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Is Coffee Bad For Migraines

No Caffeine No Migraines

Is Coffee Bad For Your Migraines And Headaches? What is caffeine headache?

Image courtesy of I Can Haz Cheezburger

Mrs. Homegrown here:

A while back I posted about my coffee addiction and search for coffee alternatives. Again, thank you so much for all of your suggestionsIve enjoyed them.

As nothing is more tedious than listening to other people rattle on about their health concerns, Im going to try not to belabor this post. All I have is a simple message, and that is if you are a chronic migraine sufferer, you may want to consider cutting caffeine from your daily diet.

Of course this is hard to do, as most migraineurs live in an intimate tango with caffeine. All I have to say is that Ive had migraines all my life, and they were becoming more frequent. My first impulse was to attribute them to other causes, but my gut told me to try caffeine. I tapered off caffeine over the course of a month, then went totally clean for a couple of weeks, after which I assumed I was clean.

You see, the headaches did not stop. They actually got worse. I wondered if my theory was wrong. And, of course, I really wanted caffeine whenever my head started hurting. That craving told me perhaps I was still in withdrawal. So I persevered, for perhaps two months of total abstinence and complete misery, and then the headaches stopped. Just stopped. It was like magic.

The lesson here is that it takes a long time for your body to adjust to the lack of caffeine, so youve got to be patient.

Can Coffee Clear Alcohol And Toxins From Your Bloodstream Faster

Some people drink coffee with the belief that it helps clear alcohol and toxins from your body. Coffee is known to boost fat metabolism and it is sometimes assumed that it can do the same for alcohol.

However, research has shown that caffeine has no effect on speeding up alcohol metabolism whatsoever.

So if you think coffee will sober you up in the morning, think again!

Coffee does not increase alcohol metabolism or sober you up more quickly.

Watermelon Provides Fluids To Keep You Hydrated

Interesting fact: Watermelon is actually considered a vegetable because of the way its grown, although some people would argue it belongs firmly in the fruit category because of its sweet flavor and higher sugar content.

Watermelon also has a lot of water in it. Its actually 92 percent water, according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Getting plenty of water both by drinking it and by consuming foods that contain lots of water will help you stay hydrated.

Getting enough fluids is important for all aspects of health, including migraine, says Brown. About one in three people with migraine say dehydration is a trigger, according to the American Migraine Foundation.

Many fruits and vegetables can have a hydrating effect, and the fresher it is, the higher the water content, says Brown.

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Bananas Give You Energy When You Need It

Looking for something quick and easy that could help stave off a migraine attack or an episode of hypoglycemia, which could lead to a headache? Reach for a banana rather than highly processed foods like granola bars or candy, suggests Brown.

Bananas are a great food for quick energy recovery, and theyre high in magnesium, which can be helpful when people have headaches, she says.

Bananas are about 74 percent water, so there are hydration benefits as well, Brown says.

To Drink Coffee Or Not To Drink Coffee

Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad For Headaches?

Quitting coffee cold turkey isnât necessarily the answer since caffeine affects everyone differently, but having a few alternatives can certainly help you avoid dependency or suffer from a rebound headache. Use a migraine tracking app or journal to carefully monitor your caffeine intake and find the right levels for youâso you can live your best, headache-free life.

The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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Too Exciting All At Once

Migraine and caffeine are therefore linked, at least from a certain point in time. Three or more cups could be associated with a greater tendency to develop headachessays the study. Once the three daily doses ingested , the risk of developing a migraine in the days to come increases.

From a physiological point of view, the researchers explain that beyond two doses of caffeine, the body absorbs too many stimulants, a factor leading to a risk of migraine.

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Coffee, a remedy for migraine

How many coffees before a health risk?

A Juicy Slice Of Watermelon Can Head Off Dehydration Which Is Often A Factor In Headaches And Migraine Attacks

If youre living with migraine, you probably know that certain foods and drinks can trigger an attack. But even though its important to know what to avoid, focusing on the foods to add to your diet matters, too: It may help reduce the number or severity of migraine attacks or other types of headaches.

Food really is the first medicine, says Wynne Brown, MD, the medical director of integrative medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. When youre trying to manage migraine, what you eat and when you eat can make all the difference, she says.

Being open to change in your diet is a good start, says Dr. Brown. Often, we can get in a rut and eat the same things over and over. By adding different fresh fruits and vegetables to our diet, we can reap benefits in terms of water content as well as vitamins and minerals, she says.

A diet with a variety of good foods will make a big difference both in migraine management and overall health and may improve imbalances that contribute to headaches, says Brown.

If youre looking for ways to change your diet to better manage your migraine, here are some expert tips on the foods and drinks to help you on your journey.

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Instant Coffee Contains Slightly Less Caffeine

Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world, and coffee is its biggest dietary source .

However, instant coffee generally contains slightly less caffeine than regular coffee.

