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HomeMakeHow To Make Pour Over Coffee Chemex

How To Make Pour Over Coffee Chemex

How To Be A Pour

How to make Chemex Coffee – Beginner Pour Over Tutorial – Brew Coffee app

Water temperaturefor a Chemex pour over: 205 F

Since some traditional coffee makers can only reach 160 F, manual methods of brewing immediately have the edge over an auto-drip pot. We use thisDeath Wish Stovetop Gooseneck Kettle. A gooseneck kettle gives you the most precise pour.

Can I use preground coffee in my Chemex?

If you buy preground coffee, the water will take far too long to pass through the filter and will over extract and become bitter. It is possible to brew a cup, but it will not produce coffee that properly represents the taste of the Chemex.

Brewing ratios for a Chemex: Strong

  • Water-to-coffee ratio for a Chemex, by weight: 12:1
  • Water-to-coffee ratio for a Chemex, by volume: 6 oz.:2.5 tbs.

One of the wonderful things about the Chemex is your ability to control the brew–this comes through best during the set-up process. It’s possible that the Chemex can make the strongest coffee of any non-pressurized coffee maker. So make sure to experiment with the ratio that best suits your taste.

The Importance of Blooming

This is thepart of the brewing process whereunwanted gasses from the coffee are released as the water hits the grinds, also called “blooming.” This is done by pouring just enough water to saturate the grinds in your filter and waiting ~30 seconds. You’ll notice your coffee “blooming”forming bubbles and expanding. This means that your coffee is fresh.

Why use a Chemex?

How To Use A Chemex Coffee Maker In 9 Steps

October 12, 2021

We love to start our mornings with a slow, aromatic pour over, which makes the Chemex one of our favorite ways to make coffee here at Bean Box. The classic carafe makes a clean cup of coffee with far less sediment than any other brewing method. And not only is the Chemex surprisingly easy to use, but it’s also easy on the eyes, making it the perfect coffee gift and addition to any kitchen.

What Is Pour Over Coffee

The pour over method involves pouring hot water through coffee grounds in a filter. The water drains through the coffee and filter into a carafe or mug. Pour over is also known as filter coffee or drip coffee, although these terms also include batch brewers.

What sets pour over apart is that it is made by hand-pouring the water over the coffee. So you may hear it called hand brewing or manual brewing.

The technique has been commonly used in Europe since the 1900s and elsewhere for much longer, but was rediscovered by the specialty coffee movement in recent years.

A barista pours water on to coffee for the bloom. Credit: Nathaniel Soque

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How To Make Coffee With A Chemex

At my coffee shop, people where always wanting to learn how to brew coffee with a Chemex. The reason being was not only does it make a great cup of coffee, its also a beautifully designed pour over coffee maker that is simple, elegant and great for when coffee friends come to visit or even just for yourself.

This article is going to go over step by step how to properly brew coffee using a Chemex coffee maker and give you tips and advice on the best way to make sure it comes out perfect each and every time. Ready? Lets get started.

What Is The Best Size Chemex

Quick Fix for Cold Brew: Iced Chemex

There are different sizes of Chemex makers to choose from out there. However, the right size that you should get depends on your needs and the budget.

A 6-cup or 8-cup sized Chemex coffee maker is most preferred because it can make a larger number of people and is also good for one person.


How to Grind Coffee for Chemex

Chemex coffee requires medium-sized ground. Hence, it will be best to use a Burr grinder. Burr grinder is preferred because you can set the grind size of your choice.

Once you have your burr grinder set, take freshly roasted coffee beans and put in them in the grinder.

Start the grinder and allow it to slice the coffee beans according to the set ground size.

What Kind of Coffee Grind for Chemex?

The ideal coffee size grind for Chemex coffee should be less chunky. Unlike the French press, Chemex coffee makers have thicker filters.

Very fine grinds will be over-extracted by the Chemex filter, which will result in a bitter coffee.

The Chemex flow rate will allow the extraction of the best flavor with a medium grind

What Size Grind for Chemex?

Chemex coffee makers have thicker filters compared to most traditional coffee makers. These filters are meant to regulate the rate at which coffee will flow.

