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Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Temple Appointments

Sealing Of Husband And Wife

LDS community looks forward to completion of new Helena temple

âThe family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal planâ . A temple sealing joins a husband and wife together for time and all eternity. Couples who are sealed in the temple are promised glory and joy throughout eternity . They will receive these blessings if they are faithful to the covenants they make in the temple. Through this ordinance, their children may also be part of their eternal family.

Church leaders encourage members to prepare to be married and sealed in a temple. Where temple marriages are not legally recognized, authorized Church leaders or others can perform civil marriages that are followed by a temple sealing . This pattern may also be followed when a temple marriage could cause parents or immediate family members to feel excluded because they cannot attend the temple ceremony.


Organization Of Tonga’s First Stake

From 1952 to 1968, the church membership in Tonga had grown from just over 3,000 members to more than 12,000. The first stake, an organizational unit of multiple local congregations, in Tonga was created in September 1968, allowing for the church to be led by local leaders. By the 1970s, 19 percent of the Tongan population had converted to the LDS Church, “a greater percentage than the Church could claim in any other nation in the world.”:449

Second Floor Assembly Hall

The second floor hall was similar in construction to the Great Hall, except that it included the foyer area, the location of the vestibule. This made the room about seventeen feet longer than the Great Hall. A 41-foot-long stone arch ran north and south between the circular stairwells supporting the massive timbers for the tower above. The room had seven large windows along the north and south wide, with four windows along the east wall.

The floor would have had a similar configuration as the Great Hall with a set of double pulpits and pews, but the interior was never completed. The room was furnished with wooden benches for an occasional meeting. The second floor hall also included a mezzanine with fourteen small rooms.

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Who May Attend A Temple Marriage Or Sealing

Couples should invite only close family members and friends to a temple marriage or sealing. Accountable members must be endowed and have a current temple recommend to attend.

The stake president may authorize a person who has not been baptized or endowed due to intellectual disabilities to observe the temple marriage or sealing of his or her living siblings. The person must:

  • Be at least 18 years old.

  • Be able to remain reverent during the ceremony.

The stake president writes a letter stating that the person is authorized to observe the sealing. This letter is presented at the temple.

Members must be endowed and have a current temple recommend to observe the sealing of their parents.



How To Schedule Temple Appointments For Proxy Work

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Gilbert Temple  Spectrum ...
  • In the main navigation on, select Serve and then Temples.
  • Click the Appointments icon.
  • You will then be able to choose which proxy ordinance you would like to do and be guided through the process of selecting a date and time.
  • Watch the video below for more information. This video is also available in additional languages.

    Note that on the first day of each month, temples post appointments for future months. Not all temples are scheduling proxy appointments online. Please contact the temple directly to schedule living ordinances.

    Since May 2020, temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been reopening in a cautious, careful way, based on local circumstances and governmental restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Laguna Niguel Stake Temple Recommend Interview Schedule

    In-person temple recommend interviews are conducted each Thursday evening at the Stake Center. Contact Brother Jon Titel at 510-5153 to schedule an appointment, including FaceTime interviews if needed.

    Temple Recommend interviews will be conducted in person on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 12:30-1:30 PM at the Stake Center, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 12:00-1:30 PM at the Alicia building, and on the 1st Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM-12:30 PM at the Laguna Beach building. No appointment is necessary for in-person interviews on Sundays.

    Preparing To Receive Temple Ordinances

    Members should prepare themselves spiritually to receive temple ordinances and to make and honor temple covenants.

    Parents have the primary responsibility to help their children prepare to receive temple ordinances. Stake and ward leaders, ministering brothers and sisters, and extended family members support parents in this role.

    Stake and ward leaders regularly encourage members to prepare to receive their own temple ordinances. Leaders also emphasize the importance of honoring temple covenants and remaining worthy of and having a temple recommend.

    Resources to help members prepare to receive temple ordinances are available at

    Members who are preparing to receive their own endowment or to be sealed to a spouse are encouraged to participate in a temple preparation course .

    Members meet with their bishop and stake president to obtain a recommend for living ordinances when they are:

    • Receiving their own endowment.

    • Being sealed to a spouse.

    For information about issuing temple recommends in these circumstances, see 26.1 and 26.3.1.


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    St George Utah Temple

    The St. George Utah Temple , described as castellatedGothic style. has three ordinance rooms and eighteen sealing rooms. It has a total floor space of 110,000 sq ft .

    The temple was originally patterned after the Kirtland and Nauvoo Temples, with two large assembly halls featuring a set of pulpits at each end. The lower hall was partitioned with screens for presentation of the endowment. It was extensively remodeled from 1937 to 1938, when the lower hall was permanently divided into five progressive-style endowment rooms.