One cup of instant coffee containing one teaspoon of powder may contain 3090 mg of caffeine, while one cup of regular coffee contains 70140 mg (


Instant coffee offers most of the same health benefits as regular coffee, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and liver disease.

Instant Coffee: Good Or Bad

Migraine Headaches and Caffeine Migraine Headache Relief Dr.Berg

Instant coffee is very popular in many areas of the world.

It may even account for more than 50% of all coffee consumption in some countries.

Instant coffee is also faster, cheaper, and easier to make than regular coffee.

You may know that drinking regular coffee is linked to many health benefits but wonder whether the same benefits apply to instant coffee (

This article explains everything you need to know about instant coffee and its health effects.

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Irritability And Hangover Anxiety

Hangover anxiety is a real problem for many people which is thought to be caused by alcohols rebound effect.

In simple terms, alcohol suppresses the nervous system and as soon as it leaves your system, your nervous system snaps back into action. As a result, this causes over-stimulation of the nervous system which can leave you feeling on-edge.

In combination with an increased heart rate, the rebound effect can contribute to hangover anxiety.

In summary, although coffee can be good for keeping you more awake when hungover, it can also make some symptoms worse.

Berries May Relieve Sinus Pressure

Eating things that are high in antioxidants can help to relieve sinus pressure over time, says Brown. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are all good choices.

Smaller fruits tend to have more exposure to pesticides, and so Brown recommends getting organic berries whenever possible.

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Other Claims Against Caffeine

You may have heard or read about other negative health effects from caffeine consumption, but as of now, there just isnt enough evidence to fully endorse those as legitimate health concerns.

Some of those negatives include:

  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Accelerates bone loss. Src.
  • Tremors

Caffeine is a drug and can affect people differently just like any other substance. Its important that consumers understand how caffeine interacts with their bodies in regard to their personal health histories. For some consumers, swapping morning coffee for a shot of ginger or another naturally energizing beverage could be a better alternative. Sprint Kitchen has some good recommendations.

The food and beverage industry spends millions, if not billions, of dollars worldwide to fund studies and promote caffeinated products as safe or even healthy.

Fortunately, caffeine is one of the most researched substances on the planet and there does exist some unbiased data from which to glean some reliable information from.

While much of the research published does allude to the safety and even potential benefits of caffeine , there are a handful of research studies that highlight the potentially harmful effects of caffeine.

The risks of suffering from any of the harmful effects of caffeine are diminished by being aware of how much is personally being consumed daily.

It is also important to be aware of any pre-existing medical conditions that may contribute to caffeines negative effects.

Experts Answer: Does Caffeine Cause Or Cure Headaches

Is Drinking Coffee Good or Bad For Headaches?

Each week, MyHealthNewsDaily asks the experts to answer questions about your health.

This week, we asked neurologists and headache specialists: Does caffeine cause headaches, or cure them?

Laura M. Juliano, director of Behavioral Pharmacology and Health Promotion at American University, Washington, DC:

“There have been some case reports of people experiencing headache after drinking caffeine, but in general caffeine does not directly cause headaches.

“Regular caffeine consumption leads to physical dependence on caffeine, which manifests as withdrawal symptoms when a caffeine user abruptly stops using caffeine. A diffuse throbbing headache is a hallmark feature of caffeine withdrawal. The reason for this is that one of the pharmacological effects of caffeine is a constriction of blood vessels in the brain.

“When someone regularly drinks caffeine, the body adjusts in essence fighting this effect. Then when caffeine isn’t consumed the result is that blood vessels dilate too much, which causes a headache. It takes a little while for the body to readjust to not having caffeine and that is why caffeine withdrawal headaches can persist for a week or more. A person doesn’t have to be a very heavy caffeine user to experience a caffeine withdrawal headache. It varies from person to person but even as little as a small cup of coffee each day could lead to withdrawal if someone stops caffeine abruptly.

“If someone is headache-prone, they should avoid using caffeine regularly.”

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Is Caffeine Good Or Bad For Migraines

The short answer is it’s still not certain if caffeine helps or worsens migraines, but chronic consumption of caffeine is associated with an increased migraine burden. This association may exist because caffeine intake contributes to migraines or because migraine sufferers consume more caffeine in an effort to treat their migraines. Researchers also caution that “migraines” that appear to be relieved by caffeine consumption may not be true migraines but headaches from caffeine withdrawals that resolve when caffeine is consumed.

So how does caffeine jolt us awake and possibly influence migraines? The answer lies in its effects on the nervous system through the adenosine receptor.

Adenosine is a chemical formed by the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate , a compound found in all forms of life to provide energy to cells. In the nervous system, adenosine inhibits neuronal excitability, inhibiting motor activity and promoting sleep. Caffeine is an adenosine receptor antagonist it binds to adenosine receptors to block their inhibitory effects. Caffeine’s interaction with adenosine is also thought to contribute to its ability to reduce pain.