This allows the extraction of most coffee components. Coarse grounds will not allow full extraction while fine grind will be over-extracted. The best ground size for Chemex coffee should be medium grind.

How Long to Grind Coffee for Chemex?

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Which Pouring Technique Is Best

Avoid watching too many videos on technique when you first start to brew with the pour over method. It can quickly get overwhelming. Instead, start out simple. Be consistent in how your pour and learn how to use blooming, pulse pouring, and agitation to achieve even extraction. Many people pour in concentric circles, which helps the barista maintain a consistent flow of water.

You can work your way up to more detailed methods or break all the rules when youre more familiar with the basics.

  • The bloom

The bloom is the quick bubbling up of water that happens when you first pour. It is caused by the degassing of carbon dioxide that is built up in the roasting process. Light roasts and fresh coffee are likely to produce a big bloom because they usually contain more gases.

Carbon dioxide can prevent even extraction because it repels water, and the disturbed grounds can sit at different heights. So let the gases escape and improve your chances of a consistent extraction.

Gently pour twice the measure of coffee in water over the grounds. So, if you have a 15 g dose of coffee, pour 30 ml of water. Then wait 30 to 45 seconds until the bloom has ended and the grounds have settled.

Coffee blooms in a pour over device. Credit: Tyler Nix

  • Pulse pouring & continuous pouring

You can use pouring technique as another variable to consider when adapting your recipe. Different types of pours will have different effects on extraction and therefore have different impacts on your brew.

  • Agitation

How To Make Pour

When making pour-over coffee, the two biggest factors are:

  • Coffee bean quality
  • Purity of water
  • However, every detail matters. Getting a consistent grind coarseness, using proper measurements, and having the right temperature water will also improve how your cup of joe tastes.

    What youll need:

    Now, on to preparation. If you dig around enough, youll find varying recommendations on the ratio of coffee to water.

    Ive worked this recipe for a number of years and end up using 1g of coffee to 16ml of water.

    So for a pot of coffee that yields about 2 big cups , youd use 32g of coffee + ~500ml water.

    This assumes youre using a high-quality coffee bean and filtered water. Sometimes coffee is made unnecessarily strong to hide bean or water imperfections.

    I also tend to grind my coffee just a smidge finer than whats usually recommended , which seems to balance well with a little bit more water to make a beautiful cup of coffee.

    That said, dont be fooled. This is going to be a bold cup of coffee! I make adjustments when using a different bean or system, but this process has held up well for me for years .

    We hope you LOVE this coffee brewing method. Its:

    Tried and testedConsistent& Delicious every time

    If you try this coffee brewing method, let us know! Leave a comment, rate it, and dont forget to tag a photo #minimalistbaker on Instagram. Cheers, friends!

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    Pay Attention To The Spout While Brewing

    Due to the design of Chemex, if the air can not freely flow from the bottom and getting trapped in the chamber. It will build up some pressure, and the coffee may stop dripping down. Chemex designed the spout to avoid this, and the thick coffee filter with 3 layers is less likely to form a seal with the surface. But still, that happens from time to time.

    Tip: If it seals the pour spout, lift it slightly or use a chopstick to make sure the air can come out smoothly.

    How Much Ground Coffee Should You Use

    How to Use a Chemex to Make Coffee

    Now this is where all the ratios and scales typically come into play. If I were to follow the coffee experts advice, Id use 40-50 grams of coffee for 700 grams of water . But because I didnt want to pull out my kitchen scale every morning, what I really wanted to know was what that translated to in coffee scoops.

    So let me break it down for you. 40-50 grams of coffee = 4-5 coffee scoops. One coffee scoop = 2 tablespoons = 10 grams.

    Interestingly enough, all brewing examples I found online only showed brewing a Chemex half full I have no idea why. If you purchase the eight cup Chemex and would like to brew a full container, based on the math above youll need 70-80 grams of ground coffee or 7-8 coffee scoops for 40 ounces of water. Personally, I found this much too strong.