    About a year after the original dedication, a lightning storm caused extensive damage to the original tower. It was replaced with a taller, more majestic tower.

    Following a second major renovation project in 1975, the progressive-style ordinance rooms were replaced with three motion-picture ordinance rooms. Live-acting endowment sessions were much longer and only three were performed a day. The film version allows for fourteen sessions a day.

    Church Announces Adjustments To Temple Schedule Procedures

    Inside the Latter-day Saints’ Washington D.C. Temple

    Aleah Ingram June 3, 2022Church

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement about adjustments to how patrons can make appointments for proxy work in temples:

    As temples around the world continue to return to full operation, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announce another step forward in helping members participate in regular worship in temples.

    Due to the pandemic, it became necessary for patrons to exclusively schedule appointments to attend a House of the Lord. Allowing members to reserve temple appointments has provided many advantages, including reduced wait times for patrons and ensuring members can participate in the ordinances as they choose. However, there are situations when members desire to attend a temple without having to set an appointment.

    Soon, Latter-day Saints who would like to attend the temple to perform proxy ordinances will have the option to either reserve an appointment or attend without an appointment, where space is available. As priority will be given to patrons with appointments, those who attend the temple without a reservation may be asked to wait for an opportunity to participate. As it has always been, appointments will still be necessary for all members who come to receive their own ordinances .

    Members will receive an email informing them when the option to attend the temple nearest to them without an appointment will begin.

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    The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter


    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has had a presence in Tonga since 1891. The Tongan Mission was organized in 1916. However, due to anti-Mormon rumors and government policies, the LDS Church did not grow steadily in Tonga until 1924. Between 1946 and 1956, church leaders published Tongan translations of the scriptures and built a church-sponsored school known as the Liahona School. In 1968, Tonga’s first LDS stake was organized and the Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple was dedicated in 1983.

    According to the LDS Church, there are over 65,000 LDS members in Tonga, which means that Tonga has the highest percentage of Latter-day Saints in the world. 18.62% of Tongans self-identified themselves most closely with the LDS Church in the 2016 census, making it the second largest Christian denomination in the country after Methodism. This discrepancy in reported membership numbers is likely caused by the LDS Church’s practice of documenting baptized and children of record member’s names in their records which may not correlate with individual’s current self reported religious identity affiliation in the census’ self-reported numbers.

    Some Temples Will Soon Begin Phase 3 Of Reopening What Does This Mean

    Phase 3 and its accompanying safety protocols in place for the foreseeable future is a return to temple work on behalf of deceased individuals

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    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began reopening its temples in May 2020 using a careful, cautious, four-phase approach to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Nearly all the faiths 168 operating temples have reopened in Phase 1 . Most temples have moved on to Phase 2 .

    Today, the First Presidency announced that four temples are preparing to carefully enter Phase 3 of reopening as soon as .

    Phase 3 includes everything allowed in Phases 1 and 2, with the addition of temple work on behalf of deceased individuals. These four temples are in areas where incidence of COVID-19 is low and the Church can meet local public health guidelines for gathering and worship.

    Being Our Brothers Keeper During the Pandemic: The Need for Increased Safety Protocols

    This video was pre-recorded in preparation for this announcement.

    A return to performing sacred and essential ordinances for ones ancestors especially during a pandemic that affects the most vulnerable among us is a reminder of the common concern we should have for each other.

    The Privilege of Temple Worship

    This video was pre-recorded in preparation for this announcement.

    What to Expect in Phase 3

    This video was pre-recorded in preparation for this announcement.

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    About The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

    Attending church each Sunday is a respite from fast-paced daily living. Attend church at 1101 Northeast McCollum Drive to reflect, worship God, strengthen your spiritual connections, and focus on Jesus. Worship with a community of people who are trying to be more Christlike and learn from each other. There are two meetings in a two hour time. The main meeting is called sacrament meeting. This meeting consists of songs, prayers, and sermons given by different members of the congregation and take the sacrament . In addition to sacrament meeting, there are a variety of other classes for both children and adults. Theres something for everyone! Each meet together for a lesson and discussion that are based on a different section of scripture each week.

    Who May Attend A Sealing Of Living Children To Parents

    Pin on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temples

    To observe the sealing of living siblings, stepsiblings, or half siblings to their parents, unendowed members under the age of 21 must be born in the covenant or sealed to their parents. In addition, children ages 8 and older must be baptized and confirmed and must have a current temple recommend . Males who are at least 11 and turning 12 during the year of the ordinance must also hold the priesthood.

    Members who are 21 or older must be endowed and have a current temple recommend to observe such sealings.