Researchers suggest a need for studies examining how long-term elimination of caffeine affects migraine burden to see if there’s a reduction in burden from reduced caffeine intake.

But When Does Caffeine Help A Migraine

Caffeine is what Dr. Crystal calls a âdouble-edged sword,â because while it can trigger headaches, itâs also an active ingredient in some migraine relief medications.

According to the American Migraine Foundation, caffeine affects the activity of adenosine, a naturally occuring and necessary brain substance. During migraine attacks, adenosine levels in the blood rise. Caffeine can block specific brain cell receptors adenosine typically bind to, stopping its effects. Caffeine also has vasoconstrictive properties that can restrict blood flow. Since blood vessels vasodilate, or get larger, before a migraine attack, caffeine can help counterbalance that effect, thus decreasing pain.

âCaffeine helps relieve headaches by its own analgesic, or alleviating, effects, and by enhancing the analgesic effects of aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen,â Dr. Crystal says.

Thereâs still much research to be done to determine exactly how caffeine results in acute anti-migraine and pain control, but the evidence is there: A 2017 study published by The Journal of Headache and Pain found that combining caffeine over-the-counter pain relief medications significantly improved relief compared to using the medication alone. And while treating headaches with non-medical options is sometimes effective, The American Migraine Foundation recommends limiting this to two days a week.

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While A Lot Of Us Complain Of Coffee Causing Headache Here Is How Coffee Headache Relief Is Real:

Coffee helps migraine is a true thing. But, what you need to understand is how often can this remedy be rewarding. Caffeine overdose is also a major reason why headaches occur. Coffee and migraine headaches are other problems for a lot many. The American Journal of Medicine, In their study, found that the daily changes in the intake of coffee could actually trigger migraine to a certain extent 30210-4/fulltext” rel=”nofollow”> 2). Therefore, a lot depends on the quantity, amount of caffeine. These two are directly proportional to migraine headaches.

Coffee for tension headache is also real. Tension headaches are the result of dilated blood vessels, near and around the skull. The caffeine content in headache is known to constrict the blood vessels. This will trigger a headache .

Is Honey Good For Migraines

Why Caffeine is Good and Bad for Your Headache

Just add two or three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it to relieve migraines.

You can add a tablespoon of honey to sweeten the taste.

You can also have a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water daily to reap its health benefits and also prevent migraines..

Recommended Reading: How Much Caffeine Is In Sonic Iced Coffee

Salad Dressings And Sauces

If you get a headache after eating Chinese food, barbecued chicken or beef, or even salads, the culprit causing your headache might be monosodium glutamate . This ingredient is used as a flavor enhancer in soy sauce, barbecue sauces and salad dressings, as well as potato chips, lunchmeat and more. This one can be tricky to track because MSG also shows up on ingredient lists as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed oat flour, glutamic acid, autolyzed yeast, sodium or calcium caseinate and other terms.

Even though many people can consume nitrates, nitrites, sulfites, tyramine and MSG without problems, some people are sensitive to certain ingredient triggers, especially migraine sufferers. If you think your headaches are food related, thats why tracking what you eat each time you have a headache can be so helpful. Share your concerns and your tracking notes with your doctor to find out the best ways to avoid or relieve food and drink related headaches.

Be sure to keep our convenient, on-the-go stick packs of BC® Original pain relief powder on hand for quick pain relief whenever a headache pops up.

If You Have Migraines Put Down Your Coffee And Read This

During medical school, a neurologist taught me that the number one cause of headaches in the US was coffee.

That was news to me! But it made more sense when he clarified that he meant lack of coffee. His point was that for people who regularly drink coffee, missing an early morning cup, or even just having your first cup later than usual, can trigger a caffeine withdrawal headache. And considering how many daily coffee drinkers there are , its likely that coffee withdrawal is among the most common causes of headaches.

Later in my neurology rotation, I learned that caffeine is a major ingredient in many headache remedies, from over-the-counter medicines such as Excedrin and Anacin, to powerful prescription treatments such as Fioricet. The caffeine is supposed to make the other drugs in these combination remedies work better and, of course, it might be quite effective for caffeine-withdrawal headaches.

But then I learned that for people with migraine headaches, certain drugs, foods, and drinks should be avoided, as they can trigger migraines. At the top of this list? Coffee.

So, to review: the caffeine in coffee, tea, and other foods or drinks can help prevent a headache, treat a headache, and also trigger a headache. How can this be?

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How Much Caffeine Will Help With Migraines

Dont put your mug away so fast. According to research from the American Journal of Medicine, for patients who experience episodic migraines, one to two servings of caffeine may limit headache occurrence throughout the day. Once a person reaches three or more servings, though, thats where you can run into trouble.


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