    Chemex themselves recommend one heaping tablespoon for 5 ounces of coffee, which means 8 heaping tablespoons or 4 heaping coffee scoops per 40 ounces of water. At the end of the day, I actually preferred 3 coffee scoops with a full kettle of water. Remember though, Im a coffee novice who doesnt like my coffee overly strong.

    Theres always talk of over extraction or under extraction when you start to alter coffee measurements, but really, its all about personal preference and taste. Each person is unique in our ability to taste, particularly when it comes to bitter compounds. So tinker around with ratios until you find what works for you.

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    Recipe Notes And Tips For The Best Pour Over Coffee

    • I like to medium grind my coffee beans. If your coffee tastes too weak, you are probably grinding them too coarsely. You can make adjustments to the coffee grind size and see how a finer grind tastes.
    • If your coffee is too strong, add in a little extra hot water to your cup to dilute it.
    • Dont pour boiling water over the coffee grounds or they can scorch. Boil your kettle and let it cool for 30 seconds before using.
    • The total brew time is around 3 to 4 minutes.
    • You could also use a coffee dripper for individual cups of cofee instead of the large Chemex coffee makers. They are popular for their even extraction because of their flat bottom and some of the best tasting coffee.
    • The concept of pour over and electric drip coffee makers is the same but with pour over you have more control over the brewing process and each variable makes a notable difference in the type, taste and texture of the resulting coffee.

    Or How To Make An Iced Pour Over

    As the summer days and nights heat up, we love adapting our pour over ritual for a refreshing iced glass of coffee. On a recent trip up to Sea Ranch one of our favorite spots in California we spent some time playing around with some iced pour over recipes we like. One we’ve developed over time, and one made by Canyon assistant roaster Frank Valerio!

    While we made these recipes on Chemex, they’re really applicable for any type of pour over device. As a rule, grind a little finer for iced pour overs than you would for regular hot , and grind a little finer for other pourover devices than for the Chemex. Experimenting is the fun part, and if that sounds daunting, dont worry we explain exactly how you can experiment below 🙂 As well allude to later, we always stress to our friends, family and customers that you have the power to make adjustments and change how your cup!

    Also Check: Cleaning Auto Drip Coffee Makers

    Recipe: 41g Medium Grind Coffee 672g Of Water


  • Place filter in Chemex, make sure the 3 layered side of the filter is towards the spout.
  • Preheat the Chemex and filter by pouring hot water through them.
  • Pour out the water, replace filter & put ground coffee in filter.
  • Place everything on scale and tare to zero.
  • Start timing and pour 80g of water over the coffee, make sure to saturate all the grounds thoroughly.
  • Allows the bloom to de-gas for 30 seconds before adding more water.
  • Continue to periodically and slowly pour water over the coffee, keep the filter halfway filled with water during the brewing process.
  • General brew times are between 4-5 minutes.
  • When all the water has been poured over the grounds and the filter has begun to drip slowly, remove and discard the filter.
  • Give the Chemex a swirl and share with friends.
  • Whats The Best Coffee

    How to Make Chemex Coffee

    A good Chemex ratio to start with is 1:15, or one part coffee to 15 parts water. An 8-cup Chemex can make 40 ounces of coffee, so if youre brewing a full pot, youll need 2.7 ounces of coffee .

    Try this ratio and taste the results. If its not strong enough, increase the amount of coffee. If its too strong, decrease the amount of coffee. Simple enough, right?

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    Why Use The Pour Over Method

    Pour over accentuates intricate flavors when compared to other brewing methods. This makes it a popular choice for single origin coffees, since it allows the flavors and aromas to shine.

    Good filter coffee is clean, clear, and consistent. This is because the water is allowed to extract coffee oils and fragrances in its own consistent time and at its own pressure. The filter then catches a lot of oils, leading to a clean cup.

    And because this is an infusion method, it is a little more efficient at extracting coffee solubles than immersion techniques such as the French press. Immersion methods cause the water to become saturated, whereas pour overs use a constant supply of fresh water.

    Nara Lee is New Zealand 2017 Brewers Cup Champion. She says, I dont think that the method we use changes the flavor, but more of the nuances. I dont think the equipment changes the whole coffee flavor and taste, but some people believe that it does.