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    The 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Celebration

    In 1968, Tongan mission president John H. Groberg declared that a 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee would be held. The concept for the celebration was confusing to church members as it was unclear what the 50th anniversary was honoring. Groberg was not quite sure himself. However, several years prior to his appointment as mission president, Groberg received inspiration that he would preside over the mission in Tonga and hold a 50th anniversary jubilee during his term. A few months before the celebration, which was scheduled for November, Groberg received a letter from the widow of Tonga’s first mission president. In the letter, she shared that the mission’s first conference was held in November 1918. The anniversary of the Tonga’s first mission-wide conference became the reason for the jubilee.:484

    Clothing To Wear To A Temple

    When going to a temple, members should wear the type of clothing they typically wear to sacrament meeting. They should avoid wearing clothing that is casual or that does not cover the temple garment. They should also avoid wearing clothing that is overly formal, like tuxedos. This instruction is best taught by parents, ministering brothers and sisters, and ward and stake leaders as members prepare to worship in the temple.

    See for information about clothing to wear to a temple marriage or sealing.

    See 38.5 for information about:

    • Clothing to wear during the endowment and sealing ordinances.

    • Obtaining, wearing, and caring for ceremonial temple clothing and garments.


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    Meeting With Members After They Receive Temple Ordinances

    Members often have questions after receiving temple ordinances. Endowed family members, the bishop, other ward leaders, and ministering brothers and sisters may meet with members to discuss their temple experience.

    Leaders also encourage members to seek answers to their questions through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. In the temple, the Spirit can provide answers to many of the questions that members may have about their temple experience.

    Resources to help answer questions are available at


    Temples Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

    Mormon Temples: The Blessings of the Temple
    Los Angeles California Temple
    10th dedicated temple in operation



    Public Open House:


    Exterior Finish:

    Architectural Features:

    Ordinance Rooms:

    Total Floor Area:

    Temple Locale

    The 257-foot high Los Angeles California Temple looms over famous Santa Monica Boulevard in Westwood. The spacious grounds are filled with a dazzling array of foliage includingto name a fewCanary Island Pine trees, several varieties of palm trees, Bird of Paradise trees, olive trees, and rare Chinese Ginkgo trees. Two fountains, a large reflection pool, and several family-themed statues further beautify the grounds. North of the temple is a public visitors’ center that showcases a representation of Thorvaldsen’s Christus statue and also houses the popular Los Angeles Family History Library. The temple grounds are all aglow at Christmastime when thousands of multi-colored lights decorate the numerous trees and features.

    Temple History

    The Los Angeles California Temple was the first temple built in California.

    The Los Angeles California Temple was the first temple to include a priesthood assembly room and angel Moroni statue following the Salt Lake Temple. The spacious assembly room seats about 2,000 and features three pulpits on each end.

    At the time of its construction, the Los Angeles California Temple was the largest temple of the Church.

    The land for the Los Angeles California Temple was purchased from Harold Lloyd Motion Picture Company on March 23, 1937.

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    Who May Receive The Endowment

    All accountable adult members of the Church are invited to prepare for and receive their own endowment. All prerequisite ordinances must be performed and recorded before members can receive the endowment . See 27.2.2 for information about deciding when to receive the endowment.

    Newly Baptized Members

    Worthy adult new members may receive their endowment at least one full year from the date of their confirmation .

    Members Who Have an Unendowed Spouse

    A worthy member whose spouse is unendowed may receive his or her own endowment when the following conditions are met:

    • The unendowed spouse gives his or her consent.

    • The member, bishop, and stake president are confident that the responsibility assumed with temple covenants will not be a disruption to the marriage.

    These conditions apply whether the spouse is a member of the Church or is not.

    Members Who Have Intellectual Disabilities

    Members who have intellectual disabilities may receive their own endowment if:

    • They have received all prerequisite ordinances .

    • They have the intellectual capacity to understand, make, and keep the associated covenants.

    The bishop counsels with the member and, where applicable, his or her parents. He also seeks the direction of the Spirit. He may counsel with the stake president. The stake president may direct questions to the Office of the First Presidency if necessary. See 38.2.4.


    Adjustment To Temple Scheduling

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    As temples around the world continue to return to full operation, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announce another step forward in helping members participate in regular worship in temples.

    Due to the pandemic, it became necessary for patrons to exclusively schedule appointments to attend a House of the Lord. Allowing members to reserve temple appointments has provided many advantages, including reduced wait times for patrons and ensuring members can participate in the ordinances as they choose. However, there are situations when members desire to attend a temple without having to set an appointment.

    Soon, Latter-day Saints who would like to attend the temple to perform proxy ordinances will have the option to either reserve an appointment or attend without an appointment, where space is available. As priority will be given to patrons with appointments, those who attend the temple without a reservation may be asked to wait for an opportunity to participate. As it has always been, appointments will still be necessary for all members who come to receive their own ordinances .

    Members will receive an email informing them when the option to attend the temple nearest to them without an appointment will begin.

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