Finns have the highest per capita consumption, drinking 12kg of the stuff annually!1 But what is the caffeine in coffee doing to your body?
Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant2, meaning that it increases the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, causing a rise in alertness, attention, energy and physical activity3. As such, consuming too much caffeine has lots of different effects on the body, including:
- increased heart rate
- increased blood pressure4
Artificial Sweeteners May Worsen Bladder Symptoms
When you’re trying to cut calories at every corner, artificial sweeteners may seem like a healthy replacement for sugar. But if you’ve got a urinary tract infection, its possible that your bladder infection symptoms may worsen if you use artificial sweeteners. While one study found that artificial sweeteners worsened bladder symptoms in people with chronic interstitial cystitis, there’s no real proof they irritate the bladder when you have a simple UTI. But if these fake sweeteners bother you, skip them.
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Dietary Triggers Of Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence can be both inconvenient and embarrassing. For this reason, people who suffer from this condition are always looking for ways to control their symptoms and prevent accidents. If you deal with urinary incontinence, avoiding the dietary triggers below may help to reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
1. Caffeine
Caffeine can aggravate incontinence in a number of ways. It stimulates the bladder to contract, which produces the urge to urinate, and it causes your body to produce a greater amount of urine. To prevent these issues, avoid consuming even small amounts of caffeine, which can be found in coffee, chocolate, soda and tea. If you must consume caffeine, try to do so in the morning or early afternoon.
2. Large amounts of fluid
Drinking a sufficient amount of fluid is essential for your health. However, if you drink too many liquids during the day, you may experience more frequent urges or leaks. Try to drink no more than 2 liters of fluid each day. If possible, you should drink the majority of your fluids earlier in the day and limit the amount of fluids you consume at night.
3. Spicy or acidic foods
Foods that are spicy or acidic can irritate the bladder, thus worsening the symptoms of incontinence. Foods that fall into this category include:
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
4. Alcohol
5. Carbonated beverages
Prunes Have Positives And Negatives
There’s an upside and a downside to prunes. They may be useful if you have constipation, but they may cause bladder irritation and increase overactive bladder symptoms. If you eat them as a constipation aid but they cause unwanted effects on your bladder, swap prunes out for more high-fiber foods. Peas and carrots are a good choice to help keep you regular.
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What Are The Specific Symptoms Of Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder represents a collection of symptoms that can include:
- Urinary urgency: This is a failure to be able to postpone the need to urinate. When you feel you need to urinate, you have a limited amount of time to get to a bathroom.
- Frequency of urination: People who experience this symptom need to urinate very often. Typically its an increase in the number of times you urinate compared to what you previously experienced.
- Urge incontinence: In this case, there can be a leakage of urine when you get the urge to urinate.
- Nocturia: This symptom is characterized by the need to get up and urinate at least two times each night.
What’s Behind The Link
”Only high levels of caffeine were associated with urinary incontinence,” Gleason says.
What is it about the caffeine? “There is evidence that caffeine has a diuretic effect,” he says. The diuretic effect increases the amount of urine you make.
Caffeine may also make the muscles that contract when you void overactive, he says.
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