    Find out more in Understanding Coffee Extraction & Other Key Brewing Concepts

    The top three at the 2017 New Zealand Brewers Cup: Sarah Stevens, left, second place Nara Lee, center, 2017 New Zealand Brewers Cup Champion Dianne Wang, right, third place. Credit: Nick Kean

    But pour over coffee has some challenges. Manual methods are victim to human error and bad pouring techniques.

    A barista makes a pour over at Mothership Coffee Roasters in Las Vegas. Credit: Nathaniel Soque

    What Grind Size Is The Best For Chemex Brewing

    The right grind size for Chemex may vary from one person to the other, depending on their needs.

    While the filter does most of the work when brewing coffee with a Chemex, its vital to have the suitable grind size for Chemex to steer clear of over-extraction or under extraction.

    Brewing coffee with very fine grind will lead to over-extraction, while using a too coarse grind will lead to under-extraction.

    Over-extracted coffee wont be ideal, as it might be bitter. Under-extracted coffee will taste a bit sour and sharp as water hasnt had to absorb and break down enough sugars to neutralize the acids.

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    Why You Will Love This Recipe

    • Budget Friendly: Making your own brewed coffee at home is so much more economical than your takeout habit. It saves you money and time!
    • Easy: Its so easy to make coffee using this drip method, and its perfect for your morning caffeine fix.
    • Delicious: Its so hard to say goodbye to the Starbucks visits, but this perfect pour over coffee recipe makes it much easier!

    How To Make Pour Over Coffee: With A Chemex

    How to make POUR OVER COFFEE with a CHEMEX at home!

    In addition to making food and listening to music, brewing my morning cup of coffee is one of those rituals that I hold most sacred. After all, for me, a good day starts with a mug of perfectly-brewed pour over coffee. Indeed, weve previously sung the praises of pour over coffee brewing. Compared to an automatic coffee maker or pod brewer, home brewed coffee just tastes better. Thats because pour over brewing allows you to control every aspect of the coffee preparation. Its the difference between cooking something in the microwave versus cooking that same thing on the stove top or in the oven.

    There are many options for pour over brewing and you might be wondering, Whats so great about a Chemex. After all, there are many options for making great pour over coffee at home. You can use a V60 Ceramic Dripper, a Hario Woodneck Drip Pot, and so on. For example, I absolutely love a bright and full-bodied cup prepared in a Hario Woodneck Drip Pot, but it has a significant disadvantage. Specifically, the Woodnecks size makes it perfect for brewing a single cup, but less ideal for brewing a morning pot for multiple people. For that reason, we tend to favor the Chemex brewed coffee on most mornings in our home. It produces a bright, sweet cup of coffee thats hard to replicate with other brewing methods. We think Chemex coffee is one of the best ways to make coffee.

    Here is how to make coffee in a Chemex at home:

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    How To Grind Coffee For Chemex Brewing

    As with other coffee makers, the type of grind matters a lot when brewing coffee with a Chemex. Thus, its essential to learn how to grind coffee for Chemex brewing.

    Keep in mind that the Chemex coffee grind type is different from that of a French Press that uses a coarse grind.

    The best thing to do is to grind your coffee with a burr grinder as it will help you achieve a medium-coarse grind . It allows you to select the desired grind size.

    This grind size will allow the right flow rate and for the best extraction of various coffee components.

    You can follow the following steps to grind coffee for Chemex to make the best coffee:

    Step 1

    Set your burr grinder to grind coffee to a medium grind, which is usually 5 to 10. The good thing about a burr grinder is that you can set it to any ground level.

    Step 2

    Measure your freshly roasted coffee beans and be sure to use the right ratio. If you want to brew three cups of coffee, 55 grams of coffee will be okay.

    Step 3

    Start the grinder according to the manufacturers instructions to grind your coffee. Let the grinder slice the coffee beans until they reach the proper grind.

    The secret to great Chemex coffee is having a reliable and quality burr grinder. If you want to buy one, ensure that you get the best one.

    You can buy a manual burr grinder or electric burr grinder, depending on your budget.

    Read More:

    How To Grind Coffee Beans And Keep Up Coffees Freshness


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